Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1348: Daughter thinks mother is a bit stupid

Chapter 1348 Daughter thinks mother is a bit stupid

When the bright moon was in the sky and the clouds were lingering, the nightingale's mellow cry was pleasant to the ear.

Linggui and Gong Siyu sat in the lake pavilion where the second ancestor lived in the other courtyard, quietly listening to the Wutian ancestor and Hongjun ancestor telling about her and his mother thousands of years ago. All kinds of.

When I learned that my mother didn’t love me, but was involuntarily involuntarily, in order to protect her, she made a heavy oath in front of the Wutian ancestors that she could not see her, nor could she dote on her like an ordinary mother. There were small ups and downs in his heart, but there was no shocking wave.

After learning that Qing Yaoji thousands of years ago, Shi Chang would secretly hide in the dark, peeping at her, guarding her, but unable to approach...

There is a kind of relief in Lingyu's heart.

She originally thought Qing Yao Ji was hypocritical and disgusting.

He didn't hurt her before, but now he suddenly came back to show his affection, but now after hearing the truth, Lingyu understands that this is not the case.

Speaking of this, Gong Siyu thought of something. He felt that it was necessary to let Lingyu know about it at this time. So he held her hand and gently hooked her palm with a slender index finger. , Remember that little silk book?"

It was the one that was stolen by Lingshang, Qing Yaoji was furious, and she took it out again today.

"Huh?" Lingwei was startled slightly, "Well, remember, what's wrong?"

"Shang'er and I have read that silk book, do you know what is painted in it?"

Gong Siyu fondly stroked Ling's satin-like long silky hair, and asked in a low voice.

"You said."

"You are all painted."


There is a faint expression on the beautiful and delicate face, and all emotions are hidden deep in the eyes.

Linggui is not a so-called moving personality, but an indifferent personality. She will not be moved to tears when she learns that her mother actually loves herself, let alone know that her mother has always stood silently behind her. Where you can't see, you will be touched, which will change your mother.

Not only was she not moved, but...

"Little Guier, what do you think when you know the truth? Tell your master and ancestors."

Old ancestor Hongjun has kind eyebrows, drank a glass of wine, a little bit up, and asked curiously.

The ancestor Wutian was dark and deep, and the whole old man gave people a sense of terrible depression. He didn't say a word, but looked at the spirit and seemed curious.

"I have thoughts." Lingwei breathed a sigh of relief, knocked his head on the edge of the stone table, lowered his head, and said in a dull voice, "Qing Yaoji, this woman, may be really not very smart... if I were Even if she swore a poisonous oath not to see her daughter in front of her master, she would try to get close, such as...becoming another person, playing with her daughter, talking, and relieving boredom... instead of just daring to hide away secretly Look... It's really stupid... Fortunately, Master taught me to be very clever and alert, unlike her..."

The Wutian ancestor was stunned, as if secretly surprised, his precious disciple did not even blame him at all.

"Don't you blame Guier for telling your mother and concubine to swear a heavy oath not to meet you? You didn't experience any affectionate love since childhood?"

"I am a teacher for a day and a father for life. I not only do not blame Master, but also understand Master very well. Since ancient times, darkness and light have been two roads that are incompatible with fire and water. Femmes, they have a great prejudice against us. The reason why the master asked the mother and concubine to make a heavy oath is to prevent people from stigmatizing and spreading rumors. You not only protected the mother and concubine, you protected me, but you also raised me. , Gave me a talent..."

"Master..." Lingyu suddenly raised his eyes and stared at Wutian ancestors earnestly, "I have never been proud of the emperor, the Lingtian, the emperor, and the mother concubine, the Qing Yaoji, the **** of beauty, but the ability When you are the only apprentice and make you proud, I am grateful. This is definitely not something that can be replaced by a few days' efforts in the Qing Yaoji district."

"The old man didn't hurt you in vain." Wutian ancestor was slightly relieved, but like Lingyu, he didn't show too much emotion. He was overjoyed and compassionate. He stretched out his hand and stared inwardly while stroking the wicked long hair. Gong Siyu, "You let go!"

"..." Gong Siyu let go, and saw Wutian Ancestor stretched out his hand and stroked the top of Lingyu's head, stroked her long hair like a dog, and her hair was messed up.

"Kui'er, I have to warn you as a teacher. Recently, there is a catastrophe from the sky. You must be careful, can you understand?"

The beautiful eyes shrank suddenly, as if shocked, Lingyu knew that the prophecy of the Wutian ancestors would be fulfilled, so I am afraid that a catastrophe will really happen.

"The disciples will be careful."


Later, Linggui and Gong Siyu left the other courtyard where the Wutian ancestors and Hongjun ancestors lived.

Stroll in the pleasant garden path at night.

There are more and more residents in their house, like a super family of four generations, with the arrival of the **** of death, the **** of disaster, and Chi You, it is even more lively.

Holding hands with Gong Siyu, walking in the veranda garden of the courtyard under the curtain of night, the spirits have mixed feelings in their hearts.

She remembered the day when she drove into Qing Yaoji...

I remembered how bad I was to Qing Yaoji.

She felt that she was a little blind and subjective herself, and she treated the woman in this way if she didn't understand the whole story.

She should be sad too, but she never reveals it, right?

As they walked, Lingkui suddenly realized that they had walked under a corner of the courtyard.

Next to this wall is the courtyard where Qing Yaoji and Lingtian live.

Lingkui suddenly remembered that one day Qing Yaoji turned over the wall in an imageless way to see her, just to talk to her.

Lingki couldn't help it inexplicably, sneered, and rolled his eyes.

She always felt that her mother's brain was not working well...

"Disi, go, over the wall, to see what the old witch is doing now."

Lingyu was interested, not wanting to meet Qing Yaoji's mother and daughter, but curious about what the old woman was doing now.

She guessed that she should have a deep affection with Lingtian...

Lingyu and Gong Siyu easily broke the border of the courtyard next door, and went over the wall quietly and entered the hospital.

Jumped up, flew to the eaves of the blue brick and glazed tiles, and finally found the big house where Qing Yaoji and Lingtian lived.

Turn over the blue brick and tile and sneak in through the small hole.

An extremely beautiful woman, like a picture scroll, sits seriously at the Eight Immortals table, stitching stitch by stitch a girl's dress made of cloud brocade and satin, and a man is accompanying her next to her, but is already drowsy.

"Husband, give me the little gold and pink thread."

"Qing'er, go to sleep..."

"No, the baby said that she can't wear small clothes, so I will make a big one for her, and send it tomorrow morning, and she will be able to put on the beautiful robe that I made. If you want to sleep, I won't sleep. "

"You don't sleep, can I sleep?" Lingtian was helpless.

Linggui and Gong Siyu were lying on the roof, and had a panoramic view of everything in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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