Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 84 Beating the Side Drum

Ye Jiayao was already very familiar with the look of suspicion and denial shown by the princess, but it was a pity that God didn't give her a body like a gasoline barrel and a face of vicissitudes. Therefore, if she wants to get a chance, she will always be questioned more than others.

But she would rather be questioned than become ugly.

Princess Yide and Xia Youshi took their seats, but Princess Yide didn't show Ye Jiayao a seat, so He Lianjing stood with Ye Jiayao.

"Have you worked in those restaurants before?" Elder Princess Yide asked in a manly voice.

Originally, Ye Jiayao could talk about her life experience just like she lied to Deng Haichuan and others, but Chunyu's old lady was there, and Chunyu knew her details best, so she couldn't tell the lie, but her resume was too pale, so I had to be honest: "If you want to say The biggest restaurant I have stayed in so far is Tiantianju. In the past, I traveled to various places to study, travel thousands of miles, taste the world's delicacies, learn the essence of northern and southern cuisines, and integrate the differences between eastern and western cuisines. In this world, it depends on how capable a person is. , Success or not, many people just look at how brilliant his resume is, and I believe that after a few years, no one in Jinling City will ask the same question."

Princess Yide took a deep breath, this kid is so arrogant, is he young and frivolous or does he really have some skills?

He Lianjing looked at Ye Jiayao with a look of admiration, and thought: Dayaoyao is a cow, pull it! This is really similar to his elder brother. Is it easy for confident people to succeed?

Xia Youshi looked at the young cook with great interest. Princess Yide originally wanted to show him off, but she was kicked first by his little horse's hoof.

"You are confident!" Elder Princess Yide's eyes were slightly cold, and the smile on her lips was deepening.

Ye Jiayao smiled and said: "Excessive self-confidence is pride, and excessive humility is inferiority. I think this kind of self-confidence is just right."

Ye Jiayao always believes that the best way to fight back against the arrogance and prejudice of those superiors is to be more proud than them, not to mention that she has this capital.

Princess Yide still hesitated three points in her heart, but when she saw her age, one point was already deducted, and after hearing her reply, all points were deducted completely.

He Lianjing knew about her mother's temper, the more prettily she smiled, the worse the situation was. He hurriedly presented the menu: "Mother, this is the menu Li Yao proposed, what do you think?"

Princess Yide glanced at the menu lightly, and she was completely uninterested in reading it, but Xiaojing's eagerly expecting and even pleading eyes made her unable to stop.

Reluctantly took it over to look at it, at first, she just casually glanced at it to deal with it, but later her expression became serious.

She has also arranged many banquets, including family banquets, seasonal banquets, guest banquets, full moon banquets, entrance examination banquets, birthday banquets and even imperial banquets, but she has never seen such a detailed menu.

Yes, detailed, very detailed, from the selection of dishes, tea for hospitality, dried fruit and candied pastries before the banquet, pickles, appetizers, hot dishes, staple food longevity noodles, tea and fruits after meals, etc. And so on. Moreover, the name of each dish has auspicious meanings, and it also indicates the ingredients used for the dish, the cooking method roughly used, and its characteristics and effects. Some of the dishes have never been heard of by her.

This is just a cursory look, but if you think about it, you will find that the menu is extraordinary. The combination of meat and vegetables, nutrition, and the selection of delicacies and seafood are very particular. This is definitely a feast. Very decent, no less than a royal feast.

Princess Yide carefully read the menu and handed it over to Xia Youshi, and asked Ye Jiayao herself: "Can you cook all the dishes listed above?"

Ye Jiayao said seriously: "I can do it. If the eldest princess is not at ease, I can make a few dishes for the eldest princess to try."

"Mother, please take a look and order a few, and let Li Yaoming do it for you to try." He Lianjing agreed, and according to his previous temperament, he must have praised Dayaoyao, but now he has learned to be shrewd , Mother has a prejudice against Dayaoyao, the more he boasted, the more she didn't believe it, so she simply let her try it herself.

Ye Jiayao smiled wryly: "There are a few dishes that may not be ready tomorrow, such as century-old round fish, which are fresh and white, and these ingredients are not easy to find, and it will take some time."

Princess Yide said: "Let's expose this matter first, let me ask you, you have a seasonal dessert called Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan, what is it? And there is a question mark behind it, what's the meaning?"

Ye Jiayao smiled slightly: "Princess Hui, my ancestor's birthday is July 28, and the Mid-Autumn Festival will soon be in August. Everyone tastes mooncakes in advance, which means reunion every year. As for why the question mark is Because this mooncake is newly developed and planned to be released in August, so no one has tried it yet, and it is expensive, so I am not sure if the eldest princess will want it, so I put a question mark first."

"What kind of mooncake?" Xia Youshi asked curiously, because this mooncake has really troubled her for many years, and she never felt that those sweet and greasy mooncakes were delicious, whether they were Su-style Cantonese-style or Beijing style, but in order to celebrate the festival, you have to eat it no matter how bad it is. When she heard that it was a new style, she couldn't help but ask.

