Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1040: Only the betrayal that cannot turn back

Chapter 1040 There is only a betrayal that cannot be turned back

Under the abyss of the Trench of Death, which is 10,000 meters from the sea, the highest secret prison of the Three Realms General Administration is like a dark **** isolated from the world, where there is no sunshine all year round, full of the oppressive breath of death.

When Lingshang led the people behind him, getting closer and closer to the lava area at the bottom of the prison...

After the nightmare Adai failed to find the key of the spiritual circle for the fifth time, accompanied by Gong Liancheng, he went to search for the sixth time. Finally, it lived up to expectations. It brought back a pocket-sized book filled with densely packed key symbols. The booklet, this booklet, square and square, only half the size of a palm, was found by Gong Liancheng in the secret compartment of the prison executive's office desk and office.

Adai carefully held the pamphlet with black claws and handed it to Gong Siyu's hands.

Obediently squatted in front of Gong Siyu, watching with excitement.

"Is... this...? Liancheng found..."

He was imprisoned with dozens of spiritual confinement circles, entangled with iron chains, and shackled with a shot put. Gong Siyu, who had been imprisoned and had his leg broken, opened the pamphlet, and Feng's eyes flashed a touch of happiness.

"it seems that."

However, there are not thousands of secret rooms in the booklet, but there are hundreds. For a while, I don't know which key corresponds to it. Besides, there are many spirit rings on Gongsiyu.

"Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you take me out?"

Eunan suddenly appeared next to Gongsiyu insane. His long hair was messy like a chicken coop, and he smiled like a ghost-faced fox, staring gloomily at the key book in Gongsiyu's hand.

"Let you go out for evil?"

Gong Siyu knew that whether it was disaster or death, these two were one of the dark gods who were once frightened and had countless blood on their hands. Any one of them leaving here will definitely endanger the Three Realms. .

"I can consider changing my mind." As he said, Eunan began to "reason" with Gong Siyu, "My relationship with Jingde and Agui is in sympathy with my brothers and sisters. If Agui is here today, she absolutely! Absolutely! Will save us out together!"

Miyajiyu hadn't heard of it and ignored the trouble.

Just looking through the key book with a single mind.

"Even if you go out, there is no place for us now. Why should you ask someone who won't take us out at all."

Standing there proudly, condescendingly, with all-black eyes fixed on the face of Eunan's clinging, he has been here for thousands of years longer than Eunan's, so he has long been used to everything here.

"Don't you want to see the outside world again?"

"I don't want to, since I was born, there are only death and darkness wherever I go. Everything that my eyes can see is shrouded in darkness. The outside and here are the same to me."

The tone of Jidie's speech was lifeless, without a trace of life.

Even if he is alive, even if he is not dead, he is like a dead person whose life has been exhausted.

"If I can escape, I will leave this key book to you. I will save Guier first. She was robbed by Jiang Ziwen, so I can't wait for you."

In the end, Gong Siyu spoke up.

"Family!" Excited, he almost gave Gong Siyu a warm hug.

And just when Gong Siyu tried more than a dozen key codes in a row, he couldn't unlock any of the spiritual circles on his body.

From the tall circular pothole above their heads.

Suddenly a snow-white holy figure fell steadily.

As soon as the visitor appeared, an invisible and powerful aura was instantly enveloped in the forbidden area where molten lava was overflowing. His clothes were fluttering. His long body was straightened like ice and snow, and his deep purple pupils reflected the hot and hot. The magma reflects the dazzling and shattered stars.

The person who appeared suddenly, handsome and slender, mysterious and ethereal, half-length ink hair, lazily with a ribbon, tied to one side of his chest, the inner corner of the eye is hooked, the outer corner of the eye is upturned, his eyes The eyes are charming and cold, perfect and flawless.

At the sight of the visitor, Gong Siyu's phoenix eyes shrank suddenly, coldly guarded!

Nightmare Demon Adai directly grabbed Gong Liancheng's soul, stuffed it into his mouth, protected it, and then hid behind Gong Siyu, shivering.

Not far away, Ernan, the **** of disasters, and the **** of death, Silence, glanced at each other after seeing the incoming person, and was slightly startled. Immediately, Ernan squatted beside Miyajiyu, patted him on the shoulder, and spoke quietly. "Forgot to tell you. There is such a person who has exactly the same appearance as Agui. He is Agui's younger brother. It's just that Agui died early and you have been missing for so long. You don't even know that he exists, right? "


Seeing that Lingshang was taking the lotus steps, and slowly coming, Gong Siyu replied gloomily.


"I can come here, thanks to him."

"Oh, he sent you in, no wonder."

Step by step, Lingshang walked towards Gongsiyu, and deep in the ice-cold, snow-like purple eyes, there was a very complicated and dark glow.

And shortly after he appeared, four more figures fell down.

Yan Lie and Jin Wuwei Captain Wushang, one held Ji Ruchen who was chained, and the other held Liuyun.

The two landed steadily.

Ji Ruchen and Liuyun, who were imprisoned by the Spirit Confinement Circle, were unable to fall from such a high place and could still maintain stability.

The two of them fell face-to-face on the hot black rock, leaning back and forth, in a panic.

"You can't catch me! You have to let me throw a dog to eat shit! My face is so beautiful, you lose it if you break it?" Ji Ruchen's arrogant tongue always climbed up from the ground like a curse, leaning on his waist, and pointing Yan Lie yelled at his nose.

Behind him, Ji Ruchen kept pulling on his demon-like demon, yelling loudly and extremely loudly, and at the same time, Lingshang had already walked to Gongsiyu.

Those pair of eyes were narrower and longer than Yuno's beautiful eyes. The fascinating deep purple eyes looked cold and unkind at the moment. They were full of dislikes and complaints about Miyajiyu, and even more melancholy and emotions. Many and extremely complicated.

He looked down at Gongsiyu for a few seconds, then slowly squatted down, his eyes moved downward, and stared at Gongsiyu's broken leg with a sad sneer, staring at the broken leg bone for a long time.

The man in front of him is his brother-in-law.

So, now Gong Siyu is extremely embarrassed and the result of being imprisoned is what he wants to see in the end?

Lingshang laughed at himself, showing a slight sadness. Not only did he not feel a trace of joy, but he also felt an unprecedented sense of guilt in his heart.

Constricting his eyes, his slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

Suddenly, Ling Shang exhaled, and when he opened his eyes again, in the purple pupil, there was only the betrayal who couldn't turn his head back.

The moment no one reacted!

He turned his head quickly, and shouted loudly at Ji Ruchen and Liuyun who were messing around not far away!

"Do it!"

I heard there is another activity...

Explosive activities...

Okay, then, let's do it, although I am colder.

(End of this chapter)

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