Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1377: Billion euros, Franciscan family

Chapter 1377 billion euros, Franciscan family

Lingshang is still in the dark, not knowing that he was imprinted by the king of Hades unconsciously branded by Jiang Ziwen.

Every Hades has an opportunity to brand Hades, which symbolizes the supreme fetters of Hades in the underworld. It is extremely special and cannot be erased.

However, it was useless for Lingshang to do both hard and soft. Jiang Ziwen was determined not to let him leave the underworld. In order to prevent Lingshang from escaping again, he even ordered his ghost servant to send the memorials and documents accumulated in his mansion to Lingshang. This, I plan to stare at him personally.


In the realm of the gods, surrounded by clouds and mist, the vast stars turn into a shining galaxy, floating islands floating in the clouds in the sky, standing magnificent and magnificent holy palaces, the Nine Heavens Dragon Heaven Palace, which is the place where the gods gather. No matter the gods, they all knelt down in front of the **** emperor standing in the court, headed by the **** clan prince Lingyuan.

"Your Majesty, please think twice! You can never trap the entire God Realm in crisis just because of Qing Yao's concubine!"

"My will is determined!" Ling Tian wore a golden dragon robe, and stood proudly and domineeringly. He was kneeling beside his feet, but there were several personal guards and big immortals, hugging his legs and resolutely not letting him leave.

"Go away!"

"Your Majesty! You have made frequent exceptions for Qing Yao's imperial concubine, and recently you have been ignoring the divine realm's government for a long time, and you have been secretly ignoring the lower realm and Qing Yao's imperial concubine's attachment to the human realm. In this way, the hearts of the people of the God realm will be shaken. If you insist on going your own way again, what happens this time will surely cause turmoil in the gods! The iron law of the gods, when you are a god, don't hurt ordinary people in the human world, do you want to save the Yao Emperor, you must hurt? And innocent? This is not in line with the rules at all!"

"The emperor, the immortals and gods are correct, please calm down, the little sister said, she will definitely find someone, although she is no longer a **** race, but the blood flowing in her body is still from our gods. That was her biological mother, no matter how poisonous she was, she would never stand by and watch!"

Lingyuan was asked by Ling's tricks, and really dragged Lingtian to prevent him from acting impulsively.

In addition, Lingyuan also had a little understanding of Linggui's character, a typical knife-mouthed tofu heart, she said that it would be saved, then it would definitely be saved, and he believed in her strength.

Just when Lingtian refused to listen to persuasion anyway, and planned to leave forcibly...

Outside the ninety-nine heaven, the golden sun halo suddenly appeared, the phantom of Hongjun ancestor appeared in the starry sky, without real body, but saw a domineering light of spiritual power soaring across the sky like a falling star. "Kang Dang" hit Lingtian's head with a sound.

In the next second, Ling Tian collapsed and lost consciousness.

"Carry to the Emperor's Palace! When Emperor Qing Yao returns, he will naturally wake up! During this period, the old man and the Wutian ancestor presided over the affairs of the God Realm. The prince worked hard in the Three Realms General Administration, and they all fell apart!"


Ten o'clock in the morning.

Linggui and Gong Siyu woke up one after another.

Linggui was awakened by Lingyuan's phone call.

Gong Siyu was awakened by Shen Tingjun, who is now in charge of the Gong family group.

Covered with the quilt, Lingsui nestled in Gong Siyu's arms and followed the call, while Gong Siyu leaned on the bedside, stretched his arms around his wife, squinting his phoenix eyes, as if getting up was very angry.

"No news from your mother."

Ling Yuan's serious voice came on the other end of the phone.

"Yes... it's not good news..." Lingyu yawned and said lazily, with heavy pajamas.


"It's estimated that she was tied up, or else she gave her the head away, and she can't be found anywhere at the moment. She doesn't want to be found by us at all. How would you let me find it?"

"The emperor was stunned by the ancestor Hongjun with the Meteor Curse. At present, he will not scream for her in the lower realm anymore. You have plenty of time, but it is best to find someone as soon as possible. The matter is the main thing."


After hanging up the phone, Lingsui got into the bed and lay down in Gong Siyu's arms, only half of his head stuck out, listening to him talking on the phone with his ears up, his beautiful eyes were lazy and enchanting and bewitching.

"You don't live in the courtyard?"

At this point, because Miyajiyu quit his sleeves, the entire Miyaji Group's global enterprises all need Shen Tingjun to take care of him. He was already sitting in the office of the president of Miyaji Group headquarters early in the morning and was very busy, unlike Miyajiyu and Spiritual and sly, able to sleep late, start at a few times when you think of it, unscrupulous and unattended, and sit and enjoy endless wealth.

"Something has happened. I won't be able to stop for the time being. Don't go there. It's not safe. Call me if something happens."

"That's it. Tomorrow night, the Duke Hotel will hold an international evening party for the celebrities in the capital. The invitation from you and your wife has been sent to me. Find someone to pick it up."

Gong Siyu frowned, and now he had no interest in such a luxurious dinner for the upper class. Just as he wanted to refuse, he heard Shen Tingjun say it again.

"Do you know the origin of the organizer of this international evening party?"

"What's the background..." Gong Siyu gently stroked Ling's long hair, and asked casually, thinking that it is nothing more than people with rich wealth and strong background. There is nothing to expect.

“That person, in the name of doing charity and public welfare, threw 1 billion euros to the National Left-behind Children’s Fund, donated 1.5 billion euros to help jointly build and change the surrounding environment of poor areas in the country, and then spent 8 billion pounds to enter Asian science. In the field of biological research and aviation, a biosafety level four immunobiology international laboratory and base have been established in Hanzhou to assist in the exploration of unknown biological fields in China. This person is so high-profile that he has now overwhelmed the domestic wealth list among the billionaires , Became the new favorite of the above, and was suppressed, including you, who is currently the top personal wealth list in China."

What is the concept of billion euros? Nearly 10 billion RMB.

"I don't know what this person wants to do. There is currently only one World Biosafety Level 4 immunization laboratory in China. With this one, there are two."

The P4 laboratory is the highest level of biosafety in the world. It is suitable for pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins that are highly dangerous to the human body, and are transmitted through aerosols or unknown. There is no effective vaccine or treatment method. Contact with unknown microorganisms similar to the above situation must also be carried out in the P4 laboratory, also known as the "devil laboratory". In the world, there are only such levels as Bacillus anthracis, Vibrio cholerae, Ebola virus, and smallpox virus. Virus or unknown organisms will be sent to such a laboratory for research.

Hearing this, Gong Siyu's cold phoenix eyes opened slightly, as if he heard something that made him feel not boring.

"Who is the other party?"

"André Francis."

"Well, I'm familiar." But for a while, I couldn't remember who it was.

"...It is the very old Franciscan family that is said to own 100 hectares of land next to Buckingham Palace, prime real estate in London, and large tracts of land in the Highlands of England, Spain, and France."

(End of this chapter)

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