I don't know why, knowing that this person is Chunyu's old lady, Ye Jiayao is a little nervous, damn it, she almost has to be called mother-in-law.

"To be precise, there are two types of mooncakes. Before they were officially launched, these were all commercial secrets. Since Mrs. Hou asked, I will reveal a little bit first. One of them is called crystal mooncakes. The crust is crystal clear and flexible. And elastic, the fillings have various fruit flavors, sweet but not greasy, and the fruity fragrance is pleasant. There is also an ice cream moon cake. This kind of ice cream is learned by the master who traveled across the ocean and came back from a distant western country. Yes, delicious food will make people scream, it is definitely an unprecedented experience." Ye Jiayao herself began to miss the taste of ice cream, in midsummer, sitting in a bourgeois-style dessert house, blowing on the air conditioner, slowly enjoying a cup of blueberry flavor All the hotness and boredom will be swept away with ice cream.

Xia Youshi and Princess Yide looked at each other with doubts in their hearts, is it so mysterious?

It was also the first time He Lianjing had heard of it, but he had no doubts in Dayaoyao's ability. As long as Dayaoyao wanted to do it, there seemed to be nothing he couldn't do.

"Mother, Auntie, have you ever heard of ice drinks that are very popular in Jinling City recently, such as Pink Lady, Shuangshuang milk?" He Lianjing asked.

Yide frowned and thought for a while: "It seems that Liuli came out of the palace to drink iced drinks. Is this really so delicious?"

He Lianjing smiled and said, "Is it delicious? My son will buy it for you tomorrow. This ice drink was newly developed by Li Yao, and it is now very popular in Jinling."

"The little prince was joking, there is no need for you to come and buy it yourself, if you want to eat, just tell me, and I will deliver it at any time." Ye Jiayao said politely.

But He Lianjing took it seriously, and asked pleasantly: "Really?" From then on, he could often use this excuse to invite Dayaoyao to come over to play.

Ye Jiayao looked at him with a smile, and there was a familiar threat in her eyes. Nima, I didn't realize that I was trying to please your mother so that I could win this big project and earn some money and fame. If I really come with you on call, does my mother still have to do things?

He Lianjing quickly realized that he was thinking too much, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Ye Jiayao returned to the subject: "The production cost of these two mooncakes is very high, and the process is cumbersome, so the price will naturally not come down. When it comes to the market, the price of a small ice cream mooncake will be at least five taels of silver, and the crystal mooncake will not be cheap. One in two or three. If every guest is counted, the amount of expenses alone is a bit scary, so let me put a question mark first."

Elder Princess Yide supported the pearl hairpin on her head gracefully, with an arrogant smile on the corner of her mouth, she said slowly: "As long as the things are really good, this little money is nothing."

According to the budget, there will be thirty-six tables, and each table will count ten people. There are only three hundred and sixty people in total, five taels to one, and at most it will not exceed two thousand taels of silver. What kind of scary amount is this? I really underestimated Helian Palace.

Xia Youshi smiled and said: "Your menu is worth hundreds of taels of silver for a table, and a lot of money is spent on it. How can the eldest princess make such a small addition? Good things are the most real. "

Yide asked her to find fault, so she didn't listen to her. Xia Youshi felt that he really had the foresight. Only a new cook and a young man would have new tricks in his head. That ice cream mooncake is so delicious that it makes people scream? What kind of delicious way is this? It was unimaginable, but she was already looking forward to it.

In addition, to be fair, she thinks that the menu is pretty good, and that Heavenly Residence is well-known in Jinling City, so how could it be so bad to be the head chef of Heavenly Residence? It's all right to leave this matter to the young cook.

Ye Jiayao heard Chunyu's old lady's words, at first she heard that she was going along with the eldest princess, but after thinking about it again, it seemed more like she was forcing the eldest princess to ride a tiger. It's kind of expensive if you don't do it.

Princess Yide hesitated, not because of the money, the amount of money does not matter, as far as the menu is concerned, there is nothing dissatisfied, but the queen mother said yesterday, if you can't find a suitable one, let the royal chef Come for a birthday party. She also felt that it would be better and more respectable for the imperial chef to do it.

"Mother, let's make it so. If you procrastinate any longer, you will delay things. My eldest brother and I believe that Li Yao can do it." He Lianjing urged, and even moved his eldest brother out.

Xia Youshi glanced at Princess Yide, who was still hesitating and struggling, and said with a light smile: "My Lord Marquis will be fifty next year, and I have to arrange a few tables properly, Li Yao, right? I'll tell you first." It’s decided, I’ll invite you all the time, and the price won’t be allowed to rise.”

Ye Jiayao was so moved, how could Chunyu's old lady be so nice? Sure enough, the old ladies who know how to double-button are all Kanaidi people.

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