Lu Chenxu thought for a moment: "I think we should tell him that it is his biological daughter after all, and Nian Nian is his biological grandson."

Mo Xiaodie laughed: "I think so too. Let's go to Mom's side to see if there is anything we need help with, and then go to the hotel to find Butler Wang."

Lu Chenxu rubbed her hair: "Okay, everything is up to my wife."

So the two went out.

On the elevator, Mo Xiaodie asked him again, "By the way, what did Lu Corporation say in the end?"

"Don't worry, the Murong Patriarch has already torn up the contract. Fu Sen has transferred all the shares to my name. The formalities will be completed soon, and I have already transferred the money to him. However, after finding out the truth, I It is estimated that he will be decadent and sad for a while! However, the Fu family has a great career, it doesn't matter!"

Mo Xiaodie finally felt relieved: "Actually, the Murong family owner is quite pitiful. The two granddaughters he loves the most are killing each other, and the white-haired person sends the black-haired person! I don't know how he is now?"

Lu Chenxu held her hand: "Wife, don't worry, Patriarch Murong has never seen any kind of storm. Although he will be very sad, he will never be defeated."

"By the way, what about Shi Tianpeng! What are you going to do with it? He is Shi Yumeng's older brother, and he once joined forces with Lu Haoze to kidnap Wubao. Are you really going to do this?"

At this time, the two of them had come to the gate of the community, the old horse opened the car door, and they sat in.

"He is Murong Lengrou's confidant and a servant of the Murong family. The Murong family master wants to know more details and has already taken him away!"

"Patriarch Murong took him away?" Mo Xiaodie was a little surprised.

"Yes, wife. I know that you hate him for kidnapping Wubao. I was going to bring him back and hand it over to you, but the Murong family insisted, so I can't refuse. But don't worry, Murong Leng Nan said that when his grandfather finishes asking, he will propose to hand Shi Tianpeng over to us!"

Mo Xiaodie tilted her head to look at him: "Then what are you going to do with him?"

Lu Chenxu hugged her: "Wife. I'll listen to you. I'll deal with him as you say!"

"I want to kill him directly, okay?" Mo Xiaodie asked with a smile.

Lu Chenxu lowered his voice and said in her ear, "Of course it is, but we have to plan carefully and do it without knowing it, so that the police can't find any clues!"

Dare to touch Lu Chenxu's son, he will die!

Mo Xiaodie was a little stunned. She originally wanted to tease Lu Chenxu, but she didn't expect this guy to be serious.

So, she pushed him: "Husband, I just said something casually, to make fun of you. We are parents now, and there are nine children in the family, and our behavior will directly affect the children. I don't want Dabao to have a few of them. When you grow up, you will see human life like a mustard!"

Lu Chenxu was stunned for a moment: "Then what do you want to do with him?"

"Beat it up and throw it to the police. Last time he kidnapped Wubao, and this time he wanted to strangle Han Zuo. These two charges combined are enough for him to sit in prison." Mo Xiaodie chose the most sane approach.

This society is a legal society, although sometimes the behavior of the government is not satisfactory. However, she still hopes that her children will abide by the law since childhood and remain sober and rational at all times.

They are husband and wife, and without her having to explain, Lu Chenxu also understands that her choice is to set an example for the children.

He hugged her tighter and sighed softly: "Wife, thank you!"

Murong's sisters' cannibalism sounded the alarm for their husband and wife. They have nine children. If you don't get a good education from childhood, it will be very scary when you grow up in the future!

Many well-known companies have been dragged down by family infighting.

Soon, they came to the Lu family's old house, where Lu Chenyu held a wedding on December 2nd.

Mother Lu had already hired a wedding company, and everything was well prepared. She even took the time to visit several confinement centers where Liu Zixia gave birth.

Mother Lu always regretted that she didn't watch Dabao and the others grow up since childhood.

This time, she said she would not miss the growth of the child in Liu Zixia's belly.

"Xiaodie, do you have pictures of Dabao and the others when they were young? I really want to see what they looked like when they were young!" Thinking of this, Mother Lu felt that she owed a lot to Mo Xiaodie and her nine children.

"Yes, it's all in my computer, I'll send it to you later!" Mo Xiaodie comforted her.

Lu Chenxu looked around and saw that the couple had nothing to help and said, "Mom, since you are all ready. Then we have something else to do, so let's go first."

Mother Lu wanted to keep them, but thinking of her precious grandchildren who went to school in a primary school, she shut up.

Mo Xiaodie and the others drove directly to the hotel where Patriarch Murong stayed.

After Patriarch Murong took two pairs of Chinese medicine, he felt much better. Ready to recuperate for another week and then go back to Europe.

After a few chats, the Murong family head suddenly asked: "Mrs. Lu, you should take the jade plum I gave you last time. It was custom-made when my wife was alive."

Mo Xiaodie then remembered that last time in Europe, the Murong family head specially gave her the first-class white jade plum blossoms in order to thank her for saving her life.

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I have been kept in the safe of the bank!"

After hearing this, the Murong family head nodded with satisfaction: "I heard that you have three daughters in your family. And the family inherits the gene for multiple births, right?"

"Yeah!" Mo Xiaodie didn't know why Murong Patriarch asked this suddenly, but she still answered truthfully.

Patriarch Murong glanced at Murong Lengnan meaningfully: "That's right, I'll give up my old face to make a request today, and ask Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu not to refuse!"

"Patriarch is too polite? If you have anything to say, please say it directly!" Lu Chenxu vaguely felt that what Murong Patriarch wanted to say probably had something to do with his three daughters.

The Murong Patriarch coughed lightly: "That's right, you should have heard of my great-grandson Murong Ling, who is Leng Nan's son. According to the current situation of the Murong family, he will become another Murong family member after his father. A patriarch. Although this child is a bit naughty, he is as kind as his father at the bottom of his heart!"

"I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring anything of value. That's why I wanted to use the jade plum I gave you last time as a token, and our two families will have a baby kiss! Ling'er will marry one of your daughters when she grows up! I don't know. Do you agree!"

When Murong Lengnan heard her father say this, she quickly echoed: "Okay, okay. I have always admired President Lu and Mrs. Lu for their conduct. The daughter of the Lu family will definitely be generous in the future, and will definitely be able to take on the position of the Murong family's mistress. ."

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