Adorable Collection Order: Mr. Lu, Your Nine Sons Shocked the World

Chapter 553: Wang Niannian temporarily lives in the Lu family

At this time, Mo Xiaodie was already exhausted, so Lu Chenxu hurried over and hugged her.

"Wife, are you okay?"

While Mo Xiaodie abused the scum to avenge Wubao just now, Lu Chenxu had been sitting silently beside his son, watching her.

He knew that she was sad, sad, and desperate, and wanted to find an outlet to vent.

When Wubao had an accident, he was as distressed and angry as she was. I can't wait to slash the three people in front of me with thousands of knives and smash their corpses into thousands of pieces.

However, they brought three children here today, and they have to do a lot of things in a measured way. They must set an example for the children and let them know that no matter what the situation is, they must remain calm and rational.

Of course, the bad guys can't be let go, but when you take revenge and abuse the bad guys, you have to use your brains, so that you can achieve your goal and get out of the way.

Mo Xiaodie leaned tiredly in Lu Chenxu's arms and let him bring herself to the children.

"Zi Xun, let's go!" She looked at the three babies, and then extended her hand to Zi Xun.

Li Quan and the others were about to attack Lu Haoze. She didn't want Zi Xun to see such a **** scene. After all, Lu Haoze had raised him for nearly seven years.

When Mo Xiaodie and his wife took the children to the elevator, they vaguely heard screams from outside. Li Quan and the others have already started.

Lu Chenxu lowered his head and glanced at Lu Zixun, the three treasures, with some worry. Lu Zixun held Mo Xiaodie's hand at this time, and turned a deaf ear to Lu Haoze's screams outside.

What did he think, but he still didn't say it.

As if feeling his thoughts, Lu Zixun raised his head and looked at him with dark, clear eyes: "Dad, you don't have to worry, it's all his fault. If it wasn't for him who provokes our Lu family again and again, I miss you and Mom wouldn't give him such a heavy hand."

Mo Xiaodie looked down at her three sons: "Dabao, Erbao, do you think Mommy's actions are too extreme today?"

Although she came here with three babies, she wanted to tell them through cruel reality that if people do not offend me, I will not offend others.

However, they were still young after all, Mo Xiaodie was afraid of leaving a bad influence on their young minds, so she wanted to guide them.

The three little guys shook their heads almost simultaneously.

Lu Zizhong said: "Mummy, they used such despicable means to harm people first. We are just doing this just for self-defense. Besides, Mommy, you just beat them up and didn't kill them. . . . We are much nobler than what they do."

Mo Zili continued, "They are all to blame. If it wasn't for them, the Five Treasures might have gone home now. They all harmed the Five Treasures, and they deserve it!"

Lu Zixun raised his head and looked at Mo Xiaodie: "Mummy, you don't have to worry, we all understand and understand. Although Mommy beat them, in the end they asked Uncle Li Quan to send them to the police station. We know, In the future, I will know how to do things and pay attention to methods and methods.”

For the summary made by the three treasures Lu Zixun, the big treasure Lu Zizhong and the second treasure Mo Zili very much agree.

"Yes, Mommy, what Sanbao said is very right. No matter what we encounter in the future, we will pay attention to the methods and methods. Also, we will unite as brothers in the future, and no one will try to bully us again." Lu Zizhong told Zi Xun Corresponding additions were made.

After listening to the words of the three sons, I saw that their understanding of this matter was quite correct. Only then did Lu Chenxu and Mo Xiaodie feel relieved.

When they went back, there was still no news from Zi Qian.

Mo Xiaodie's body had not recovered due to the consecutive blows in the last month, and Wubao had an accident, and the whole person finally couldn't take it anymore. After returning to the Yuezhiguang Community, she heard that there was still no news from Wubao. , The whole person suddenly blacked out and fell on the sofa.

Lu Chenxu, who was explaining the situation to Lu's parents and Lu's mother in the study, heard the cries of the children, and quickly ran out of the room.

Seeing the pale, unconscious Mo Xiaodie, he was startled and rushed over to carry her into the bedroom.

Mother Lu also quickly called the doctor at the nearby hospital.

After the doctor went to the doctor for an examination, he came to the conclusion that he was overworked and suffered serious physical losses. In addition to being emotionally excited, the coma was caused by a huge stimulus.

You need to maintain a good mood and rest for a period of time before you can gradually recover, otherwise Mo Xiaodie's physical condition will only get worse!

After sending the doctor away, Mother Lu said with red eyes, "Wu Bao is still alive and dead now, how could Xiao Die maintain a good mood? Oh, what happened to our family? What kind of immortal did you offend? These children just now After finding it, we are finally going to reunite, why did something happen to the five treasures again."

Lu Chenxu endured the heartache and said, "Mom, you can call Doctor Sun and ask him to bring the Four Treasures over tomorrow, and get Xiaodiehao's pulse to get some Chinese medicine for conditioning!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the children sitting on the sofa.

After they heard that Wubao had an accident, everyone's mood was very low.

Especially Liu Bao Lu Zibai. He and Wu Bao grew up together. From childhood to adulthood, his elder brother covered him and helped him a lot. The two of them have never been separated since they were born.

This time, when they went to Europe, he thought that after returning, the poison on the fifth brother would be completely relieved, and then they could go to school happily and dominate the campus happily as before.

However, he had been looking forward to it for several days at home, only to wait for such a result.

He really couldn't take it.

So he ran to Lu Chenxu, raised his chubby face, and asked with anticipation: "Dad, fifth brother will definitely come back, right? He learned to swim at the age of three, and his water is excellent. He will definitely come back, right? "

Lu Chenxu's heart ached sharply under the clear and hopeful gaze of the fat son, he bent down and hugged the fat son: "Yes, Liubao is right, Wubao will definitely come back. ."

The next day, Dr. Sun came back with the Four Treasures Lu Zita, gave Mo Xiaodie a pulse, and then grabbed some Chinese medicine. The Four Treasures were temporarily left behind.

Before leaving, Doctor Sun sighed: "She has a heart disease, and she needs heart medicine. You guys, persuade her more on weekdays."

Because of the good relationship with the Lu family, Dr. Sun has heard some things about Lu Ziqian.

Dr. Sun's words made Lu Chenxu fall into silence. In this case, how can he persuade Xiaodie!

At noon, news came from the hospital that Wang Niannian was fine and could be discharged.

In any case, Wang Qi would go to Xiang Mei, in large part because the five treasures were poisoned at that time, and she needed to use Xiang Mei's laboratory to prepare an antidote for the five treasures.

Therefore, in this situation, it is their duty of the Lu family to take care of Wang Niannian.

Therefore, after receiving the call, Lu's father and Lu's mother drove to the hospital to take Wang Niannian to the Yuezhiguang Community.

They thought that because Wang Niannian had just lost his mother and she was about the same age as the cute babies in the Lu family, with a few children together, maybe Wang Niannian would be in a better mood.

However, the cute babies just got out of school. After the introduction, the rest of them were fine, and they were very polite to Wang Niannian.

But Lu Zibai angrily pointed at Wang Niannian's face: "You, why do you look so similar to that bad guy Lu Haoze. Do you know that the fifth brother who killed Lu Haoze couldn't find it? You said, What is your relationship with him?"

Fatty Lu Zibai's tone was very bad.

Wang Niannian had always been in a bad mood because of his mother's affairs, but now he was suddenly accused by someone pointing his nose like this, and cried with a "wow".

Then he turned his head and walked out.

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