Mo Zili subconsciously took a step back.

"Uncle, don't look at me like this, I'm a little scared."

This Han You is so excited, does he already suspect that he is his son?

Was his mother Mo Qing blind at the time? How could she find such a man who eats soft food? He must not be his biological father!

After listening to his words, Han You quickly put away his eyes and asked him to sit down on the sofa.

"You do look a bit like your mother." His voice was still excited, and the whole person was a little overwhelmed because of the excitement.

Mo Zili looked at the light gray sofa in front of him, but didn't sit.

Who knows what he and that old woman were doing on the sofa just now? He is a clean freak.

Seeing that he was unwilling to sit, Han You quickly rearranged the sofa: "It's so tiring to stand, why don't you sit."

However, his eyes looking at Mo Zili were still blazing with fiery enthusiasm.

"Well, no need, I'm fine standing." Mo Zili was still very resistant.

Han You was stunned for a moment, but did not force him. Instead, he remembered something and turned to go to the kitchen.

"What would you like to drink? Pure water or orange juice?"

Although Han You tried his best to control his emotions, Mo Zili could still see his nervousness and excitement from his fair face.

"No, I just want to make sure of something. Come and sit down and let's talk."


Hearing his words, Han You stopped, turned around and walked in front of him, and sat down on the sofa.

"You, mom, is she okay?" Facing Mo Zili, Han You seemed a little cramped.

But after he finished speaking, he suddenly laughed at himself and laughed in disappointment.

"Seeing you, I'm really confused. Although she didn't marry into the Murong family, Murong Lenghang has been doting on her alone for the past seven years. How could she have a bad life!"

"Also, her son is so excellent, talented at a young age, and he is also a world-famous child star. Your mother must be very happy, very happy!"

The loss on Han You's face became more and more intense.

Looking at him like this, Mo Zili was filled with emotion.

"You love my mother?" he asked.

Han You saw through his mind, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"That was a long time ago."

"Seven years ago, around May Day, did you two ever get together?"

In order to verify his relationship with Han You as soon as possible, Mo Zili couldn't take care of it anymore, and asked directly.

"Seven years ago? Around May Day?"

Han You was stunned for a moment, and then the dusty past events clearly emerged in his mind.

At that time, he was still the most famous composer in Rain City, and his career was at the peak. The songs written by his hand, several in a row, were widely sung.

On that day, he tailored a song for a first-line actress who turned from film and television to music at the time. He felt that there were some lyrics that were inappropriate, and he kept revising them in the company until late at night.

He remembered very clearly that it was fifteen that day, the moonlight was bright, and the ground seemed to be covered with frost.

He came out of the company and saw such a beautiful, quiet night scene, and wanted to walk back.

However, as soon as he walked to the steps of the company's entrance, a woman suddenly ran out from behind a magnolia tree next to him, came directly, and hugged his neck.

"Han You, I've been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come out." The woman smelled of alcohol.

He frowned and wanted to push him away, but he kissed him directly.

The woman's lips were soft and had a faint smell of wine. As sweet as roasted sweet potatoes in winter.

He admitted that the sudden and wonderful feeling made him stunned for a moment, but soon he came to his senses, and when he wanted to push the other party away again, he found that the other party was already drunk and unconscious in his arms.

No matter how much he called, he couldn't wake up.

At that time, his apartment was very close to the company, so he had no choice but to take the woman back.

After returning and turning on the light, he realized that the woman in front of him turned out to be Mo Qing, an actress who had just become popular recently.

Mo Qing, who was drunk, was pretty good at first. Just after lying down on the sofa for a while, I suddenly burst into tears.

He had to get up and ask her what was wrong.

Then Mo Qing hugged him and cried while confessing, saying that she had a crush on him for a long time, and she always wanted to confess, but she had no chance.

I heard today that he was going to write a song for his nemesis, and I was very sad, so I went to drink, and then I came to him.

That night, Mo Qing's feelings were sincere, and she was crying with snot and tears. She pulled his sleeve and refused to let go.

Later, I fell asleep crying and crying.

The next day, when he woke up, Mo Qing was wearing his oversized shirt and had prepared a rich breakfast for him.

She has no makeup, her hair is tied back casually, and the whole person looks very beautiful and moving.

Especially when he smiles, he looks like a lotus that has just emerged from the water, which is so beautiful that one can't take his eyes off.

He was a little stunned at that moment.

Later, Mo Qing often sneaked to their house when she was free, and then they fell in love.

Seven years ago, around May Day.

Mo Qing was revealed to be stepping on two boats, and her relationship with Murong Lenghang was unclear.

At that time, he was very afraid of losing her, forcing her to get a license with him and get married.

As soon as she comes, trap her on the bed and toss her.

Later, she told herself that she could get married, but she had to give her three million as a dowry.

He was very curious at the time, because with Mo Qing's income, he would never borrow money for three million.

Therefore, he hesitated for a moment and did not answer immediately.

Then, Mo Qing left.

He thought she was just pranking, and it would be fine in a few days, but he didn't expect that she really left, and went directly to Europe with Murong Lenghang, quitting the domestic film and television industry.

After she left, Han You was at a loss.

Started smoking, drinking, gambling at the instigation of some malicious people.

He also injured someone while drinking and driving.

In the end, he was completely banned by the company. Nothing.

I can only go to a humble school and become an ordinary music teacher.

Mo Zili looked at Han You's expression in memory. My heart is getting heavier.

He really admired his mother to the extreme.

Maintaining relationships with three men at the same time, she is really a talent.

Murong Lenghang too, with the Hulunbuir prairie on his head, for seven years, he didn't find out, that guy is even more talented!

It's a perfect match for his mom!

"My birthday is the second day of the twelfth lunar month. Have you ever suspected that I am your son?"

Mo Zili looked at Han You's words in astonishment.

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