Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 127: Built in the Republic of China, Mysterious Special Case Investigation Division

Chapter 127 was built in the Republic of China, the mysterious special case investigation section

"Because these three cases are related to you, you have to go back with us for investigation."

"If your people don't do anything well and make sense, I will follow you after thinking about it. Anyway, I may not even have the place to live tonight, and I won't be like this."

Yuno angrily rolled his eyes to the mysterious man in front of him.

Brush the dust and sawdust from the body.

Indeed, Miyajiyu was so angry and cold.

She was a little afraid to go back.

However, as if thinking of something, Ji Yuno paused and raised her eyes suspiciously: "What is the National Special Cases Investigation Division? Why have I never heard of it?"

Then, Yuno discovered a series of strange places.

"Wait a minute! Your subordinates, here, just the monk, and the 13 or 14-year-old child, these two are agents? Are you kidding me? I look so silly? You three Wouldn't it be An Lan who came here to kill me again?"

Will the agents have monks and children?

She could understand the detective's disagreement.

But what the monk just drew was not a gun, it was a capable person and stranger who knew magic!

Ji Yuno's words made Lu Xingze's eyes flash.

"An Lan? You mean... the woman currently detained in the discipline inspection? She wants to harm you?"

Ji Yuno kept silent, and took a few steps back deliberately, ready to escape at any time.

Seeing the girl in front of him, he was immediately alert, Lu Xingze hurriedly explained:

"We are indeed affiliated to the Metropolitan Police Department and have certificates, but the department is extremely special, and most people don't know that we exist."

There are no people in the deep forest of People's Park at night.

Youyue is cold, and the breeze is blowing.

On the ground, lie the dead bodies of many birds and beasts.

Yuno glanced warily at the name on the man's ID.

Lu Xingze?

Nodded thoughtfully.

"Forget it, it seems that your attitude is pretty good. I hurt your two subordinates again. You didn't blame me for the sake of it. I will reluctantly follow you and cooperate with the investigation." After the words fell, Ji Yuno reached out. Thin white wrists, "As a show of sincerity, beware of my escape, would you like to handcuff me up with handcuffs?"

Hearing this, Lu Xingze lowered his eyes and stared at his two over-white ivory wrists. He was slightly startled, and his lips were drawn with a slight smile, which meant unknown.

"The Special Case Investigation Division never uses handcuffs."

"Oh? Without handcuffs, what do you use?"

She seemed to be very interested in this mysterious department, and Yuno asked with great interest.

Grinning unpredictably at Yuno, Lu Xingze said in a low and solemn voice: "The cases transferred to our department are basically difficult and vicious cases that ordinary people cannot solve. The so-called murderer is generally evil. There are mostly spirit demons, and the accusation we have to fulfill is to kill them on the spot without leaving alive, so as to avoid them from damaging the society."

Hehe laughed.

Ji Yunoshi only remembered these people just now, and regarded her as a ghost who resurrected her body.

In the end, Lu Xingze said that he had made a mistake, and stopped in time.

With the help of Lu Xingze, the flower monk of the famous Chuan Jiuqi and the Zhengtai named Luozhi, who seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, recovered and was barely able to walk.

Although his face still looked very ugly, but fortunately he did not lose his mind and lost his mind.

The two of them looked very bad at Yuno.

It was Lu Xingze, who looked polite.

"In that case, Miss Ji will go back to Corey with us?"

Lu Xingze gave a "please" gesture and smiled mysteriously.

"lead the way."

The cold first quarter moon, I don't know when, was covered by layers of thick fog.

Afterwards, Ji Yuno felt the "special" from the Special Case Investigation Division——

The three of them, plus one of them, used a four-wheeled scooter on the way to the destination, but galloped and jumped like a shadow in the wind.

Before and after the four of them, they jumped and shuttled quickly through the woods, looking like a ghost under the dark night.

It's just that Yuno did not see it at all.

When she followed Lu Xingze and the group to leave the dense forest deep in the People's Park.

Miyajiyu was looking for her in the park.

