Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1226: Surprising encounters to kill the void

Chapter 1226 Killing the Void Realm Surprise

"This king personally went to the void and informed them that Wutian ancestors have returned to the gods!"

The domineering and ruthless Jiang Ziwen in a suit and leather shoes fell silent, stood up proudly, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Fan Wujiao.

"Master Jiang is not allowed! You must go to the General Administration of the Three Realms to participate in the Assembly for a while. This meeting is related to the development of the Three Realms in the future. You must be there on time instead of the Emperor of the Underworld. I think Princess Lingyu went to the void, but she couldn't find the old Zu, it’s not a big deal since returning."

At the same time.

Not under the jurisdiction of the Three Realms.

The transmission channel opened by Mingzhu threw Lingyu and Gongsiyu into the desolate and boundless sand sea.

The void is composed of Sand Sea, Devil Mountain and Black Dead Sea.

The endless sea of ​​sand, where no grass grows, is just like an illusion. The towering sand dunes are high and low. In the sandstorm that obscures the sky, they stretch like billowing waves and the yellow sand is overflowing. From time to time, you can see the monster bones showing out of the sand pit. The skull was cut off, shocked.

Lingyu climbed up from the sea of ​​sand, spit out the yellow sand, shook off the dust on his body, looked around, and saw the world and the earth, like the end of the day, barren, like a barren land with the breath of death and terror.

"Isn't it good to hide in the world and enjoy the blessing? Everyone is running into the void, sick, here is a barren land, there is no grass, what can you do when you come?"

Ling was screaming and cursing, and there was a faint shadow of Lianlian, and he didn't know if he learned it from Lianlian, or if Lianlian was taken by her.

When the Sanjie mobile phone fell into the sand, Lingyu picked it up and turned on the screen to the sky. The three words "No Service" were clearly visible in the upper left corner.

Her master is here.

Qing Yaoji also came here.

Later, I heard Ling Shang said that in order to restore Qing Yaoji, the **** emperor also ran here.

The corner of Ling's mouth twitched, and he sneered at the big waves scouring the sand. The sky was covered with yellow sand, and there was a huge hurricane vortex formed by sandstorms in the distance...

What's so good about this place?

Gong Siyu gently dusted the yellow fine sand from the side and looked at the boundless desert. He couldn't distinguish the boundless deserts of the southeast and northwest. After a moment of thought, he frowned and looked at Linggui, "Kid, we forgot to bring water. , What do you do if you are thirsty?"


Linggui opened the local memo on Sanjie's mobile phone, with a hand-drawn map of Nothingness Jiang Ziwen on it.

The rough map, with a few directional arrows, marked a five-pointed star, which was the location of my master, and disappeared.

There are also several precautions written below, one of which says impressively: Never drink the water of the Black Dead Sea!

Glancing his eyes, Lingxiu looked back and smiled brightly at Gongsiyu, "Let’s swallow! Find it quickly!"

Gong Siyu took the magical mobile phone of the Three Realms, opened the simple map on the memo, twisted his eyebrows to correspond to the map, and looked at the surrounding sky with yellow sand.

"My brother-in-law said, your master’s sleeping place is in Devil Mountain, and Devil Mountain can be found by following a weird black death star in the sky. This black death star will exist no matter whether it is day or night. It is just a flicker. Unidentified dim black stars, but now this yellow sand is full of sky, not to mention the stars, the sky is not clear..." The voice paused, Gong Siyu returned the phone to Lingyu, "I flew up to the sky to see that one. Where is the Black Death Star!"

Gong Siyu volleyed up into the sky, dazzling his eyes, and rushed to the sky, breaking through the dust storm. It didn't take long before he shouted a sly name from the sky and let her go up.

It turned out that Miyajiyu found the position of the Black Death Star in the sky above the sand sea, on the top of the cloud above the dust storm.

So two people, one after the other, were moving as fast as a shooting star across the sky. Using the black death star as the coordinate position, they flew over the sand sea, flew over the Wuwang Black Dead Sea, and finally reached the electric flash when night fell. Devil Mountain with thunder and wind and rain.

Without the guidance of this star, I am afraid that they would not be able to find the final position of the devil and **** after spending several months here.

The place where the ancestors of heavenless sleep is deep in the heart of the Devil Mountain.

Lingyu and Gong Siyu held hands and jumped in. When they reached the depths of the Devil Mountain, they suddenly discovered that the depths of the ground where they were located was a big rift like a tear.

The cliffs here are like a hornet's nest. Small grottoes have been cut through. In the tens of millions of grottoes, there are statues of evil Buddhas. These statues are mysterious and ancient, thousands of which are half squinted. The indifferent Buddha eyes are all overlooking the small and mysterious Gongsi Island in the abyss canyon.

"The reminder given by King Jiang said that after seeing tens of thousands of evil Buddhas in the grottoes, there is either a petrified black lotus at the end of the left or right. There is a string of black bells next to the black lotus. When they ring, the master will appear. ."

Lingyu and Gong Siyu separately looked for the petrified black lotus, one went to the left at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley of Devil Mountain, and one went to the right.

It was Lingyu who found the black bell first.

She called out loudly, and when she called Gong Siyu, she folded her hands and bowed, and rang the black weird bell religiously.

"Ding--" With a sound, the ringing sounded, long and long, echoing in the depths of the terrifying and eerie rift valley.

I thought there would be a magnificent, shocking, and spectacular sight of the ancestors in this world!


There was no response, and there was no ancestor of the sky.

When the bell disappeared, I didn't even see the shadow of a fart.

Lingyu was taken aback for a moment, and then rang the black bell again.

Still no response.

It rang several times in a row, and after a delay in getting a response, Ling's mouth slumped, and with a sudden force, the huge black copper bell was shaken violently.

For a time, the piercing bells rang throughout the Great Rift Valley, the lingering sound made the eardrums sore, the scalp numb, and the bells spread throughout the entire Devil Mountain.

"Didn't it mean that the master is here! People are!"

Lingki was a bit irritable, still ringing the bell non-stop.

Gong Siyu blocked his ears, only to feel that the bell sounded like death.

"Could it be to death..."

"Then shake it a little longer!"

"Could it be that Jiang Ziwen fooled us?" Gong Siyu also followed the black face.

"Flick you, how could he fool my baby sister!"


Gong Siyu was speechless.

And just as Lingyu shook more and more violently, the bell rang to the sky, resounding over the entire Devil Mountain.

Suddenly, the earth moved and the mountains shook, as if many ancient monsters and primordial gods sleeping and hiding here were alarmed by the endless bells of spirits. There was a loud bang in the heart of the earth, and huge boulders were falling continuously...

Lingyu and Gongsiyu were almost unsteady, because the rock under their feet was cracked and broken.


Heavy footsteps were coming towards them.

With every step, the ground shakes.

Gong Siyu hurriedly stopped Lingyu from continuing to ring the bell, looking out the huge black hole behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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