Lu Chenxu walked out with Long Qian and Mo Xiaodie in his arms.

The headed policeman's face was a little embarrassed at this time: "Well, they really kidnapped your children!"

Lu Chenxu didn't even look at him: "Since you have already dispatched the police, what should you do next? The police officer will take care of it himself!"

He didn't have any hope for these police officers at all, expecting them to find out the real murderer, that's just a joke.

He just wanted to take his son home now, Long Qian seemed frightened.

A child who was so calm and wise before, who was so arrogant about everything, at this moment, there was fear in his eyes.

Lu Chenxu's heart seemed to be tightly held by someone's hand, suppressing a pain that he couldn't breathe.

He will find out the mastermind behind the scenes at all costs. If he dares to touch his son, Lu Chenxu will never let them go easily.

He has always felt sorry for Long Qian, so he didn't notice the policeman's small movements.

Mo Xiaodie stood beside him, which was a minute's effort. When she saw the policeman's action, the dagger in the other's hand had already stabbed Long Bai's back.

Mo Xiaodie's heart stopped beating when she saw this scene.

"Long Bai be careful!" She used all her strength to rush over and directly blocked Long Bai with her body.

The dagger in the opponent's hand pierced directly into Mo Xiaodie's lower abdomen at the last moment.



Lu Chenxu and Long Qian exclaimed at the same time.

The whole thing happened so suddenly, it only took a minute before and after. Everyone was taken aback.

The old horse walked behind the man in two steps, and kicked him out with a hard kick.

Only then did the rest of the police respond. He rushed up and grabbed the hurting policeman, "Xiao Sun, what are you doing!"

At this time, Mo Xiaodie had already slowly fallen to the ground. Lu Chenxu put down Long Qian and held her in his arms at the moment when she fell.

"Wife." His face turned pale with fright, and the hand that held Mo Xiaodie trembled slightly.

"You'll be fine, hold on."

Blood seeped out along Mo Xiaodie's pale pink home clothes, more and more.

Long Bai was already frightened.

Long Qian's emotions that had been suppressed in his heart finally burst like a flood in the face of life and death.

"Mom, mom, hold on, it's alright, you'll be fine." He stretched out his little hand and tried to help his mother cover the blood that kept flowing out, but he couldn't hold it.

Long Qian, who had always been calm, cried helplessly: "Dad, what should I do? What should I do?"

Lu Chenxu quickly picked up Mo Xiaodie: "Long Qian, Long Bai, don't be afraid, we'll take mom to the hospital now."

Mo Xiaodie was covered in cold sweat with pain, leaned against Lu Chenxu's arms, and stretched out her hand to Long Qian in a weak voice: "Xiao Qian, what do you call me?"

"Mom, stop talking, we'll go to the hospital immediately, I was wrong, I was wrong. I shouldn't be so willful to deny you. Long Qian cried again.

A happy smile appeared on Mo Xiaodie's pale face: "Husband, did you hear that? Xiaoqian called me mother."

Lu Chenxu's eyes were covered with mist: "Wife, I heard you, stop talking."

Long Bai was completely frightened, and followed Lu Chenxu in a daze.

Long Qian's legs were still a little slow when he walked, and the old horse quickly picked him up.

The group ignored the group of police officers and Li Man behind them.

The injustice has the head, the debt has the owner, and Lu Chenxu will not let go of anyone who hurt Xiaodie and Long Qian.

In the Fengxi villa area, Longxi watched what was happening on the big screen, and there was a wanton smile on the corner of his mouth.

She controlled the electric wheelchair in a good mood, walked around the living room, and then raised her head and instructed Liu Yong, "According to the plan."

Liu Yong's face was a little shocked: "Miss, you really want to destroy the Yixi Research Institute, that is your hard work for several years!"

Longxi looked up at him, tears flashing in his eyes: "Liu Yong, you know, the only reason for my survival is revenge. The Yixi Institute is just a tool for my revenge."

Looking at Longxi like this, Liu Yong lowered his eyes: "Okay, I'll do it right away."


After Lu Chenxu left the Yixi Research Institute with Mo Xiaodie in his arms, Lao Ma drove the car to the First People's Hospital of Yucheng at the fastest speed.

At this time, Mo Xiaodie had fallen into a coma because of excessive blood loss.

Lu Chenxu had already informed Xiaolou to contact the doctor.

The doctor pushed Mo Xiaodie into the emergency room as quickly as possible.

After seeing Mo Xiaodie being pushed into the emergency room, Long Bai suddenly burst into tears.

"Brother, mom, she won't be dead, right? I'm so scared, mom was hurt only to save me." After speaking, Long Bai hugged Long Qian and cried aloud.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and the emergency room was much quieter than during the day. Long Bai's cries were particularly miserable and loud in this quiet environment.

Long Qianqiang put his arms around his brother's shoulder and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, Long Bai, she hasn't met us yet, she hasn't heard us call her mom, she'll be fine."

He was forcibly injected with a poison that was exactly the same as Dasheng's body. Without an antidote, the body will become weaker and weaker, and within two years will die from extreme nutritional deficiencies.

However, he didn't plan to tell his brother and his family for the time being. His mother's life and death were uncertain at this time, and he didn't want to worry his family.

Lu Chenxu looked back at the two sons who were hugging each other, and stretched out his hand to them with red eyes: "Xiaoqian, Xiaobai, come, let's cheer for mother together!"

Long Qian and Long Bai glanced at him, and each stretched out their little hands, one big, two, and three holding their hands tightly together.

"Come on Mom!"

"Come on, wife!"

The three of them stared firmly at the door of the emergency room.

An hour later, a doctor came out of the emergency room, and Lu Chenxu hurried over with Long Qianlongbai.

"Doctor, how is my wife?" Lu Chenxu's voice trembled because he was nervous.

"Are you Mo Xiaodie's husband?" Lu Chenxu nodded.

The doctor looked at Long Qian and Long Bai again: "Are these two your sons?"

Lu Chenxu's frightened legs suddenly softened, and he staggered: "Doctor, you, what do you mean?"

Seeing his face as pale as paper, the doctor knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "That's right, your wife lost a lot of blood, and the knife hurt the uterus. Although we have tried our best to save her uterus, but , she has lost her fertility."

After listening to the doctor's words, the big two and the three men finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just fine, we already have children. These two are our sons." Lu Chenxu let out a long sigh of relief.

"That's good, wait for the patient to be transferred to the intensive care unit for observation for a day. If there is nothing wrong, he can be transferred to the general ward."

"Thank you so much doctor!"

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