Xiao Xiangzhu's oversized, ill-fitting clothes have been changed, and now he is wearing a pink sweater, black pants, and small slippers.

It looks much cuter than before.

At first, she just took a peek at the door of the bedroom, but gradually, unknowingly, she began to move small steps and came to the vicinity of the balcony.

Little hands resting cheeks, watching brother and sister holding paintbrushes, and quickly sketched a red apple on the drawing board.

There was a hint of surprise in her bright little eyes, and she couldn't help pointing at Dudu's painting in admiration: "So beautiful, brother, sister, you guys are amazing!"

Zi Xun and Dudu, who were concentrating on painting, heard the sound and raised their heads.

Dudu glanced at her without speaking, just smiled politely, then lowered his head and immersed himself in the painting again.

However, Lu Zixun waved at her: "Do you also like to draw? Come here, my brother will teach you."

He noticed that this little sister has been at home for two or three days, but she has been cautious. After returning from kindergarten, she has been staying in the room and never came out.

He knew that this little sister was actually very lonely and wanted to play with them very much, and wanted to go downstairs to the playground.

When he came to take care of the traditional Chinese medicine flowers and plants given to him by the Four Treasures yesterday, he once saw her standing alone on the balcony, looking eagerly at the children in the playground downstairs.

He asked her, "Do you also want to go downstairs to the playground?"

Who knows, this little sister was startled and nervous: "No, my mother told me to be obedient, I don't want to play."

After saying that, he turned around and ran back to the bedroom quickly.

For some reason, looking at her nervous expression, Lu Zixun remembered when he was three years old when he first arrived at the Lu family.

At that time, he was so cautious when facing a room full of strangers.

He didn't know at the time that Ling Xue's mother had passed away.

Lu Haoze has been hiding from him. At that time, he naively thought that as long as he was obedient and behaved well, Lu Haoze would take him back to find Ling Xue's mother.

Therefore, he was only three years old, just like the current Xiangzhu sister, he carefully listened to Lu Haoze's words, accompanied him to read medical books and do experiments.

Later, Lu Haoze found that his memory was far superior to ordinary people, and he was gifted in medicine, so he began to focus on training him.

At the Lu family, he has been suppressing himself. Every time he sees other children going to school, playing games, and playing slides, he envys them from the bottom of his heart. But he didn't dare to ask, just like sister Xiangzhu yesterday, he was afraid that Lu Haoze would be angry if he asked.

So shut yourself in the room every day ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ take notes and do experiments. He seldom speaks, rarely asks, and is polite and estranged to everyone.

This situation continued until he was five years old. By chance, he eavesdropped on the conversation between Lu Haoze and Ruan Zhiyu, and only then did he know that Ling Xue's mother was long gone.

It was also from that time that he could see Lu Haoze's face clearly.

However, at the age of five, he was too small to avenge Ling Xue's mother. All he did was forbearance, and he could only wait until he became stronger before looking for a chance to take revenge.

However, God has pity on him after all, he is not Lu Haoze's biological son, and he has found his biological parents so quickly, and since then he has lived a happy life that he never even dreamed of.

Originally in this happy and crazy new home, with brothers and sisters, sisters, and parents, he has forgotten all the unhappy past events in the past!

However, for some unknown reason, the arrival of Sister Xiangzhu reminded him of the past, and he had an inexplicable intimacy with Sister Xiangzhu.

Xiao Xiangzhu saw Lu Zixun waving at her, hesitated for a moment, and then walked over slowly.

"Can I? But, mom will scold me when she finds out." Although Xiaozui said so, but Xiaozuo was very honest, and soon came to Lu Zixun's side.

This brother is really good-looking, even better-looking than those stars on TV, and he looks very kind.

Lu Zixun pulled a small stool beside him, and then let Xiao Xiangzhu sit in his arms: "Come on, brother will teach you how to draw."

Xiao Xiangzhu may be due to some malnutrition. He is very thin and small, and it is just right to sit in Lu Zixun's arms.

Lu Zixun held her little hand, picked up the paintbrush, and slowly drew a chubby little duck on the drawing board.

"Wow! It's amazing, I can draw ducks!"

When Dudu heard the sound, he glanced sideways at Lu Zixun's drawing board. Sure enough, there was a cute little yellow duck next to the red apple.

"Third brother, teacher, draw an apple. Not a duck." She kindly reminded her brother.

Lu Zixun didn't care at all: "Dudu, it doesn't matter, my apple has been painted."

The class was coming to an end soon, so the painting teacher who came to teach them didn't say anything.

Accompanied by Lu Zixun, Xiao Xiangzhu successfully drew an ugly duckling for the first time.

Looking at the ugly duck he drew, Xiao Xiangzhu pouted unhappily: "Why is the little duck I drew so ugly, how did you do it, brother Zixun, and how did you draw it so beautifully?"

She pouted and looked very cute and cute, Lu Zixun couldn't help but squeeze her cheek with a smile: "Sister Xiangzhu, this is your first time painting today, it's already very good to draw like this. More in the future. If you practice, you will draw the same thing as your brother!"

At nine o'clock in the evening, the little guys finished their day's study. Knowing that their mother was working hard, they all went to bed obediently.

Mo Xiaodie lay on the bed, swiping news on her phone, waiting for Lu Chenxu to come back.

She always felt that Lu Chenyu's confession to Nannan was strange.

According to his performance yesterday, the person he loves should be Liu Zixia, why would he suddenly confess to Nannan!

However, she just browsed the news casually and saw a very eye-catching news on the hot search list.

The title is "Lu Ershao's Proposal Scene"

She hurriedly clicked on the news, which was full of pictures and texts, and introduced the whole process of proposing to Nan Nan by releasing thousands of colorful balloons at the entrance of the White Water Beauty Hotel at one o'clock this afternoon.

She threw her phone on the bed angrily, this Lu Chenyu really didn't change!

She thought it was Zixia who misunderstood him! Didn't expect it to be true.

Zixia is such a good girl, so unlucky! I met two scumbags one after another.

When Lu Chenxu pushed the door into the bedroom, she was on the bed cursing Lu Chenyu fiercely!

"Lu Chenyu, you are really a scumbag, shameless and despicable!"

Lu Chenxu raised his brows slightly: "Wife, why did Chenyu offend you?

Mo Xiaodie jumped out of the bed and poked Lu Chenxu's chest with her hand: "Lu Chenxu, don't tell me you don't know what your brother has done?"

"What happened to Chenyu?"

"Lu Chenxu, stop pretending. The video of him proposing to Nannan has been trending. Do you still want to speak for him?" For some reason, Mo Xiaodie looked at Lu Chenxu at this moment.

Only then did Lu Chenxu understand why she was angry, he stretched his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear: "Wife, don't be angry yet, it's all fake, it's a game set up by me and Chenyu, and I want to conquer it in one fell swoop. Huang Qing and his son kicked out the Lu family!"

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