Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1213: Falling God Cliff Symbiosis Curse

Chapter 1213 Falling God Cliff Symbiosis Curse

The endless stream of terrifying spiritual power gathered from the five directions formed a columnar spiritual power beam, which rushed to the gas mask on the gossip platform like a dead light, thunder billowed in the array, lightning continued to thunder, and the sly wind whispered. Masterpiece, the red lotus karma dances like a magic snake in Miyun, sweeping and burning everything madly!

The gas mask was pierced by the light beam of spiritual power formed by the five people, becoming weaker and more transparent.

At this moment! The ghostly exterminating black lotus rose from the ground and turned into a black lotus bow and arrow! At the same time, the Mie Sun Divine Bow placed on the ground on Gong Siyu slowly rose to mid-air.

Without the control of their respective owners.

The arrow that Hei Lian turned into lay horizontally on the Divine Mie Sun Bow.

In the next second, the bow is like a full moon, the arrow is on the string, "swish"! The lotus flower, which turned into an arrow, was shot out by the golden bow, and whirled toward the increasingly weak gas shield.

Smash the gas shield, hit four with one arrow, and penetrate the four sword spirits!

At that moment, the entire Zhushen Formation was filled with white light...

Outside the Zhushen array, the thunder stopped abruptly, the wind disappeared, and the black cloud disappeared...

The Zhushen Array is like a balloon over-filled with gas. It begins to inflate, and it begins to expand continuously. The Heavenly Conferred Monument is cracked, the steps of the altar collapsed, and the rubble falls one after another, like a meteor passing by, the sky is sinking and the sky is sinking into a catastrophe. Falling from dozens of heavens...

When the bronze walls and iron walls of Zhushen Array expanded to a certain astonishing range, it seemed to be lightened up again and suddenly shrunk!

A few seconds later, there was an earth-shattering "bang"!

Like the neutron star explosion, the dazzling white light illuminates the dark night sky, as bright as day!

With a "click", the Heavenly Conferred Stele that had been standing on the altar for thousands of years was not only cracked. If it was split horizontally by an axe, three heavenly steles were cut off from the waist and fell into the sky from the 98th heaven!

The huge wave of air swept away the many gods and soldiers who gathered in the sky above, the **** of heaven!

When the white smoke slowly dissipated, you could see five shining figures, standing firm like Mount Tai, and time seemed to be frozen and still. Lingshu, Gongsiyu, Liuyun, and Lingyuan held each in their hands. With a sword, it happened to be the Divine Sword, Slaughter Divine Sword, Sinking Divine Sword and Absolute Divine Sword in the Divine Punishment Formation.

"Broken! Sister! We are out!"

The magnificent purple eyes were filled with excitement, and the voice trembling uncontrollably.

Ling Yi looked up at the sky and faced the moon **** who was stroked by the fairy maidservant on the top of the cloud. With a toothy smile, she seemed to mock the woman. She threw the Divine Judgment Sword in her hand to Lingshang, "Take it! Before you and I left the God Realm, there was such a memorable experience, which is worth remembering."

"Sister, you take a picture of me holding the Excalibur Sword, I will remember it."

Lingshang suppressed the ecstasy and pride in his heart and restored his composure.

"Let's go." Ling slyly took out his Three Realms mobile phone, turned the mobile phone sideways, and turned on the front camera function, "Come on, look at it!"

Gong Siyu's eyes were evil and enchanting, and his lips curled in disdain, but he appeared in the lens.

Liuyun's expressionless face was irrelevant, but he was also very cooperative.

The younger brother smiled Yingying beside her.

Seeing Lingyuan holding the sword in his arms sideways, neither walking nor staying, his fierce and cold side face was taut, seemingly embarrassed, Lingyu smiled lightly and pulled him over." You too, let the younger siblings that you don’t like are going away soon. Take them as parting photos. As long as you leave the God Realm, you will no longer belong to the Protoss, and you have no right to arrest and punish him. ."

After the words fell for a moment, Linggui pulled Lingyuan into the camera and forced a group photo.

The Zhushen formation was broken, at this time, no **** dared to approach them.

Ling's provocative eyes glanced at the Moon God who was overlooking her on the top of the cloud from time to time. The woman was blindfolded and could not see her emotions, but the Emperor Biyun beside her had a pale face, but she was not Dare to speak nonsense.

Lingkui looked back at the broken section of the Conferred God Heaven Monument, half of which was missing, and the other half remained standing.

She handed over all the Mingzhu, the mobile phone of the Three Realms and the important fragile and lost objects on her body to Liu Yun.

"Xiaoyun, take care of me, I'm about to jump off the cliff."

"Come on, don't go wrong." Liu Yun said lukewarmly.

Only after breaking the Zhushen Formation, without breathing, Lingkui wanted to jump off the cliff again.

She was so determined that she didn't want to stay in the God Realm anymore, she didn't want to be the **** of tricks, and she didn't plan to look back.

Lingyu walked in front of Gongsiyu, wrapped his thin arms around his narrow and thin waist, snuggled into his arms, with a small face close to his heart, and murmured: "Disi, I will jump first, wait for me to suffer. After the punishment is over, you come down and cast a bone curse with me, have you heard?"

Gong Siyu threw the Divine Slaughter Sword in his hand to Lingshang, and exhausted all his strength to hug Lingyu. The phoenix eyes were filled with deep worry and fierce affection, as if such a simple hug could not satisfy him, and could not fill him. The endless love for the spirit in my heart.

He did not say such things as "get it", "um", "I love you".

He just kissed Lingyu's forehead in a low voice, like a decision he made that he would never regret, letting go of Lingyu.

"Go ahead."

Fallen God Cliff is at the southeast end of the Fengshentian Monument.

In the long river of tens of millions of years, I don’t know how many protoss have accepted the punishment here, been expelled from the gods, some have fallen into demons, some have been wiped out, and some have become ordinary people and disappear completely in the gods, never returning... …

There is no fear in Lingyu's eyes.

Step by step, she fearlessly walked towards the edge of the cliff where the sea of ​​clouds was full of clouds, the clouds were soothing, and the bottomless cliff.

The sky of the Ninety-Eighth Heaven was dark, with black clouds densely pressing on the top of the head, lightning bolted down, the thunder was deafening, falling to the edge of the cliff, the violent cold wind was hunting and hunting, and I felt that members of the gods were approaching. In an instant, a bolt of lightning was accompanied by a thunderbolt, as if God was angry!

In the vast black sea of ​​clouds, lightning flashed faintly.

The skirt robe is hunting and hunting, the ink hair is flying messy, the spirit looks at the dark sky of the sky, closing the eyes, swearing by the sky, witnessing by the gods, the ethereal cold and cold sound suddenly sounded——

"I am spiritually cunning, facing the heavens, and swearing to the gods of the ninety-nine layers of the world that created the world, voluntarily leave the gods, erase the gods, completely get rid of the title of the **** of tricks, and never return to the gods! From today, No matter how innocent and treacherous among the royal family of the God Realm, they are testified by blood! They are willing to fall into the cliff to show their determination!"

Lingki resolutely raised his left arm, facing the dim sky, conjured a sharp blade out of thin air, without blinking, without fear, absolutely cut off a strip about twenty inches long on the inside of his arm. See the wound of the bones!

(End of this chapter)

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