Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1289: The terrible silver metal liquid

Chapter 1289 The terrible silver metal liquid

Early in the morning, Linggui used the Mingzhu with Gong Siyu to directly open the passage back to the Eastern Underworld, and went back.

Because Jiang Ziwen called, saying that the test report and research results of the silver mysterious metal liquid have come out.


When Linggui and Gong Siyu entered the office of King Qin Guang at the top of Jiang Ziwen's Department of Hades, everyone was waiting for them.

Several high-ranking ghosts and gods gathered in the office, such as Fan Wujiao, Ling Shiyin, and Rong Qian, as well as Wei Bo, the head of the scientific research department responsible for the establishment of the temporary research team, and Ma Boqian, the general manager of the Medical Bureau.

Seeing Lingsui coming back, Jiang Ziwen's gaze swept behind her subconsciously, as if he was looking for someone.

But soon, he withdrew his cold eyes calmly.

A thick, 300-page analysis report was dropped on the table, Jiang Ziwen sat there domineeringly, "Let's see for yourself."

Linggui stepped forward, took the analysis report, and quickly looked through it with Gong Siyu.

The report is very detailed.

Complete detection and analysis of the detailed composition report of the silver metallic substance liquid.

Ling Wei looked at the 50-page "composition list" of the complex mysterious liquid in the analysis report in shock.

Many of the above are complex chemical symbols and element names that are not known to the spirits.

Even Gong Siyu only recognizes some element symbols.

This report is extremely complicated, just like a heavenly book.

"If you don't understand, let Wei Bo explain to you." Jiang Ziwen leaned back in his chair and coldly motioned to Wei Bo, the head of the scientific research department, to explain.

Wei Bo is a middle-aged citizen of the underworld. He is in a tailor-made leather bag. He has wrinkled suits and unruly hair. He is typical of a middle-aged science male with a Mediterranean head. But his eyes are bright and wise. At first glance, he is the kind of learning rich and knowledgeable. And an extremely smart person.

"Master Yin and Yang, this 300-page analysis report is divided into four parts, a list of ingredients, a pathological experiment report, an analysis of damage identification levels, and a response plan strategy."

"This kind of mysterious silver metallic liquid has an extremely complex composition. You have also seen it. There are as many as hundreds of rare metals and synthetic elements in it. Many of them are unknown ingredients synthesized by acquired nature, meaning unknown ingredients. That is, there is no such chemical equation for known compounds and synthetic elements, but it is detected that the liquid pure palladium element contained in them is as high as 30%, and the palladium element has little oral toxicity. It is just that palladium element is a radioactive element. Injection is very toxic. Overdose can cause a series of severe radiation sickness. Note that this is only palladium."

"Except for palladium, high-purity uranium oil and methylmercury are contained in the same percentage. These three components are the most used of all the ingredients."

"If palladium is radioactive, and intravenous injection is very toxic, then uranium oil is even more terrifying. It is highly radioactive, and normal people can never stand it. Uranium is generally used in nuclear weapons and other manufacturing. No one will Although it is not a poison that is mortal when used on the human body, if it is mixed with palladium yuan, methylmercury, and other highly toxic element substances in the ingredient list, it is something more terrifying than the viruses and poisons of the genocide. "

"Methylmercury is better understood. It is easily absorbed by the human body, is discharged slowly, and is extremely toxic. Methylmercury is easily dissolved in fat, and is not easily decomposed in the blood and in the body. It is a high nerve agent and will accumulate in the brain. Base mercury can damage the central nervous system, and prolonged exposure to high mercury environments can easily lead to brain damage and death."

"Every component in it, except uranium and methylmercury, is not to be feared if taken out alone, at least it will not cause death, but if all the elements are synthesized together, they will be injected from the vein in the form of injection. The whole body, ordinary people, can't live for 3 seconds."

"Then if it is a type of monsters and ghosts, or a psychic with strong spiritual power, a **** with an immortal soul and body, what kind of consequences will this kind of special existence inject this silver liquid?"

Linggui understands what Wei Bo, the head of the scientific research department, said, this metal liquid has complex composition and is toxic, but once synthesized, it becomes a solution that can instantly kill ordinary people in three seconds.

"Master Yin and Yang..." Wei Bo looked solemn, took a breath, and said solemnly, "I can tell you very responsibly, this silver metallic liquid is probably just to deal with demons, demons, monsters, psychics, and gods. It exists, but it does not include ghosts."

"Because ghosts have no body, but only souls. The ghosts of our underworld, except for the Hades and the Ten Hades, all have entities through possession of skins. Our skins have no blood, no veins, and no organs. Once the soul is out of the skin, it is just a shell, so this liquid does not cause any harm to us."

"But for creatures with flesh and blood, organs and tissues, and a nervous system, whether it is a monster, a protoss, or a psychic with psychic powers, once through an intravenous injection, the liquid is continuously dissolved in the blood. Flowing all over the body, this silver liquid will gradually swallow blood and flow in the body instead of blood. Those below the spiritual power level will not die immediately, but the physical body will be necrotic and completely unusable, and those above the spiritual power level will also accelerate. Weak, but will not die, but will lose the ability to move and be slaughtered."

The more Lingyu listened to it, the more mysterious it became. This silver metallic liquid seemed to be far more terrifying than things like the Sealing Circle.

"What you mean is that the damage caused by this liquid to the human body is irreversible for ordinary people and will die directly, but for special aliens, it will not completely kill them, but it will make them incapacitated and let them be slaughtered. The components in this liquid can cause damage to the central nervous system of the brain, damage to organs, dissolve blood, and replace blood in the body to continue to maintain the functioning of the body. It cannot be lethal, but it can be extremely weak."

"It's almost what it means."

"Is there any way to deal with it?" After understanding a general idea, Miyajiyu frowned and asked coldly, "For example, antidote, which can restrain the existence of this liquid."

"Even if there is, it will take time to develop, ranging from a few years to several decades or hundreds of years. After all, this kind of liquid cannot be made overnight." The speaker is Ma Boqian, the general manager of the Medical Bureau. Sir, "But there is a solution at the end of the analysis book, you can take a look."

Lingyu immediately turned to the last few pages of the analysis report.

In the end, her hand stopped on the last page.

On the white paper, there are a few large characters "Responsive Strategy Plan", but below, there are only three lines...

1. Break away from the real body and fight in the form of soul (It does not rule out that the opponent has a sealing stone, and the sea dry stone can be restrained).

2. Make sure that the silver metallic liquid will not flow into the body.

3. If it is not a last resort, avoid it, even if it is a last resort, avoid it.

Seeing these three sentences, Lingyu immediately threw the report back to Jiang Ziwen's desk, irritable.

"What is it? Show me the solution?"

(End of this chapter)

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