Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1331: Parents should make atonement

Chapter 1331 It's time for parents to atone for their sins

"You mean to blame me for being ignorant and giving the baby to the Wutian ancestor to raise it, causing you to have problems with your position. You can't love our baby like other children of the imperial concubine?"

Lingtian didn't dare to speak clearly, but he couldn't deny that there really was this factor in it.

Once petting the spirits, it means that his **** emperor has a tendency to favor the gods of the dark.

The God Realm is divided into two factions, light and dark, and the divisions are extremely harsh.

As a **** emperor, because of Qing Yaoji's sake, he has committed public anger. At that time, he was in danger.

"Why should I blame you?" Lingtian baby hugged Qing Yaoji, softly soothing and soothing, "But Qinger, if you and your daughter, I can only protect one, then I can only protect you, understand? ?"

Qing Yaoji didn't say a word, letting Lingtian hold her.

She clearly remembered why she cruelly handed Ling Yu to the Wutian ancestors to raise her back then, and she remembered more clearly what caused her to make such a decision.

She looked sad and sad, as if remembering what made her sad and weeping.

"Why would I give my baby to Wutian Patriarch, don't you have any points in your heart? At that time, you misunderstood that I had an affair with the sun god, and suspected that the baby was not your own flesh and blood. You looked like you wanted to kill the baby. , Scared me..."

"I know that you have the most power in the God Realm. No one can protect my baby. I went to Ninety Nine Heaven only when I was desperate. I originally wanted to entrust Hongjun's ancestor, but he said that he does not accept female disciples. Only Wutian ancestors, he has no disciples, I begged and begged, he agreed, but he opened the conditions, the baby is up to him, forbid me to visit again, and at that time, you were furious and still To put me under house arrest in the palace and not allow me to see the baby, you two, an ancestor, and a **** emperor, all embarrass me... I can only secretly go to see the baby..."

"If it weren't for you to be mad at the time, I wouldn't be desperate to ask Wutian ancestors..."

In the God Realm, there are only two people who can suppress and command the God Emperor, Wu Tian and Hong Jun.

Qing Yaoji's tone was tactful and melodious like a harp, which seemed to be able to drive away the irritability in her heart. It was very pleasant to the ear. She spoke in that gentle and soft tone, so soft that no man could stand it.

"Also, at that time, you always suspected that I didn't love you, but why don't you think about...If I don't love you, why are you imprisoned by you voluntarily? You should know that you can't trap me at all, I think Run, I can run. Since I am willing to return to the birdcage by myself and be willing to be locked up by you, I must love you, so why bother to be suspicious?"

"It's all over, it doesn't make much sense to say this now."

"Well, but I roughly understand why you are so harsh and unsympathetic to your baby. The first is because you are jealous and I hurt the baby and ignore you. The second is because I gave the baby to the Wutian ancestor to raise him and cultivated him today. Looks like, the baby is a troublemaker, really stubborn, always annoys you, you can't favor her, you can only punish her, treat her equally, can't be partial, she was enshrined again after that, and became one of the dark tricks. God, you feel ashamed again..."

Before Qing Yaoji finished speaking, Lingtian frowned and interrupted.

"When did I feel ashamed of her?"

"Isn't it?"

"Qing'er, we are reasonable. Although I am unfeeling and harsh to her, I also have to admit that our daughter is very good. In addition to the unchangeable fact of being a dark god, she put down the demons together with the **** of war when she was young. The tribe’s invasion and the frightening of the Three Realms, and other feats that I have vividly remembered so far, I cannot show that I am proud of her, but I will also be pleased in my heart, but you must understand that she has caused countless misfortunes compared to her martial arts.

"If I was truly unfeeling and unrighteous to the point of cruelty, I could just throw her off the cliff of the gods, demote her to a mortal, and never return to the realm of God, even if Jiang Ziwen would do it for her. I will never tolerate it!"

Lingtian just wanted to tell Qing Yaoji.

At the moment when she gifted Linggui to Wutian ancestors.

The daughter is no longer a daughter.

It is the disciple of the ancestor, the master of darkness, and the disciple of the creation ancestor.

Even if it is his spiritual heaven, he can't control it anymore.

He can no longer **** their biological daughter from Wutian ancestors, and he can't pamper her with dignity. He can only treat her harshly and indifferently, because he is a **** emperor, he cannot pet a dark **** to nurture him. Child.

Moreover, he must protect the woman he loves, so he can only abandon the spirit and tricks and save Qing Yaoji.

He confessed that he abandoned his daughter in exchange for short-term happiness.

But he never expected that his unfavored daughter would be frightened in the Three Realms War.

This was the fuse that eventually caused Qing Yaoji's heart to die, and separated him for thousands of years.

"Then Qing'er, I confessed to you, now, tell me, why don't you love Shanger?"

The same is biological, why does his wife only love spirits?

"I'm mad at you..."


"You don’t cherish our daughter. I gave birth to Lingshang again. I don’t think you would cherish him, so I threw him away and went to the void by myself, but when I found out that you would take him with him every hundred years Go to the void and ask me to return to the realm of the gods. I am even more angry. When the baby is alive, you don’t hurt, and the baby is dead, but you start to spoil your son. I thought you were sick at that time, and I didn’t want to care about you, and didn’t like sorrow. My son, his face is too similar to the baby, and he keeps reminding me that my daughter is dead. When she dies, my mother can’t cry, can’t be sad, she has no funeral, she is even forgotten by the gods, this kind of unfairness Treatment makes me hate you, hate you, hate the gods..."

"I hate you too now, because the baby doesn't forgive me, and has a great relationship with you. She doesn't like you, so she doesn't like me, and misunderstands me. But hating you doesn't mean that she will break with you completely. Separate completely, I still love you... We have a symbiosis contract, we are one, and problems can only be solved together."

As Qing Yaoji spoke, she scratched Lingtian's nose with her long hair that exudes sweet fragrance.

"So now I'm punishing you to hurry up and stay with me in the lower realm, and give me a way to change my mind and let her call my mother! You can't be fierce baby anymore!"

"... She drove you into a car and treated you so badly. If I don't attack her, shouldn't I see it?" Lingtian couldn't do it.

He is so precious to Qing Yaoji, how could he let others or his own daughter hurt her?

"Husband, we should atone for our sins. Because of us, Guier has no parental love since we can remember. She was blinded in the gods, not favored, and coldly cast aside by her brothers and sisters. She has suffered too much by herself. Anything we do is just what we should endure... Think about your children, who has not received your grace and favor? How about a carefree life in the God Realm, how silly?"

(End of this chapter)

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