Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1261: Liuyun was taken away

Chapter 1261 Liuyun was taken away

Wearing an oxygen mask, Bai Feiran's gaze was filled with weakness and excitement. Bai Feiran's gaze shifted downwards, struggling to look at Miyajiyu, which was standing not far away, as if he had seen his own family. Holding the instrument clip for monitoring vital signs, my fingertips quivered slightly, and the calm mood became extremely unstable at once, and even the wavy lines on the heartbeat chart became rush.

Gong Siyu's sword eyebrows frowned, and he suddenly stepped forward, holding Bai Feiran's hand like a brother, and sat down on the chair beside the bed.

"Don't rush to speak."

After the words fell, Gong Siyu looked back and gave Ji Lingkui a look, as if he wanted to make Lingkui, please go out first.

The tacit understanding between them is very good. Linghui immediately understood, looked sideways at Lyon and the nurse, and said in proficient English: "Can you let your nurse avoid it first? It's best you avoid it too."

Leon gave the nurse an instruction, and the nurse left immediately.

But he himself did not leave.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but I still have a defensive heart against you. This is the quality of a mercenary into the bone marrow, so I must stay here." The big guy looked at Linggui from a downward angle, in front of him. , Lingyu's waist, as if he could hold it with one hand, was a bit scary.

Lingyu didn't say much. Seeing that there was a monitor on the corner of the ward's ceiling, he walked around Lyon and jumped up lightly in two steps. He tore off the monitor along with the wires and threw it into Lyon. In the arms.

"What happened at that moment, if you bother you don't see it, I know it's nonsense, but there is nothing strange about it in the world, and also, let your people not come near here, and I didn't deliberately dismantle the camera."

As soon as the monitor was torn off by her, Lingyu heard the sound of running in the far corridor outside the ward.

It should be the guard here who thought something happened.

Immediately, Leon cooperated with Lingyu and called the security department with a walkie-talkie, and sent all the men who came quickly to check the situation.

"What do you want to do?" Leon's rough voice was hoarse with the iron blood of a tough guy. This man is actually very handsome, the kind of tough guy and muscular hunk that foreign women like, but Lingyu feels very hot eyes when he looks at it.

Lingsui stood at the end of the bed and glanced at Leon with an unclear meaning, "He is a member of our family, and in our family, we can’t see the family members injured. It’s not going to get better if we lie down this way and don’t raise it for a month. ,too slow."

Before Leon had fully understood what the words of the beautiful woman in front of him meant.

On the side of the hospital bed, Miyajiyu’s warm and powerful palm rested on Bai Feiran’s wrist. Suddenly, the gentle and warm golden glow overflowed from his fingers, and a steady stream of light like golden threads permeated Bai Feiran. In the blood vessels of the wrist.

The bruises and severe abrasions on Bai Feiran's face are healing quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wound wrapped in heavy gauze, although no change can be seen.

But his face is recovering rosy at a rate completely contrary to common sense, and his pale, paper-like lip color is gradually regaining its luster and blood color. Only then was he a seriously injured bedridden person, his face is rosy and healthy. Incomparably, it seemed to be all right.

On Leon's bronze-colored face, his expression was extremely rich. With his mouth half open, he looked at Bai Feiran in disbelief, then raised his eyebrows and stared at Ling Wei for a moment, "Magic?"

"No, this is in our east. It's called Miaoshou's rejuvenation. Just get used to it." Lingyu folded his arms and leaned leisurely at the end of the bed. Seeing Bai Feiran's increasingly healthy face, his heart was slightly relaxed.

Lyon's expression was like everything in front of him subverted his cognition and opened the door to his new world.

"Are you alchemists?"

Alchemist is the Western name for strangers who practice magic and magic. This kind of people only exists in legends. They have never appeared in the real world. In the Eastern Three Realms, so-called alchemists are Spiritualists, practitioners who can use magic techniques to control spiritual power. Although they have different names, they are all spell attacks, not physical attacks.

"We are his family." Linggui pointed at Bai Feiran, smiling enchantingly, "You only need to know so much."


Bai Feiran regained his spirit, and his eyes were fortunate to be reborn, but more of an inexplicable dignified and endless worry. He tore off the oxygen mask, took off the various testing instruments and wires on his body by himself. I dropped the needle on the back of my hand.

He didn't care to untie the heavy gauze on his body, but just sat up with difficulty, and subconsciously grasped Gong Siyu's wrist, with anxious eyes, "Master! Liuyun was taken away!"

"What the **** happened?" After a pause, Gong Siyu suddenly remembered that when he was in the church, Leon kept testing them with the intention of proving whether he and Lingyu were the real deities. This move made Gong Siyu still doubtful. Also, why let Leon test us? Test us out to test whether we are true or not? You don't even believe me?"

"Master." After Bai Feiran calmed down, he recovered his usual indifferent face, his tone was dull, and there was a weirdness in the depths of his eyes. He glanced at the spirit and took a deep look at Gongsiyu before finally saying. Exit, "If I told you that I attacked me that night and took the two people who took the lead in Xiaoyun, who looked exactly like you and his wife... You should understand why I told me in Lyon that there was one who claimed to be When your people contact him, they will be so defensive and will constantly test you..."

Hearing that, Gong Siyu and Lingyu were shocked, and they looked at each other, what? Two people who look exactly like them? Captured Xiaoyun? This...what the **** is going on?

"I didn't expect that you and your wife came to the United States. I originally thought that the person who contacted Lyon was the two who took Xiaoyun away."

"Bai Feiran, you said Liuyun was taken away? Do you think it's possible? With his ability, he cannot be easily surrendered, let alone anyone hurt him." Lingyu still couldn't believe that Liuyun was actually caught. Man was captured, a high-level psychic master in the heavens, with an immortal body, ordinary weapons and people, and could not cause any harm to him at all, unless... the sly eyes are sharply narrowed, unless the opponent has The method that can make Liu Yun lose the ability to resist in an instant... there is a method that can make Liu Yun even have no chance to escape.

This is incredible.

"Madam, I saw it with my own eyes! They made me like this. I thought this time, I was dead... I couldn't wait for Leon to save me... Even if I waited, I lost too much blood, I too I couldn't survive the blood transfusion operation, but I didn't expect me to survive. Is this a miracle?"

(End of this chapter)

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