Chapter 1038 is his stupid

The material of the Spirit Seal is a rare metal that can absorb any energy and rebound it. It is indestructible, and even molten **** can't break it.

The only way to open it is to have the key to the spiritual circle.

That is a set of independent passwords that are different for each spiritual circle. The password has 16 bits and consists of different pictographs or strange symbols and numbers. In other words, if you want to crack the password, it is impossible.

Gong Siyu remembered that at the time of the Sky City incident, Ji Yunao, Ji Ruchen and others were mistakenly trapped by the spiritual circle due to the conspiracy of the Donghuang Wuji running dogs. The person who unblocked the spiritual circle that day was a wild hunt. Wild Hunting once told them that each of the Spirit Sealing Circles has an independent password, and he is one of them. The passwords are complex and numerous, so they are all recorded in a small book carried by Wild Hunt. of.

Gong Siyu interrupted and let the nightmare go to steal this book.

Hesitating Gong Siyu didn’t know what this book looked like, so he could only let the Nightmare go and find out first, fumble into the office of Wild Hunt, and swallow all the things she thought looked like a code book. .

However, before Gong Siyu's instructions were finished, Adai turned into a black mist, disappeared, and was excited to complete the task.

Gong Liancheng was left in place.

Because it is dangerous now, Gong Liancheng is just a ghost from the immeasurable **** in shackles, and it is not convenient to accompany Adai in the secret prison.

"You let a fool steal the keybook. Why do I feel so unreliable?"

He squatted on the ground, bumped Gong Siyu's arm, shook his head and asked.

"Adai is not a fool. She just used the wrong feeding method to make it look like this today! Whose masterpiece, does anyone have no points in their hearts?"

When Gong Liancheng was alive, he and Ernan were brothers and brothers, and they lived together for decades.

But after learning that Eunan is the **** of disasters, and because of the wrong feeding method, they were wrong at the beginning. A-dai didn't need to eat dead bodies at all. Her only food was suffocation, which was strong in sucking evil.

Gong Liancheng complained about the disaster, and now that he can meet again, it is inevitable that he will not give him a good face.

"Hey, I said, did I tell you at the beginning that this method of resurrecting people was created by my friend. I am only responsible for resurrection, not for raising you, because I really don’t know how to raise nightmares, and you After death, I will take care of your daughter-in-law for you. If you don’t thank me, you can blame me? Who was I arrested for? Because you were looking for food for your daughter-in-law!"

Perhaps he had been detained for a long time, but Eunan was taking the black iron chain from the shackles and wrapping it around his neck while talking and amusing himself.

But as soon as the voice fell, Gong Siyu interrupted.


"Wrong?" Eunan looked at Gongsiyu inexplicably.

"You were caught, not because you were looking for food for the nightmare." Because the calf bone was broken, Gong Siyu could only sit on the ground and couldn't move.

"You didn't know where to die back then, how do you know?"

"Can the **** of disaster be so easily caught by a mob of the Three Realms General Administration? You were also stupid at that time?" Gong Siyu's Phoenix eyes flashed a sneer, looked at the hardship sarcastically, and said with a vicious tongue.

"Fart! At that time, I just couldn't use spiritual power for some reason..." At this point, the face of Ernan became strange.

"It seems that when you used Gui'er's "The Curse" to resurrect Qing Dai, you didn't find that there was a sentence hidden at the end of the page."

"What is it?"

"If you use magic spells exclusively for spirits and tricks, you will definitely die if you use them. Although you are a **** and immortal, you also suffered heavy injuries for unknown reasons, resulting in you being jailed. In the final analysis, you are trapped by tricks."

When the words were over, Gong Siyu suddenly curled his eyebrows and glanced at the disaster, and then looked at the silent and expressionless death on the side, as if he had discovered something strange.

He couldn't believe it, and his expression was as ugly as shit, "I grew up with her, she even pits me?"

"You two... don't seem to be weird at all, come back?"

When he heard the word "spirituality", Jidie's eyes were shockless and strangely cold.

It's even harder to know this.

It's as if they knew she would live.

"You can feel it," Leng Sen replied with his eyes closed.

"It's nothing strange." Eunan stopped talking nonsensically with him, his face was weird, his eyes turned away, mysterious.

For a moment, Gong Siyu narrowed his phoenix eyes, always feeling that the expressions of these two people were intriguing.

His plan to resurrect the spirits was not implemented.

Ji Yuno today is not a real spirit.

Can you feel it?

This is absolutely impossible, he is lying.

This prison is isolated from the world, and they have no spiritual power. How did they feel it?


There is something hidden that Gong Siyu doesn't know.

It didn't take long.

Adai descended from the sky from the only entrance to the magma confinement area and returned.

She rushed to Miyajiyu happily, and spit out a lot of books and books stolen from the wild hunting office, and placed everything in front of Miyajiyu.

When I saw the wet paper in front of me...

Gong Siyu was speechless for a while.

Little man book, list of prison detentions, 36 tricks on how to make girls...

What are these?

"Tell you, this is a fool, do you still expect her to steal your key?"

Eunan sneered.

But Gong Siyu still didn't give up, explaining to Adai.

"It should be a small book filled with dense numbers and symbols. This thing is very important. Wild Hunt will not carry it with you. It is easy to make mistakes. It should be hidden in a secret compartment, or in a bureau, or a bureau in the office. , Usually hidden behind the painted wall, or in the dark compartment of the desk drawer, or under the floor tiles, or all hollow places, no matter how bad it is, it will enter his memory to find clues, the problem is not big, we If you have time, will you sneak into the consciousness of others?"

First, Adai nodded like garlic, then shook her head like a rattle, then drooped her tongue and slobbered.

Gong Siyu:...

He seemed to feel that he placed hope on a nightmare with a degraded brain.

He was hasty.

What Miyajiyu didn't know at the moment was that.

A white voyage yacht that goes out to sea at night in the wind and at full speed has already sailed to the mysterious sea area near the Death Trench.

The boat was driven by Bai Feiran.

The boat carried Feng Jinxuan, A Luo, and Bei Ming.

And at the same time.

Inside the Three Realms Public Security Administration.

Lingshang wore a white gold-rimmed uniform, and his left and right hands each held a thick iron chain with a thick bowl. On the other end of the chain, it was Liuyun and Ji Ruchen who were imprisoned by the ring of spirits.

Lingshang appeared.

As expected, he was surrounded by the inspection brigade of the Three Realms General Administration.

Because when fighting around the manor earlier, many masters of the General Administration of the Three Realms had seen with their own eyes that the Snow Wolf kept in captivity by Lingshang had taken away two of his predecessors and his party.

(End of this chapter)

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