Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1009: Nightmare's wrong feeding method and correct feeding method

Chapter 1009: Nightmare's Wrong Raising Method and Correct Raising Method

"Xie Mingdi Longen!" Ji Yunai kowtowed Qingwu, then, thinking about the raising of the nightmare, then asked, "How on earth do you raise this nightmare? You just said that she is the most There are no basic tricks to transform the soul of smoking into one's own power. Is it possible that there is still a doorway in it?"

"Nightmare, born as a human, has a very small chance of becoming a nightmare after death. You, this one, has degenerated to the monster stage, with low intelligence. She is constantly degenerating, and the degree of severity is only the lowest of the nightmare. In the first category, she doesn't know how to eat, she doesn't know how to increase the cohesion of evil spirits, and she doesn't even know what to eat and what not to eat. At first glance, she knows that no one taught her at all, it's nonsense!"

The tone of Ming Emperor Qingwu faintly had a violent feeling in it.

"What should the non-degrading Nightmare look like?"

"Human forms and demonized forms can be switched at will, and evil spirits are used as the means of attack. They go from heaven to earth and are omnipotent. They are the best of monsters, and even masters of the heavenly spiritual power, and now the family of Luan, Phoenix and Divine Birds is extinct. , Without natural enemies, even more fearless, as it should be."

After listening to Emperor Underworld's description of the true strength of Nightmare, Ji Yuno was shocked.

A master who can kill the spiritual power of the world?

Also, nightmare killed people with evil spirits, and evil spirits were beyond the reach of anyone, no wonder.

"Then... how should she eat correctly? Since she needs to be raised, she has to be raised, and she can't let her be like now, her intelligence is constantly degrading, and she is like a second fool? Besides, she is now the Emperor Underworld, you personally admit it, also Belongs to a member of the underworld, so taking it out like this will not be ashamed?"

"People in the world have a misunderstanding about nightmare. They think it is a monster, which will kill innocents and swallow everything. In fact, it is not. There is only one way to make the nightmare more powerful, and that is to feed only his grieving spirits. , Evil spirits, ghosts, Rakshasa ghosts and all other evil spirits, and then turn these evil spirits into evil spirits. This black evil spirit is to the nightmare just like the spiritual power is to you. As the evil spirit grows, the nightmare will come The more powerful, but if the evil spirit is not enough to nourish it, then it will be like this one, and will continue to degenerate into a beast type, seemingly foolish, equivalent to waste, and it cannot eat food that anyone eats, but can only **** evil spirits. , Let alone **** blood, it will affect itself, this is the real way of raising nightmare."


In the past, whether it was Gong Liancheng or misfortune, the way of raising Adai was wrong.

There is no need to **** blood and eat people, but just feed her evil spirits.

"Okay, the loneliness is also satisfied with your wrongdoing, hurry up and take your pet away, don't be an eyesore!"

"Adai is not my pet."

"I don't care about you, get out."

"How do you turn it into evil spirit? You haven't told me yet."

"Two methods, one is to feed the evil spirits and the other is to absorb all the evil spirits and evil spirits. The former is fast and the latter is slow. It is just that the former is cumbersome to make alchemy, and the latter is convenient and simple."

Before Ji Yuno thanked him, he was waved by the Emperor Underworld, and a stray wind fanned her and Adai out of the forbidden ground.

Outside the forbidden area, Gong Youen sat beside a moss-covered boulder and waited aimlessly. Suddenly Yuno and Qingdai flew out, fell to the ground, bounced twice, and hurried forward.

"Why was it thrown out?"

"Emperor Ming dislikes me."

Ji Yuno climbed up from the ground and hung the dark red blood jade with the word "Blue Crow" in his hand on Adai's neck, and said, "You are not allowed to take it down in the future. This is your status symbol. With this jade, I dare not arrest you."

"Yeah." Adai nodded like garlic, holding Black Jade with her black claws, an extremely precious baby.

"Yun, your mother's soul, I brought it out." After saying that, Yuno took the soul of Gong Yun's mother Diana from the pink jade hibiscus soul bracelet on his left wrist and gave it to Gong Yun , "However, if you want to resurrect your mother, should you still get the consent of the Hades of West Hades?"

"I have been good with Pluto, he will certainly allow it, don't worry."

Afterwards, Ji Yuno took Gong Youen and Adai and left the underworld.


Back to the manor, everything seemed to settle down temporarily.

There are two new members in the family, A Dai and Gong Liancheng.

After learning that the real breeding method of nightmares was to feed evil spirits and ghosts, and absorb the black evil spirit, instead of eating people, eating raw meat and sucking blood, everyone was shocked.

"According to this, nightmare can be a weapon to exorcise ghosts. After all, there are countless ghosts and evil spirits hidden in the human world. It is not easy to eat. Just grab it."

In the evening, Feng Jinxuan had not left the home of Ji Yuno and Miyajiyu.

After he understood the whole story, he knew that Emperor Underworld personally presented the nightmare with a precious jade pendant and recognized his identity. Then, it would not be difficult for the nightmare to obtain a temporary residence permit for the human world.

Holding Aluo, sitting in the living room and chatting with Yuno and Miyajiyu, he finished talking, fed Aluo a bite of an apple, and then said: "I can't think of the evil nightmare, the way to raise it is actually We can only feed evil spirits and evil spirits. No wonder we don’t know. After all, nightmares are extremely rare, and it is extremely difficult to see them."

Ji Yuno ordered two upper-class bodies from Emperor Baimei, both of which were built according to the appearance of Shu Yun and Gong Liancheng, and an additional order was placed with Emperor Baimei to temporarily build a pair of ordinary people's skins for Adai. She walks around daily.

The deposit is one thousand ingots of gold.

So in the evening, Emperor Baimei ordered people to carry away the three Xuanbing coffins, and went back to the ghost market to prepare the body and skin.

In the evening, everyone had a lively dinner together.

Feng Jinxuan took Aluo and personally accompanied Ji Yuno, Nightmare, and Miya Liancheng to the temporary residence permit registration office of the Human World Branch to apply for the temporary residence permit and identity certificate.

Because Gong Siyu was inconvenient to show his face, he did not go with him.

It's just that Zhulong, Taotie, and Xiaoyan followed Ji Yuno together.


The Registration Office of the Human World Branch.

At night, the place was still full of monsters disguised as ordinary people. They all wanted to apply for temporary residence permits in the human world and wanted to live here.

Once again, Yuki Yuno showed up in the registration hall with Nightmare, Candle Dragon, Gourmet and Xiaoxian. The monsters in long lines were so scared that they scattered and fled.

The registration office of the Human World Branch has a new registrar and a new director of the registration office.

Upon hearing that the underworld yin and yang officer came again, he hurriedly came out to meet.

It's just that the director of the registry was not of sufficient level to recognize Feng Jinxuan.

"Apply for the certificate, for this nightmare and this ghost."

Ji Yunao pointed to Adai and Miyaliancheng behind him, and suddenly saw the head of the registration office and the civil servants of the Human Realm Bureau standing in line in the entire registration hall. They looked at the Nightmare with fear, and at the three who had come before. Only an ancient beast.

(End of this chapter)

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