His slender, tall but anxious and clear back, under the dim park street lamp, reveals loneliness and tension, and deep guilt and regret in his charming and faint phoenix eyes.


This is located in the old house area in the third ring city of the Imperial Capital. An old alley with a long history, built in the early Republic of China, is dim and dilapidated. The gray-black high walls are covered with vines, and there is a long-standing dampness. Musty.

There are no residents in the alley.

Because here are all protected historical sites.

Turns and turns in the old alley like a maze.

Soon, Ji Yuno followed Lu Xingze and the others, and stopped in front of a garden house built in the Republic of China that looked old and dilapidated but still exquisite.

The rusty iron fence gate was hidden.

Inside the bungalows and villas it was pitch black.

like what?

Like a haunted house...

Yuno was stunned and stared at the four-story Republic of China bungalow in front of him. Next to the door, it read-Built in 1912, with some words behind it, but it was blocked by plants and dust.

There is not a trace of popularity in this place.

Looking at Lu Xingze who pushed through the iron gate, Ji Yunai stopped moving forward.

"I don't think you are members of the Special Case Investigation Division, but rather like a group of people who want to find a place where no one is, plotting to kill me and make it a haunted scene."

Hearing the sound, Lu Xingze turned his head helplessly, walked back to Yuno, wiped the sign next to the door with his sleeve, lifted the plant away, and pointed to the vague words on it: "What do you think in your mind? If you are really plotting against you, my two subordinates will still be beaten by you? Read clearly what is written on it."

Ji Yuno narrowed her mouth, reluctantly covering her nose, and stepped forward to take a closer look.

"Oh, it was built in 1912 in the Republic of China. It is now the Special Case Investigation Division of the General Police Department."

"Believe it now?"

Lu Xingze stood beside Yuno with arms folded, as if she was really afraid of her running away.

And Chuanjiuqi and Luozhi have already opened the door of the bungalow villa.

They should have opened the main switch of the villa.

In an instant, the entire bungalow was illuminated by ancient dim glass lamps.

Ji Yuno followed Lu Xingze into the hall of the bungalow and found that in the huge retro hall, on both sides of the red carpet, two rows of statue-like dolls stood together.

As soon as the doll smells of humanity, it stiffly bows mechanically, it feels weird no matter what.

"Is your subject unwelcome by higher-level leaders? How come it looks like a haunted house and still so gloomy."

Hearing this, Lu Xingze still touched his chin and thought carefully before giving Ji Yuno a reply:

"Our department enjoys much higher remuneration and benefits than ordinary agents, and there will not be many cases for us in a year. We can work here as usual, and the vacation is long, which is good, but the place is relatively old."

Ji Yunai thought that the Republic of China's bungalows were the base of their special case investigation department.

But she was wrong again.

Under this house, there is no heaven!

small theater:

Thousands of years ago, Xie Bian was just a small young ecstasy.

However, Fan Wujiu had already commanded thousands of ghosts, a powerful ghost commander.

One day, due to a momentary negligence, Xie Bi'an released the felon who ran away from thirteen hells and faced the torture of torture and flogging.

But when the Trial Division was about to accept the sentence, he was suddenly released.

A few days later, seeing Fan Wujiao, Xie Bian kept asking:

"Master Fan, Master Fan, why would I be exempt from punishment?"

When the words fell, he staggered without looking at the way, and fell into Fan Wujiao's arms.

Lifting his eyes, he saw Fan Wujiu's expression frowning in pain.

But Fan Wujiao, who had always been taciturn, left without saying anything.

Hundred years later, Xie Bian, who became the commander of Bai Wuchang, accidentally learned from the Judge of Ghost Face—

It's not that you are helpless and feel sorry for you, for fear that you can't bear the heavy ashes and suffer all the torture for you.

That night, Xie Bian took the initiative to hug Fan Wujiao for the first time.

"Hei Ye, I don't care, you can only have me in your heart from now on, and we will live together for generations, okay?"

Fan Wujiu hugged him back and said, "Okay."

To Fan Wuqing-Are you happy to see this?


Continuing today, under the 129 chapters, cover 200 layers, draw 3 and get 200 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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