Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1097: Mass wounded, miserable!

Chapter 1097 is collectively injured, miserable!

Grenades with white smoke exploded in the sky above the waterfall.

Hundreds of giant skeletal moths flying in the front were blown up and fell one after another.

However, more giant skeleton moths swarmed.

Miyaji Island hugged Ji Yuno, and finally jumped into a large natural deep pool under the waterfall with everyone.

Densely dense skeletal moths swooped down the waterfall, but it seemed that this thing was afraid of water, and finally did not rush down to attack, but the surface of the water was covered with white powder from the skeletal moths. This powder is extremely corrosive and can corrupt all living creatures. , Extremely scary.

No one dared to get out of the water, they were all holding their breath, and they didn't even have the courage to get out of the water.

Underwater, Bai Wuyou, holding his breath, suddenly pointed towards the deep pool not far away.

Everyone discovered that this waterfall and deep pool are layered on top of each other, like a ladder, below which there is a pool where waterfalls and waterfall water converge.

As a result, everyone in droves from the sinking pool, following the flow of the waterfall, into the next pool, and falling from one pool to another pool one after another, and found that there was no longer the white of the skeleton moth on the surface. After the powder, everyone came out of the water and took a breath.

"The gun got water..."

Liu Yun held a rifle in his hand, looked at the water continuously flowing from the muzzle, brushed off the water stains on his face, and said solemnly.

"No, I dropped my gun in the pool..."

Ji Ruchen touched her body and found that the gun was gone, so she secretly shouted badly.

Bai Wuyou panted, and twisted his eyebrows to remind: "I just ran in a hurry. I didn’t have time to get the bullet bag. I’m afraid the bullets are not enough. The guns are all waterproof. The problem is that you have to be careful. Skeleton moths caught up and attacked us."

Without spiritual power, the guns and ammunition were lost, seriously inadequate.

At this moment, Bai Wuyou and his party are all anxious, this is not a trifle.

"It shouldn't be chasing anymore, we all swam four water pools all the way downstream, and it's long gone." Ji Ruchen grinned.

But soon, as the drenched Aru's crazy wolf howl, the Luan bird hidden in its mouth screamed in fear, Ji Ruchen couldn't laugh, thousands of them, maybe more The skeletal moths, shining with white powder, appeared densely, swooping down toward the pool where they were!

A group of people quickly took a deep breath and got back into the depths of the pool.

Alu is Lingshang's pet wolf. Although he knows the water, he is naturally afraid of water. He obviously doesn't want to enter the water anymore, sobbing and resisting, not dare to dive into the deep pool to escape.

This road followed Feng Jinxuan and Gong Siyu into the Geocentric Mountain Range. It has been very fast and silent, and it splashed directly at this moment.

Feng Jinxuan and Aluo had nothing to do with each other, so the two of them pressed his limbs together and forcibly dragged Alu back into the water and swam deeper.

Those skeletal moths plunged into the pool like a death squad, and soon drowned.

The environment of more than ten meters underwater can barely be seen clearly, and Gong Siyu and the others realized that there are countless big fish with arm-length swimming back and forth in this waterfall pool.

These fish, at first glance, look familiar.

The neck is short, the sides are flat, the tail fin is grayish green, the back is dark green, and the abdomen is bright red. They have sharp teeth, their two jaws are short and powerful, their lower jaws are prominent, and their teeth are triangular and sharp, staggered up and down.

Under the water, Yuno's hand was held firmly by Miyajiyu, but obviously, she was taken aback by the terrifying appearance of countless big fishes that appeared in front of her and took a few mouthfuls of water.

So did Angelica and Snow Wolf Alu, Alu started kicking all his limbs wildly, struggling frantically, and could no longer hold his breath.

At this time, Gong Siyu found that the lake seemed to be much calmer than before. It was estimated that the skeleton moth had been killed or injured, so he decided to swim back to the surface first.

But just when he was about to swim toward the surface, his arm suddenly hurt!

Immediately afterwards, blood bloomed in the water, and when he looked intently, it was a fish that bit his arm tightly. The body twisted violently, tearing a piece of flesh off his arm!

The biting pain caused Gong Siyu to twist his eyebrows suddenly. At the same time, Liu Yun and Ji Ruchen were also struggling violently underwater, and it seemed that they were also bitten by these fishes.

The smell of blood under the water became stronger and stronger, and these fishes were crazy, rushing towards them and their group, rushing to bite.

Miyajiyu endured the pain, saw a fish trying to bite Yuki Yuno's neck, instantly drew the dagger from his waist, slashed it, and chopped the fish in two.

Ji Ruchen, Liuyun, Feng Jinxuan, Aluo and others who were also bitten all took out self-defense daggers, and while swimming towards the shore, they resisted these difficult carnivorous scary fish. ...

Everyone pulled and helped each other, and eventually climbed onto the shore without white powder and skeleton moth corpses. Those skeleton moths seemed to be more afraid of the fish in this pool. Except for some skeleton moth corpses floating on the water, they were long gone.

Without spiritual power, the Gongsiyu group after they went ashore was injured collectively, exhausted, tired and hungry, panting, and no longer had the energy to move on.

Ji Ruchen scolded Juniang, because she couldn't use spiritual power, and the wound would not heal itself. She covered the bleeding wound and looked around vigilantly, "I found out that things in this place are either poisonous or corrosive. Even fish can bite people. The centipede is two meters long. If something comes back later, I just wipe my neck! I'm exhausted."

Aluo, who had always been extremely arrogant, also had a bitter face, clutching his bitten arm and calf, and shook his head wet, "It was wrong, it was wrong, Aluo was wrong, and I don’t dare to mess around anymore. What else will attack us? Can you let me catch my breath first..."

Alu was particularly miserable. Half of his snow-colored fur was stained with blood. He was not injured lightly. At this moment, he could only lie on the ground, and he even spit out the bald chicken luan that had been hidden in his mouth, whimpering. Regardless of his bruised body.

A large piece of meat was torn off Gong Siyu's arm. The wound was terrifying and shocking. He was bleeding, and bones were faintly visible. Although he didn't call any pain, his face was pale, showing how painful he was.

Among them, Yuno, who has been guarded by Miyajiyu, suffered a slight ankle injury. She didn't care about herself. Seeing Miyajiyu's arm injury was so severe, she hurriedly pulled out of her backpack. The equipped small first aid kit, took out the painkiller, took out the first aid supplies such as gauze and disinfectant, trembling hands, squatting in front of Miyajiyu, first gave him an injection for pain relief, and then gave him a dose of antibiotics for five minutes Later, the pain relief needle worked, and then half a bottle of disinfectant was poured on Miyajiyu's arm in an orderly manner.

"It hurts, right? I'll blow it to you."

With that, Ji Yuno blew lightly into the wound of Miyajiyu.

Miyajiyu, who was suffering from the pain of his heart, immediately smiled hard, raised her delicate chin, and asked dumbly: "I didn't even touch the door of the tomb of the human emperor and couldn't use spiritual power. We were collectively injured. The road will only be harder to walk, are you afraid?"

(End of this chapter)

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