Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1239: Linggui was detained, Di Si was taken away

Chapter 1239 Lingyu was detained and Disi was taken away

Gong Siyu didn't have a choice, Lingyu was detained in Wutian, he was anxious but helpless.

Now, he had to rely on this servant. Out of respect, he could only return to the imperial capital first with the domineering old man with gray hair behind him, with upside-down sword eyebrows, but with a smile full of free and easy heart.

One hour in the God Realm, one day in the Human Realm.

So when Gong Siyu brought Hongjun ancestors back to the courtyard in the alley of the Imperial Capital, it was already noon the next day.

Before New Year’s Eve, there is only the last day of today. Tomorrow evening is the time for New Year’s Eve dinner.

Gong Siyu's heart is hanging, his face is gloomy and gloomy, he doesn't know if Lingyu can come back...

Pushing open the huge gate of the vermilion red courtyard, Gong Siyu's face was cold, and his temperament was noble. Out of courtesy, he stood aside and made a "please" gesture, inviting Hongjun ancestors to enter first.

The ancestor Hongjun kindly stroked his long white beard, and nodded with satisfaction towards Gongsiyu. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of two stone lions with their teeth and claws at the gate of the courtyard. The sword eyebrows flew upside down and raised up, as if this The lion's use as a town house is a bit sloppy.

"These two stone lions, the carving craftsmanship is good, but they are not qualified to be the beasts of the town house! After all, the fake ones are always fake. It is better to seal the beasts of the town house so that they can be used! The teacher thinks, Zuo Paixiu Feng Taishan stone ward off evil spirits, right Qilin Feng Yuhaoshi Xiangrui Fuze..."

While talking, Hongjun took off a white kit hanging around his waist girdle.

This kit is like a small cloth bag. It is packed with a bulging bag. It looks unremarkable, but Hongjun opened the kit like a baby. Two fingers slid in, fumbled for a while inside, and then pulled out two pockets. Button-sized Pixiu and Kylin.

Then he slapped the two stone lions at the gate of the courtyard in disgust, threw them, and threw them away.

Nian Dong Zhujue, he placed the two petrified Pixiu and Qilin in his palm, growing bigger and then bigger again, placing them in the original stone lion position with a smile.

"Look, disciple! This is the real town house monster!"


The old man is talking about the tuberculosis system. When he is in a good mood, his energy to talk is really endless, and he can't shut the tap.

Gong Siyu's heart is shocked, this Pai Yao and Qilin are alive! He can feel their heart rhythm!

However, he was turned into a petrified beast by this Hongjun, even shrunk like a button and stored in his own kit.

What kind of monster is this old man!

"This human world is now thriving, and everything has become so advanced. It is completely different from the human world in the eyes of the old man back then. The iron boxes that will walk on the road, the buildings higher than the temple, are very novel! The old man Minger thinks that he should pull up the old monster Lao Hei, go shopping together, travel around, at least keep up with the times, and can't be a primitive person."

"..." Farewell, you and Gui'er's master should return to the void.

The ancestor Hongjun had his hands behind him, and he did not know whether he was talking to Gong Siyu or talking to himself.

He smiled peacefully and lovingly, and stepped into the courtyard.

Behind the gate of the courtyard, there is a huge jade relief on the wall.

After bypassing the wall, Gong Siyu led Hongjun through the vast garden wrapped in silver and covered with thick snow, into the front hall, which is the largest living room of their house.

It just so happens that everyone in the large living room at this time is very lively.

Lingshang can write calligraphy, and he is writing more spring couplets.

Xiaoyan and Ditong sit on the Persian carpet in front of the fireplace and play games.

Ji Ruchen is watching TV with Angelica.

Bai Feiran is playing with Liuyun in the dark to play King of Glory.

A black cat nestled in Mo Bai’s arms, and the candle dragon sat on the solo sofa by the side of the fireplace, flipping through a book of mountain and sea scriptures, gluttonous "吭哧吭哧" gnawing bacon, eating like a black pig of.

Nightmare Adai and Gong Liancheng are also there, a nightmare and a ghost floating in the living room, the scene is quite warm and weird.

When someone walked in at the door, everyone turned their eyes to the two people at the door.

"Eh? What about Agui? Gong Siyu, what's the matter with you, bringing the old man with white beard back?"

"Is this a guest? I heard that it will be lively during the New Year. It is a good thing to have a guest, this one?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on the white-haired old man who was extremely tall behind Gong Siyu and with an inverted sword eyebrow.

Gong Siyu was originally tall and straight, with a height of 189, but in front of this old man, Gong Siyu was also a whole bit short before reaching the old man.

The old man smiles, his eyes are kind, and the whole person gives people a sense of long-term peace and mystery of eternal vicissitudes.

Before Gong Siyu introduced Hongjun's ancestor, Hongjun spoke first.

He held his fists in his arms, his demeanor was immortal and vigorous, and he was extremely chic.

Gong Siyu understood that the ancestor Hongjun would never call himself a title. Outside, he was called Sanqing.

"My wild master." Gong Siyu pointed to the old man beside him, "Zhulong, go and pour tea." After a pause, he looked to Hongjun to his side, "By the way, what tea do you drink?"

"Is Xianlu Qiongye Yuye tea available?"

"...No!" Gong Siyu had never heard of it before, his phoenix eyes sank, and the blue veins on his forehead violently, "Candle Dragon, the best hair tip!"

"Well, okay, wait a minute." Zhulong put down the book, and disappeared in a flash.

Hongjun was not angry either. He seemed to like Gong Siyu's temperament and gloomy personality. He entered the large living room and walked around to the side of the sofa. Seeing that there was no place on the sofa, the single sofa was also occupied. I found Zhang Xiaoyuan and sat down, surprised and found it interesting to look at the various ornaments and utensils that I did not know in the room. I didn't forget to move my head and glance at Liuyun, seeming to wonder what he was playing with.

"My little friend, what is this thing in your palm? Can the old man exchange his playthings with you?" Hongjun said, and took out another small thing he played with from the kit on his waistband , This time, it was an immortal grass that was sealed in amber stone and overflowing with light.

Liuyun looked at the things in the old man's hand in a dumbfounded manner, looked at the old man like a monster, and then at Gongsiyu.

"You can rest assured, little friend, this thing is edible, and can also be used as a bead. It is called immortal grass and can live long after taking it. The old man never deceives."

"...Here, here you are." Liu Yun offered his mobile phone with both hands. On the phone screen, the game was only halfway through, and then silently accepted the "undead grass" presented by the old man in front of him, and the baby kicked in his pocket. .

Lingshang looked at the weird old man suspiciously, always feeling a little familiar, but he didn't remember where he had seen him. The old man wore a white coarse cloth robe, but he was handsome and unfamiliar with everything around him, like A primitive savage who has never been in the world.

But Lingshang is even more strange, why his sister hasn't come back.

"Brother-in-law, where is my sister?"

"I was detained by her master and told me to wait, indicating that I will be back before the evening, and she will spend New Year's Eve with me."

(End of this chapter)

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