Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1222: wrong. Something happened! go! Go check it out!

Chapter 1222 is wrong. Something happened! go! Go check it out!

"Bah baah baah! What bad things to say in the bridal night."

While talking, Ji Ruchen saw two white scented candles, which were expensive on the market, on the table beside him.

Then, he cast a spell, lit two scented candles, and smiled, "The bridal chamber must have scented candles! Look, I lighted two candles for you two, and they still have fragrance!"

Holding the candle and walking to Gongsiyu, Ji Ruchen smiled happily and slapped the wind towards Gongsiyu.

"Smell, don't it smell?"

"This is a white candle!" Gong Siyu gritted his teeth and was about to explode. The white candle was lit in commemoration of the dead!


"Get out! Get out!" Gong Siyu was furious, his face was extremely gloomy, and he pointed at the door and drank coldly!

Angelica turned around in fright and ran away.

Xiao Yan also ran out holding his head.

Bai Feiran stayed outside and didn't come in.

In the room, Ji Ruchen, Liuyun, Lingshang and the candle dragon, gluttonous, black and white of the family have not left.

"No, we are going to make trouble in the bridal chamber!"

Ji Ruchen gave Lingshang a color, and Lingshang shouted immediately!

"We'll leave after making trouble in the bridal chamber!"

Lingyu hid in the bed all the way, hiding behind Gong Siyu, and heard that his brother was also mixing up blindly, and a head came out from the bed, and said to Lingshang, "I will clean up you tomorrow!" Little brother!

"Sister, I was wrong, but don't you all say that getting married in the bridal chamber means auspicious and happy life? If you don't make trouble, won't you two be unhappy?"

It's just crooked!

Ling Yu had a dark face, and Gong Siyu didn't want others to see Ling Yu's little appearance. He turned his head and pulled the quilt up again. Then, with a gloomy and icy handsome face, he said in a gloomy tone: "How do you want to make trouble? ?"

"Yes, why are we making trouble? Why are we making trouble in the bridal chamber?"

Lingshang, Liuyun, and Taotie looked at each other in a daze.

None of them had trouble with the bridal chamber.

Even Ji Ruchen smiled and shrugged, "I haven't made trouble, I don't know..."

In the next second, Gong Siyu roared at Ji Ruchen and the others: "Get out if you don't know! If you don't go out, you will move out for me!"

Roaring, Gong Siyu stood up and kicked the "troublesome spirits" who had broken into their house one by one.

Ji Ruchen and the others didn't want to stay away anymore, just want to make a fuss in the middle of the night, so that they can be full.

"It's not you who can let us move out. This courtyard is Agui's house. We and Agui are so good. She must be reluctant to let us fall into the street."

How expensive is the house price in the imperial capital, Ji Ruchen thought in his heart, if he really moved out, he would have no money to buy and sell antiques and do stock business.

Just as Gong Siyu drove Ji Ruchen and the others, Ling heard that, barefoot, wrapped in quilt, showing beautiful butterfly bones, appeared behind Gong Siyu, and said to Ji Ruchen with poisonous tongue: "Ji Ruchen I remember you don’t seem to have sex, right? Your thousand-year-old zongzi has lived for so long and hasn’t even touched a woman. Isn’t it that I despise you, are you afraid that there is a problem in any way? Disi, what are you doing? I am jealous of my strong body and strong bones? Or do you dare not touch your little one now, come to me to find experience?"


Ji Ruchen's smile froze, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't speak for a while.

Lingyu stretched out her slender porcelain white arm from the wrapped quilt and pointed at Ji Ruchen, "I won't cut you again!"

Seeing Lingling showing his arms and most of his long legs outside, Gong Siyu had a dark face, and quickly picked Lingling upside down and held it in his arms, and once again wrapped her in airtight, for fear of being seen by others. .

The door was closed with a merciless "bang".

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Ji Ruchen pointed to his nose, doubting life, "I can't?"

"Who knows." Liu Yun replied.

"Can't I be a big man?"

"Where do you look like a man?" Liu Yun looked up and down Ji Ruchen and sneered. "You look more beautiful than a woman."

Ji Ruchen was unable to refute, he really hadn't tried it...

Sneaking at him, Ji Ruchen swallowed because he was afraid of the shivering little angelica.

Why don't you try some time?

Not long after, feeling boring, Ji Ruchen, Liuyun, Lingshang and others quietly left Gongsiyu and Lingyu's courtyard. It was late at night, and it was time to go back to each courtyard to wash and sleep.

But their party walked through the deep and quiet veranda, planning to separate when the branching road separated.

Suddenly there was a shocking sound in the night sky!

It's like something exploded.

Accompanied by a man's violent shout of anger!

The echo was in the air, lingering for a long time.

The roar of anger was full of anger and anger, and the momentum was shocking, making people tremble.

"It came from my sister's yard."

Lingshang looked up, the night sky was sparsely starred, and looked at the direction of Lingyu and Gongsiyu's residence compound, surprised.

Ji Ruchen was surprised, and said "wow": "What is it? So violent? And so loud? Is it too excited and excited to blow up the house all at once?"

"I suddenly admire the male owner of the house." The black cat, with a black appearance, meowed, staying in Mo Bai's arms with a pale and cold face, admiringly said, "We are not as fierce as the breeding of the beast."

But at this time, Liu Yun's scarlet and cold pupils suddenly shrank, and he frowned and said coldly: "No! It's an accident! Go! Go and see!" The words fell, and disappeared instantly, the first one. Flashed towards the courtyard where Lingkui lived.

Mu Lingyuan lies in the bed.

It was supposed to be charming and indulgent, when the love is strong...

Everything is ready.

But Lingyu's body suddenly formed a black misty protective cover, and in an instant he shot Gong Siyu out fiercely! Unexpectedly, Miyajiyu's whole person instantly lifted off many antique furnishings in the room, and finally hit the wall. The whole person was half embedded in the wall, leaving a "human" shape.

Gong Siyu couldn't believe it, and the phoenix eyes tightened.

The light in the room was dim, and when he returned to Lingyu's side, the black mist shrouded her body disappeared.

Lingyu's small mouth couldn't close in surprise, his face was ashamed, and his eyes blurred.

When Gong Siyu did not believe in evil and planned to try for the second time, he did not expect it to be exactly the same as the first time!

This time, Miyajiyu was bounced out of the room and hit the high wall outside the door heavily. The wall collapsed in response. What a strong protective force was needed to have this effect on Miyajiyu. ?

Gong Siyu was embarrassed and flew back into the room in threes or twos. He put on a nightgown and had a gray face. He was shocked that the black mist-like evil light appeared on Lingyu's body instantly, and disappeared in an instant, that mysterious Strength, resisted the attack of external forces, and did not give Gong Siyu and Linggui a chance to get closer, completely dead guarding the spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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