Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1073: I have no memory, what should I do if I fall in love with others?

Chapter 1073 I have no memory, what should I do if I fall in love with others?

"So in the name of the young master, I donated a huge amount of scientific research funds to the scientific expedition team. The condition is that the young master and you and your party board their icebreakers and follow them into the inland Antarctica, and this The scientific expedition destination that the delegation went to this time is Frozen Lake, your final destination, Master."

Bai Wuyou’s predecessor, although the loyal Golden Sword Qilinwei of the Emperor, is now an internationally renowned archaeologist. He knows that this kind of scientific research struggle between countries will never let it easily Irrelevant to join.

Hearing this, he glanced suspiciously at Bai Feiran, and asked with a smile, "How much did Mr. Bai donate?"

"One hundred million."




"At present, the country that has penetrated the deepest ice layer in Antarctica is Russia, which has reached a depth of 4,000 meters. However, as far as I know, there is no self-made equipment that can penetrate the ice cover more than 4,000 meters. 600 million is for a scientific expedition team. Although there are many, it is not enough for them to agree to let us join their team and enter the Antarctic inland. Did you still agree to their terms?"

Gong Siyu twisted his eyebrows and asked Bai Feiran as if he could see through it.

"Yes." Bai Feiran subconsciously supported the frame of the frame, half-downwardly, his eyes flashed across a faint color inexplicably, seemingly embarrassed.

"Let's talk, what conditions have been promised."

"Actually, it is not an excessive condition. The frozen lake you are looking for, master, is larger and deeper than the famous prehistoric lake Vostok in Antarctica. The ice drilling equipment for Kunlun investigation has penetrated the ice and reached 3000 Meters deep, but due to machine failure, they could not reach deeper ice layers to explore the frozen lake. They must rush to complete the scientific plan before the end of the warm Antarctic winter. At present, it is too late to repair the machine. I just agreed to the scientific expedition team. Taiwan’s $2 billion quantum laser drilling equipment was transported to the top of the frozen lake ice cap to help them penetrate the last ice layer and reach the surface of the frozen lake, to help them research, and to facilitate your entry into the frozen lake, doing two things with one stone."

Bai Feiran thought of all aspects, and he had already considered everything for Gong Siyu and his party, and took care of everything. Now they only need to set off.

A thousand words are not as precious as a trusting look. Gong Siyu patted Bai Feiran on the shoulder, a certain dark glow in his phoenix eyes, staring at the good brother who has always been in front of him, a good helper, and solemnly said :"Thanks."

"Return safely, waiting for you."


The next day, the entrance to the international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan security checkpoints at Imperial Airport.

Bai Feiran, in a suit and leather shoes, embraced Liuyun, who was wearing a black down jacket and peaked cap, and kissed him on the forehead. He coldly confessed, "Come back safely, you know?"

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Liuyun’s expression was very stinky, as if Bai Feiran’s **** was long-winded, but when the words fell, she couldn’t help but plunged into his arms and knocked on his shoulder, "When I come back this time, we will go abroad to register and get married. Do not separate, if you dare to refuse, I will kill you."

"I wait for you."

After a reluctant farewell, Bai Feiran watched everyone leave.

Instead, he left blankly. As a logistical support, he needed to sit in the Gongshi Group for Gongsiyu. At the same time, after they arrived in Antarctica, they needed to use the signal satellites launched by Gongshi Group and the State Investment to monitor their entire process. Orientation to ensure their safety.

After the security check, Miyoshiyu and Ji Yuno boarded the private plane of Miyoshiyu from the business boarding building. After taking off, they flew to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport in France, then refueled midway, and then transferred to Argentina.

It takes 8 hours for the Imperial Capital to fly to Paris.

On the plane, Yuno, who was in Lingshang's body, sat blankly in the window cabin next to Miyajiyu, looking at the blue sky outside the window with beautiful eyes, and the laughter around him seemed to have nothing to do with her. I don't know what she is thinking at the moment.

Next to her, Miyajiyu is using a laptop computer that has been encrypted and installed with a satellite signal device to find the coordinates of the frozen lake in Antarctica, and calculate the final depth and dive time of the frozen lake deep in the ice layer.

Feeling that Yuno was quiet a little abnormal, he turned his eyes and stretched out his hand to squeeze her cheek lightly, but he was not too deviant, because the body Yuno was using now belonged to her brother Reishang.

"Kid, what are you thinking?"

For a moment, Ji Yuno looked sideways. Because he was in Lingshang's body, the current Ji Yuno, with his younger brother Lingshang’s magnificent purple eyes, stared at Miyajiyu’s eyes calmly. There is no love, no affection, just a symbolic look at a person who seems to know each other, Yuno's gaze looking at Miyajiyu is strange.

And this look made Gong Siyu unhappy.

He didn't like that Yuno looked at himself with such strange eyes.

This made him feel a little dull and uncomfortable.

"While thinking about my memory, how much I and you...were in love." While talking, Yuno was lazy and sultry, looking at Miyajiyu with a smile." I asked all of them, Ji Ruchen said, he had a crush on me, but later found out that you love me too much, and I love you too much, he gave up; Liu Yun said that I have experienced too many ups and downs with you , Ups and downs, life and death are parting, but from beginning to end, we both trust each other, never leave, and at the same time shake him; Angelica said, for me, you can change your life against the sky and give up your true dragon wealth. , Also want to be with me, and I, once under house arrest in the underworld, desperately want to return to you..."

After a pause, she said again.

"But Gong Siyu, I without memory, can't feel how much I love you in the past. Are you afraid of me like this, even if you find my so-called real body, you will fall in love with other people?"

Hearing this, Gong Siyu's phoenix eyes condensed, immersed in a gloomy and cold glow, and said slowly and gloomily: "No."

"Are you so sure?"

"Before you fall in love with someone else, I will let Bai Wuyou solve that person first." Gong Siyu sneered, his eyes full of death.

And Miyajiyu’s horrible gaze, instead of scaring Ji Yuno, made her blindfolded beautiful eyes, shining brightly, "Then since we are a husband and wife, why did you sleep on the floor last night and not be with me? sleep?"

"Because this body is not you."

"It's not me, won't you touch it?"

"Yeah." When I can't help it at most, I hold my hand and squeeze my face, no more.

"Listening to everyone, it seems that we are all people with spiritual power, but I have no memory, and I can't use it. What if I encounter danger and drag everyone back?"

This is also one of the issues that Yuno is worried about.

"This time, we will not use spiritual power, because once we use it, the General Administration of the Three Realms will sense our position. Now all of us except you, except Jinxuan and A Luo, are all wanted people at large. Be careful, be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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