Then, the picture on the big screen suddenly jumped.

This time it was on an old street in Yucheng. The picture should have been taken by a surveillance camera on the street.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Mei Ruoyu had her hair disheveled and ran out of a small alley next to her with bare feet.

Mei's father held a broom in his hand, and Mei's mother held a rolling pin. After the two caught up with Mei Ruoyu, they started mixed doubles without a word.

Mei Ruoyu was beaten to the ground and struggled on the ground.

Mother Mei's voice was a bit harsh: "Three million, that's three million, our family can't make so much money in our lifetime. Didn't we just hypnotize Lu Chenxu to sleep with him? Such a good thing, you Why doesn't the dead girl agree?"

Father Mei kicked his daughter fiercely: "You unfilial daughter, do you want to watch your brother die? If you don't go, I will strangle you now."

Mei Ruoyu lay on the ground and curled up in pain, and finally nodded in agreement after another round of beatings.

"Don't fight, I'll go, I'll go, can't you?" After speaking, she finally broke down and burst into tears.

The three views of everyone in the venue were greatly impacted by these videos.

There are such parents in the world.

Everyone has not recovered from the shock, and the monitoring screen on the big screen quickly changed the scene.

This time, a month ago, the Lu family took pictures of the land in the western suburbs when they held a celebration banquet at the Longsheng Hotel.

The video starts with Lu Chenxu entering the hotel room, completely hypnotizing him that night, and then waking up at a critical moment, nearly strangling Mei Ruoyu, and the process of destroying the surveillance is presented to everyone.

Everyone was shocked by the surveillance. The Mei family has become so mad for money.

There is also Shi Yumeng, the chief designer of Xingyue Home Improvement, who has won awards internationally! Unexpectedly, he has been secretly in love with Lu Chenxu, and has reached such a vicious level.

Just when everyone thought the video was over and everything should come to an end.

The video on the big screen has changed again.

This time it was a surveillance inside a tea and coffee shop on the corner of the street.

Mother Mei, Shi Yumeng and Lu Haoze sat together, muttering what they were talking about.

There were a lot of people in the coffee shop at the time, so the sound was messy.

However, everyone still saw that Lu Haoze handed something similar to a USB flash drive to Mother Mei. After Mother Mei got the thing, she glanced at it and put it in the bag she carried with her.

The sharp-eyed guests have already recognized that the USB flash drive was just given to the man on stage by Mother Mei. She said that there was evidence that President Lu had deceived her daughter.

"Look, isn't the USB flash drive in the video the evidence that Mei's mother just said? It turns out that she had colluded with Lu's family Shi Yumeng. It's so despicable and shameless. She even forced her daughter to go there for money. do this kind of thing."

The surveillance video on the big screen does not need to be explained at all.

Everything was designed by Shi Yumeng and Lu Haoze. Lu Chenxu didn't touch Mei Ruoyu at all that night.

Shi Yumeng coveted the position of Lu's president's wife because of his love for Lu Chenxu, and Lu Haoze because of Lu Zixun and his sister Lu Xinxin, who did such despicable and shameless things. It really challenges everyone's three views!

Beside Shi Yumeng, the colleagues of Xingyue Home Improvement all stood up one after another and stayed away from her.

"I didn't expect Director Shi to look so arrogant and arrogant on weekdays, but his heart is so vicious and dirty!" Some colleagues who couldn't stand her couldn't help but speak.

"That's right, it's amazing to think that I came back from abroad, but I laughed at Director Lan, and didn't take a mirror to look at myself. It's not even worthy to carry shoes for Director Lan."

"I also imagined that President Lu would fall in love with her. If I were President Lu, I would feel like throwing up when I saw her. I really don't know where the confidence comes from. I'm really thick-skinned."

"I suggest that this kind of person should be banned directly in the field of home improvement. This kind of designer who has no morals and no bottom line can design any good works. Bad luck."

"That's right, I heard that the Yucheng Science and Technology Museum was designed by her. I originally wanted to take my son to see it in a few days, but now it's really disappointing."

"Shi Yumeng, get out of Xingyue Home Improvement, our company doesn't want a vicious, insidious, immoral woman like you."

At the meeting, not only the people from Xingyue's home improvement, but even Bai Hao's table, their high school classmates couldn't stand it anymore.

One of the female classmates, outspoken and grumpy, walked over and poured the wine in Shi Yumeng's face.

"As your classmate, Shi Yumeng, I really feel ashamed. If I were you, I would have committed suicide long ago."

Shi Yumeng's face, her hair suddenly became wet, and the wine quickly stained the delicate makeup on her face.

Her face was ugly, and her heart was blocked.

She couldn't figure out what part went wrong and why the video on the big screen wasn't edited by them before.

Instead, these videos directly reveal their plans.

Isn't the grocery room of Miduoduo dessert shop not monitored? Why was the conversation between her and Mei Ruoyu so clear that day with a voice.

Also, surveillance on the road. Shouldn't it belong to the Department of Transportation?

There is also the video of the cafe, how did these secret surveillance Mo Xiaodie get their hands in such a short period of time.

Did they already know the plan for today, so they were prepared in advance?

However, only the Mei family, Lu Haoze and herself know who told Mo Xiaodie about this matter.

Lu Haoze definitely wouldn't, he hated Mo Xiaodie even more than himself.

Then only the Mei family is left, Mei Ruoyu?

Yes, it must be her, from the beginning, she did not agree with the plan.

Later, she became pregnant and still refused to name the father of the child.

It must be Mei Ruoyu, the slut, who ruined her good deeds and made Shi Yumeng fall into a state of ruin.

Thinking of this, Shi Yumeng suddenly seemed to be going crazy, pushed away the classmates in front of her, and rushed directly to the podium.

Mo Zili's peach blossom eyes widened in astonishment.

Things turned around like this. Lu Chenxu was really tricked. He was still a good father and a good husband.

Lu Zizhong and the others can still go to school with their heads held high.

Really good!

No, no, if they went to school, wouldn't Mo Zili be ridiculed by them again and beat him up.

Alas, sure enough, people are too kind and easy to suffer.

After tangled, he looked up and saw Shi Yumeng, who was like a demon, his eyes were red, and he rushed to the podium.

He quickly touched Qu Lingqiang who was beside him: "Hey, look, your first love has gone crazy! Why don't you hurry up to see her and take her down, can you, a man, have the heart to see her being bullied so embarrassedly?"

"Hahaha, although she is despicable and shameless, she deserves it. But, you can't be like this, you are a man. You two are a perfect match."

Mo Zili's face was full of schadenfreude and the excitement of eating melons.

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