Shi Yumeng said there was a way to help them get the patent back.

Therefore, Long Yu agreed to come and meet her.

The two chatted happily at a nearby restaurant.

What Long Yu didn't expect was that Shi Yumeng was Qu Lingqiang's first love.

Although Lu Zixun has now recognized Lu Chenxu and his wife, Qu Lingqiang's position in his heart has never been replaced. It may be possible to find out about the whereabouts of the patent through Qu Lingqiang.

In addition, Shi Yumeng is very scheming.

After she met Long Yu, she bluntly stated that her target was Lu Chenxu, the position of the president's wife of the Lu family.

She also confidently assured that there is absolutely a way to divorce Lu Chenxu and Mo Xiaodie.

This makes Long Yu very willing to cooperate with her.

After talking about the relevant details, because Long Yu's car was sent for maintenance, Shi Yumeng enthusiastically proposed to send him for a while. As a result, not long after walking out, he ran into Li Muta.

After Shi Yumeng got out of the car, she ran to Li Muta and was stunned.

"It's him?" She had met Li Muta at Lu Chenxu's wedding before, saying that it was the son of a nanny of the Lu family, but it was so late, why was this child here alone?

Long Yu hurriedly squatted down to check Li Muta's situation, but when he saw Li Muta's long eyelashes, his heart jumped. The child's eyes closed was so similar to Xiaodie.

In high school, when his biological parents came to pick him up, he felt conflicted, sad, and struggling. It was Xiaodie who was always with her.

He remembered very clearly that on the way from Jinghua Town to school in the county, he was upset, and Xiaodie kept telling jokes to enlighten him.

It was also the early autumn season. On the road that they must pass through to go to school, there was a tall ginkgo tree that was several decades old. In autumn, the leaves were yellow and translucent.

Xiaodie was standing in the sun, smiling with crooked eyes: "Senior Liu Yu, don't these ginkgo leaves look like butterflies!"

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and stretched out her hand in the cool and pleasant autumn wind. A ginkgo leaf slowly fell into her palm by coincidence.

"Senior, this is a ginkgo leaf that has been favored by the **** of luck. If you take it with you, you will be happy every day, and good luck every day!" Said, the girl who was as moving as a elf forcibly stuffed the ginkgo leaf into the in his hand.

The ginkgo leaf that was favored by the **** of luck is still kept in the drawer of his study.

On that autumn afternoon, the girl with long eyelashes lived in his heart.

That day, for the first time in his life, the desire to hug and kiss the opposite **** rose from the bottom of his heart.

However, he tried his best to restrain himself. He thought that they were still young and had a long time to get along with each other. He hoped that Xiaodie would one day be willing to throw himself into his arms and accept his kiss.

However, who would have thought that fate likes to play tricks on people. Because of the shipwreck of the Long family, they completely cut off contact. When they meet again, she already has a lover and a child.

Long Yu watched Li Muta fall into deep memories.

Shi Yumeng had already called 120 in fright.

Soon, the ambulance from the hospital came. After the medical staff stepped forward to check, they carefully carried Li Muta to the ambulance.

"Doctor, is this child all right?" Shi Yumeng saw Li Muta's pale face, and felt a little scared. After all, this is a human life.

"He has a congenital heart disease. He has just had an operation. Now he is frightened. The situation is a little dangerous. Whoever of you will follow the car alone." The doctor said to them.

Long Yu volunteered to take a step forward: "I'll come!"

With that said, he lifted his leg and got into the ambulance.

For some reason, he always felt that this little boy had something to do with Mo Xiaodie.

Seeing that Long Yu took the initiative to get into the ambulance, Shi Yumeng was too embarrassed to slip away by herself, so she had to drive and follow the ambulance to the hospital.

After some emergency rescue, Li Muta was finally out of danger, and the wound on his arm was bandaged.

"He needs to be observed in the hospital for a few days, who will pay?" The doctor pushed Li Muta into a normal ward.

With Long Yu around, Shi Yumeng didn't dare to say anything, and took the initiative to pay the bill.

This is the No. 2 People's Hospital of Yucheng, which is the closest to the bus station, which is far from the No. 1 People's Hospital where Mo Xiaodie lives. Therefore, there is no coincidence.

At ten o'clock in the evening, when Lu Chenyu and his wife were about to go home, Zhao Fen realized that Li Muta had not returned.

"Is Muta still playing with Zizhong and the others! This child doesn't know how to go home so late." She couldn't help but whispered when she was sending Liu Zixia downstairs.

Lu Chenyu frowned: "The wooden pagoda has long since returned to the top floor. Dabao and the others were just working on some blueprints, but they haven't seen the wooden pagoda!"

Zhao Fen was shocked: "Second Young Master, do you mean that Muta is not in Zizhong's room at all?"

Lu Chenyu nodded.

Only then did Zhao Fen become anxious, and she quickly turned around and ran to the top floor.

Liu Zixia followed behind her, and when she saw Zhao Fen's vigorous steps, she was full of worry: "Auntie, slow down and be careful about your body."

Lu Chenyu also quickly ran up.

The three of them searched every corner of the top floor, but still couldn't find the wooden tower.

Zhao Fen hurried to the second floor again, and couldn't help but shouted, "Muta, Muta, where are you?"

In Long Qian's room, the lab's drawings were basically finished.

Long Bai was with his brothers at first, but then he felt bored and fell asleep directly on the bed.

Zhao Fen's panicked voice startled him, and he abruptly sat up from the bed.

"What happened?"

Long Qian hurried over and patted his shoulder: "It's okay, don't be afraid, Li Muta's mother is looking for him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Fen pushed open the door: "Zi Zhong, where is the wooden pagoda? Did you see him?"

Mo Zizhong hurried to the door and asked with concern, "No, didn't the wooden pagoda go upstairs long ago?"

When grandpa came, he saw the wooden tower quietly retreating. He didn't chase out because he was standing inside and didn't want to attract everyone's attention. However, through the crack in the door, he saw Li Muta go upstairs.

"Upstairs? When? Why didn't I see him!"

Mo Zizhong looked back at the time on the computer: "About forty minutes ago!"

"Forty minutes ago?" Zhao Fen's face suddenly turned pale.

At that time, Zixia had just gone upstairs, and the two of them had been talking about the second child. She seemed to have said that Muta was not their biological son.

Could it be that Muta heard it?

Thinking of this, Zhao Fen stumbled and almost fell.

Liu Zixia was standing beside her, and quickly supported her: "Auntie, be careful!"

Zhao Fen grabbed Liu Zixia's hand and cried, "Zixia, what should I do? What should I do? He knows, Muta knows!"

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