Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1273: The plane disintegrated, the desert crashed, and trouble

Chapter 1273 The plane disintegrates, the desert crashes, and trouble

To the northeast of the Sah Desert, 300 kilometers away from the Pyramid of Khufu outside the Egyptian capital Cairo, there is an undeveloped and unexcavated Queens Valley.

The sun is scorching, and the daytime temperature reaches 48 degrees.

After leaving from West Hades.

Gong Youen brought two teams of 20 death gods, using the sly Mingzhu, and instantly teleported here.

Lingyu's face and body are covered with flimsy black gauze, and she wears sunglasses to block strong ultraviolet rays.

She is lying on the back of a high sand dune, holding a thick leash in her hand, and lying on her body is a giant three-headed **** dog almost the same height as her, three heads, six scarlet like lava Pupils, three mouths, and tongue sticking out because of the high temperature, the foul-smelling saliva flowed all over.

At this moment, except Gong Siyu, everyone was far away from her, because the saliva of Hellhound was really stinky.

But Lingsui didn't dislike it, and the three dogs flicked their heads together, very happy.

And this Hell three-headed dog lying in Lingyu's arms is also very friendly, and from time to time he rubs Lingyu's cheeks with three heads at the same time.

She seems to be very fond of ugly things.

On the other hand, Gong Siyu, whose entire face was buried in the sand, was extremely helpless. He couldn't really stop his own woman from liking this thing, and because of his habit of cleanliness, he couldn't smell it, so he could only bury his head.

He really didn't understand, where is this dog...cute.

What does she like about this three-headed **** dog, like it smelly? Like it ugly? Like it never take a bath?

"If you really want to take it home, it must take a bath every day."

Gong Siyu raised his eyes, glanced at Lingsui, and said gloomily.

"Well, give it a scent of washing, and then tie a beautiful pink bow." Spiritually scratched the hellhound's chin, gently gazing at the hellhound in his arms like a loving mother, "Mom loves you, oh ."

But as soon as Lingyu's voice fell, her tone turned cold, and she glanced at Gong Youen, who was hiding far away, and asked coldly, "So when are we going to squat here."

Why do they come here?

According to investigations, Donghuang Wuji’s giant luxury airliner, “Sky Fortress”, will pass through Cairo to refuel at this point in time, and then fly over their heads to go to North Africa for secret weapons trading, so Gong Youen intends to take people. , United Lingyu, shot down the plane here, in one step.

"Cousin, don't worry, it will be here soon. The secret investigation team in Cairo said the plane has taken off and it is expected to fly over us in ten minutes."

Gong Youen brought two elite death teams from West Hades.

One team is the well-known Secret Death Team of Zero Fan Ace, which performs all secret missions of West Hades, and is also responsible for the annual population clearance plan of West Hades to maintain balance.

The other team is the first team combat group. Listening to Gong Youen's introduction, it is the most powerful and invincible team in West Hades.

And his other two followers, Ban Eve and Hols, are novice rookies. They just took office and Eun was responsible for familiarizing them with the business, but during this trip, the two of them did not follow out to perform the task.

A team of all male death gods, the captain is Guy, a white man with curly hair and dirty braids, looks like a vampire, pale in the sun, like a zombie, cheekbones sunken, his appearance is not good, but the hostility deep in the eyes is very strong.

At this moment, those 20 gods of death plus Gong Youen are 20 meters away from Linggui, hiding like a plague god.

They are all dressed in sand-yellow torn sacks, forming a camouflage, and are staring at the distant sky with binoculars.

As Gong Youen said.

Ten minutes later, the deafening roar of the giant Boeing 747 engine suddenly rang in the sky.

Because of the extremely high temperature, the plane is flying at low altitude.

As soon as the plane appeared, Gong Youen and the other 20 Reapers immediately entered a state of combat.

Linggui had seen how Gong Youen killed people with his own eyes.

He will create all kinds of seemingly natural accidents, thus taking the life of the enemy.

Because Xi Mingfu is the same as the Eastern Underworld, any ghosts and gods are forbidden to intentionally harm ordinary humans, so Gong Youen's ability to kill people invisible is extremely unique in Xi Mingfu.

He showed his death sickle, and this time, he used his special butterfly effect, the ability to chain disasters.

"The engine was overheated and the plane broke up."

The next second, the high temperature in the desert caused problems with the giant passenger plane in the sky.

Just listen to the earth-shattering explosion from above!

The airliner disintegrated.

Countless burning parts, aircraft fragments, and corpses poured down, and the terrifying burning air flow fell like a rain of flames.

Obviously there are still many people alive on the plane. After the fuselage malfunctioned, they put on the parachutes well-trained, and escaped from the sky in the flames. In the blink of an eye, the plane completely disintegrated and crashed. In the sky, hundreds of Numerous parachutes opened one after another, floating in the air.

After Gong Youen successfully disintegrated the plane and crashed, it was rare to be serious and gave an order!

"Action! Don't let one go! Catch all alive! Waiting for processing."

The 20 death gods were holding the death sickle in their hands and disappeared into the desert instantly, flying unstoppable toward the parachute floating in the sky!

As soon as he saw, Lingyu slowly stood up while holding the iron chain of the three-headed dog of hell.

The plane crashed into the depths of the desert 10 kilometers to the south of them, and a fire burst into the sky.

Lingyu waved his hand, a monstrous spiritual force broke through the clouds, and instantly formed a 20-kilometer-long enchantment, covering the entire desert area where the plane crashed. No unrelated person could approach, and at the same time, it would Those who floated in the sky and escaped with a parachute were trapped in the barrier.

She and Gong Siyu instantly shifted their bodies, took three steps in one step, and in the blink of an eye, they appeared at the place where the plane crashed, and Gong Youen followed them.

The giant passenger plane broke in two, and the raging fire burned violently in the hot desert, and it was impossible to get close. There were many stumps on the ground with broken arms or heads.

Linghui sneered, and loosened the dog leash, "Go and eat."

The three-headed **** dog likes to eat sweets and carcasses.

As soon as the rope was loosened, the Hellhound was like a wild horse, showing terrifying sharp teeth. Three dog heads barked fiercely at the same time, rushed to the pile of corpses, and gnawed brutally.

Lingyu stood at a close point. Seeing that the flames were too fierce and the desert was hot, the fire couldn't be extinguished for a while. Looking up at the scorching sun, her beautiful eyes suddenly shrank, and the ink hair flew, and the suffocating terrifying spiritual power From her Tianling acupoint, it rises up into the sky, forming a whirlpool column, rushing straight into the sky!

The sky was hazy and the sky was obscured by the sun. The violent gust of wind rolled up the fine gravel in the desert. The sun was gone, and the clouds gathered into a terrible thundercloud vortex. Lightning thundered down, and the majestic rain poured down in an instant.

at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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