Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1063: You look sad, shall I give you a hug?

Chapter 1063 You look sad, shall I give you a hug?

Ji Yuno and Ji Ruchen, who are disguised as women, pretend to go on horseback and walk out of the white hilltop castle. Fan Wujiu and Xie Bian each ride on two balance bikes, trailing behind, not tight. Follow it slowly.

"Hei Ye, if Lord Jiang comes back to know you..." Xie Bian rode a balance bike, looking at Fan Wujiao worriedly, and he stopped talking, for fear that the wall would have ears, "It will kill us."

"If you don't tell, I don't tell, no one knows."

"Why do you help Ji Yuno..."

"It's not easy to love someone."


Apart from simply drinking some water, Gong Siyu has no appetite to eat anything. He sat melancholy on the sofa, facing the lattice-shaped floor-to-ceiling windows, letting the dazzling sunlight that slanted in from outside the window envelope him. The body full of haze.

The handsome cheeks are buried between the palms.

He was waiting for Ji Ruchen to return.

Although he does not expect Ji Ruchen to bring Ji Yuno back, even if he hears a little bit of news about her, Miyajiyu will feel better in his heart. Otherwise, it will be tortured by Ling Chi...

Lingshang was filled with guilt from beginning to end. He tried his best to make up for it, and to redeem it. At this moment, he was sitting on the stairs not far behind Gongsiyu, leaning on the handrail. The purple eyes were sad, full of repentance.

Liuyun stood in front of the window, folded his arms, and Feng Jinxuan had been watching the direction of the castle.

Soon, the two people should have found something, looked at each other, and walked towards the gate of the mansion at the same time.

Outside the door, with two neighs of horseshoes, Ji Ruchen, who was disguised as a woman, entered the mansion first, looking at Feng Jinxuan and Liuyun with excitement.

"Look who I brought back!"

Ji Ruchen wore a wig and a white mink coat. He was very graceful and glamorous. Behind him, outside the door, Ji Yuno, who was extremely unfamiliar with everything, stopped on his horseback, stunned.

Seeing that Ji Yuno hadn't dismounted, Ji Ruchen quickly turned around and beckoned, "What are you doing in a daze? Come down!"


Compared with Ji Ruchen's excitement, Ji Yuno was calmer and calmer, because she had no memory.

After turning over and getting off the horse, she walked behind Ji Ruchen with a faint expression. Before she could see the two extraordinary men standing in front of Ji Ruchen, she felt a petite figure like a puff fan and plunged into herself. In her arms, excited, screaming, calling her--

"A Nai! A Luo wants to kill you!"

Yu Na was slightly startled, her body froze, her eyes slowly moved down, and she happened to meet A Luo's happy oval eyes, and he carefully described A Luo in the memory letter.

A Luo...

Oh, yes, it was written above that she has two good girlfriends, one is A Luo and the other is Rong Qian.

Ji Yuno really didn't know how to respond, and could only pull out an awkward smile.

"It's okay, Anai, without memory, we can also meet again. A Luo will always be good friends with you. It used to be, now it is, and it will be in the future. If we meet once, we can meet again. Don’t Panic."

Except for Gong Siyu, everyone knew that Ji Yunao's memory was erased by Jiang Ziwen.

So after seeing Yuno, they didn't wonder why Yuno's reaction was so strange.

At this moment.

I had heard the movement a long time ago, and the meteor was striding out from the side hall of the mansion, Gong Siyu, who walked out gloomyly, also heard A Luo's words.

He is the only one kept in the dark.

and so……

"What do you mean by what you just said! What does it mean that she has no memory?"

A Luo's words made Gong Siyu feel like his heart was bludgeoned, and there was a sudden pain, and his eyes were shaking unacceptably.

Loosing the little hand holding Yuno Yuno, A Luo narrowed his mouth and said nothing, but hid behind Feng Jinxuan and only stuck out a small head.

Ji Ruchen simply told the truth if he knew that he couldn't hide it, and there was no need to keep it.

"Jiang Ziwen erased all her memories, she doesn't know anyone now, but..."

Ji Ruchen was standing next to Ji Yuno, but half-talking, before he finished speaking, Ji Yuno suddenly took out the letter paper she wrote to herself from the pocket of his coat, opened it, and took a look. Then Lianbu made money, and Xiangfeng took the initiative to walk to Miyajiyu.

No one knew what she was going to do.

I saw Yuno staring expressionlessly at Miyajiyu’s melancholy and haggard face for a long while, then lowered her eyes and noticed the wedding ring on his left ring finger, gently stretched out his hand, pinched his slender and beautiful fingers, and used another With one hand, he took out the ring that hung around his neck and was strung with a necklace.

"A pair." While talking to herself, Yuno suddenly realized, and approached Miyajiyu, "I see, you are Miyajiyu! My early marriage partner is you, but..." With Yu’s finger, Yuno twisted his eyebrows and glanced at the content of the letter. “The letter says you’d better recognize it because you’re the most handsome, but...” He looked up and down the messy Miyaji Yu. Yuno disgusted her face, "You are so decadent, are you sure you are handsome?"

A second ago, when I learned that Yuno had lost all his memories, Miyajiyu's heart was throbbing, almost feeling of suffocation.

But a second later, there was a soreness in his chest. He was stunned by the behavior and words of the girl in front of him, making him feel sore but helpless, and even wanted to smile bitterly.

Mixed emotions brewed in his heart. He couldn't say a word, he just wanted to hug her, rub her in his arms, and feel her authenticity.

But, without memory, would she allow him to touch her?

This time, Miyajiyu flinched. He didn't want to scare a stranger to him without any memory of Yuno.

But the girl in front of him, as if there was a telepathy with him, could feel his sadness, his struggle and pain, as if she couldn't bear it, even though there was no emotion in her eyes, she still asked tentatively. A sentence.

"You look sad, I will give you a hug? You want to hug me, right?"

Without answering, Gong Siyu just stared at the face of Ji Yuno who was close at hand. He slowly raised his hand, and his fingertips touched her creamy snow, the next second, fiercely! Strongly exhausted all his strength, one hand tightened Yuno's waist, the other hand clasped her back of the head, tightened her arms, and muttered hard and low, hoarse and weak: "I miss you... I really want to, how did you forget me Up?"

Frozen at the same place, Ji Yuno's beautiful eyes were completely blank and unaware.

She stretched out her hand, gently supported Gong Siyu's waist, hugged her arms carefully, bit her lip, and whispered like a mosquito: "I'm sorry..." I didn't want it either.

While talking, she did not forget to caress Miyajiyu's back, just like before, whenever Miyajiyu lacks security and always likes to be buried in her arms, she caress his back, even if she forgets it. The habitual action is still there.

(End of this chapter)

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