Adorable Collection Order: Mr. Lu, Your Nine Sons Shocked the World

Chapter 484: The sons of the Lu family are going to heaven

Seeing the little guys staring at Lu Chenxu seriously, Mo Xiaodie couldn't help laughing.

"Husband, you really have to pay attention to your words and deeds in the future."

Lu Chenxu looked back at his sons and raised his eyebrows: "Do you have any opinions on my father?"

Several little guys shook their heads at the same time.

As the eldest brother, Zi Zhong took the lead and said: "Dad, although you are an adult, you should still accept the opinions of others with an humility. Look, if you hadn't kissed Mummy's hand lightly just now, however, my sister wouldn't insist on your hug. She, kiss her. Then Dudu and sister Momo won't be unhappy. "

"All of these are troubles caused by your inattentiveness to your own behavior. We just gave you a reasonable opinion. If you have done something wrong, you should humbly accept other people's opinions and then make corrections. No ?"

Lu Xiaocao, who has always been aloof and decisive, was speechless in the face of a series of questions from his son.

This is still just the boss speaking, Wubao Ziqian hasn't spoken yet!

Depending on the situation, it is impossible for him to take out his father's identity to shock these sons.

Dabao and Wubao join hands, even his father is not an opponent at all.

Not to mention the Three Treasures, the Four Treasures and the Six Treasures.

After seeing the situation clearly, our cold and ruthless Lu Xiaocao had to admit defeat to his sons.

"Okay, Dabao, Dad knows, he will pay attention to his words and deeds in front of you in the future, and try to be a good example for you. Okay?"

The little adults Lu Zizhong nodded in general: "Well, it's almost the same."

Zi Qian glanced at him: "Dad, you have to say what you say, we are all witnesses."

"Don't worry, Dad will definitely count."

There was some reluctance in Lu Chenxu's voice.

Who said these boys are cute and cute. These children are simply the little devils that God specially sent to torture him.

How can a child who is less than seven years old teach his father a lesson like this.

He is probably the only one in this world, Lu Chenxu, who is so aggrieved in front of his son!

It was nearly four in the afternoon.

The extended Rolls-Royce of the Lu family finally returned to the door of the Lu family villa.

Hearing the sound, Uncle Liu, the housekeeper, hurried out to open the door.

A few little guys held their coats in their hands, raised their heads, and walked in angrily.

"Grandpa Liu, where's grandma!" There was a trace of displeasure in Dabao Lu Zizhong's voice.

Uncle Liu frowned: "I'm watching TV with the old lady in the living room!"

What happened to this young master? Why are they all with black faces, as if someone bullied them.

Uncle Liu was very puzzled, so after seeing Lu Chenxu and Mo Xiaodie pulling three little girls in, they asked, "What happened to the young masters? It seems a little unhappy!"

Lu Chenxu shook his head helplessly: "Uncle Liu, don't worry, these guys are probably itchy and want to beat him!"

These boys, it is estimated that they are going to find their mother to settle accounts!

After all, because of the numbers on the clothes, they have been holding back their anger until now!

Thinking of the mother's heart disease, and afraid that the little guys would not know what to do, especially the poisonous tongues of Dabao and Wubao, Lu Chenxu and Mo Xiaodie hurriedly dragged their three daughters into the living room.

After the cute babies entered the living room, Mother Lu and Madam Lu got up immediately.

With a smile on her face, Mother Lu opened her arms at them.

"Good grandchildren, you are back, come and give grandma a hug."

The little guys seemed to have negotiated well, standing neatly in front of Mother Lu, with a cold face, threw the clothes in their hands on the ground, and then stepped on them with their little feet several times.

Although they stepped on the clothes that they had specially made by hand from the master, the behavior of the good grandson was still very fun and cute in the eyes of Mother Lu.

"Dabao, what do you mean, don't you like this dress?" She was not angry at all, but asked Lu Zizhong with a smile on her face.

"Grandma, why didn't you discuss with us and embroider numbers representing our size on your clothes?" Lu Zizhong asked angrily.

"Do you still need to discuss this with you? I'm your grandmother. I'll be the master of this trivial matter." Mother Lu said disapprovingly.

Then he reached out and grabbed Zi Ta's little hand, and said with concern: "Four Treasures, how are you today, do you feel any discomfort?"

Lu Zita originally united the front with his brothers and brothers, and wanted to come back to deal with grandma together.

However, grandma didn't play cards according to the routine, and suddenly pulled him to express her concern. This made him a little embarrassed.

Zi Qian stepped forward and pulled Sibao Zita behind him: "Grandma, fourth brother is in good health, you don't have to worry, we have something to talk to you today."

He could see that grandma's thinking was not on the same channel as them at all. It is impossible to make her realize her mistake by confronting her behavior.

Therefore, there is only a straightforward negotiation.

Mother Lu saw that he was so serious, it was a little strange, she reached out and pinched his little face: "Wubao, what are you doing so serious at such a young age, be careful that girls won't like you in the future, you won't be able to get a wife!"

Her words made the other little boys in the Lu family couldn't help laughing, and Zi Qian's thin face also flushed red.

Lu Chenxu and Mo Xiaodie walked in and saw this scene.

"Husband, your worries are unnecessary. Mom can easily handle these naughty little guys." When Mo Xiaodie was changing her shoes, she pointed to a few alliances who were about to Disintegrated sons.

Lu Chenxu glanced at his sons, and the smart and calm Wubao turned a little red, a little embarrassed.

The rest of them covered their mouths and snickered. They didn't have the momentum of wanting to go to the house when they first entered the door.

He was a little strange about what his mother said, to make the little guys who just united show such an expression.

Seeing that the alliance is about to collapse. Wubao is about to get angry.

As the eldest brother, Lu Zizhong immediately coughed loudly and cleared his throat: "You guys, don't laugh. What did you say when we just came in, have you forgotten?"

"If you don't deal with today's affairs, there will be such shameful things in the future, are you willing?"

As soon as the big brother's words came out, the little guys immediately remembered what happened at the banquet today, and immediately put away their smiles, and soon united again.

Lu Zizhong walked over and stood with Ziqian, looked up at Mother Lu, and said solemnly, "Grandma, we want to talk to you."

Seeing the serious expressions on the little guys' faces, Mother Lu thought it was funny and laughed even more happily.

"Okay, come, let's sit over there on the sofa and have a good talk."

"Grandma also specially asked Mrs. Li to wash the fruit for you, and stewed rock sugar pear juice. In autumn, the weather is dry, so eat more fruit, the skin is not easy to dry, and it is not easy to get angry."

She took Zi Zhong and Zi Qian's little hands and turned around to greet the rest of the little guys. Without realizing it, her self-assertion has made her grandchildren frazzled.

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