Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1396: Get all the information about the top ten cardinals

Chapter 1396 Get all the information of the ten cardinals

Lingyu hurriedly asked Adai to come back and send important messages to Gong Siyu and the others.

However, the data information saved in the terminal that Adai stolen is not complete, and many files are damaged and cannot be opened because of the interruption of data transmission.

Of all the documents, only two can be opened.

Saved in one document is a blueprint for the construction of a huge underground base, all marked in English.

There are more than a dozen pieces of archive information in one document.

Only so much.

The date shown on the blueprint for the construction of the huge underground base is not recent years, but ten years ago.

The blueprint of the entire base is in 3D form, with the appearance like a honeycomb, deep underground.

Gong Siyu carefully observed the blueprint for the base construction, and soon found a line of English annotations in the corner of the blueprint.

"Manufacturing under the supervision of Franciscan Group? Secret Realm Research Base?"

This is just a blueprint for an electronic building. The only information that can be obtained is that this base was funded and supervised by a multinational consortium under the Baron Franciscans. There is no specific location and no coordinates to show where the base is.

Gong Siyu opened another file, which contained more than a dozen mysterious personnel files.

All are densely packed English materials with photos of personnel.

Although Jiang Ziwen is the king of Hades, he often communicates with the West Underworld. Jiang Ziwen has already mastered the seven languages ​​proficiently. A little English is not a problem. Although Lingyuan is a protoss, he has great magical powers and keeps pace with the times. With many languages, they all understand the information in the materials.

"The personnel information in this document is all marked as top secret, and the watermark on it is marked as Top Secret of the Sixth Reich. Look, Francis is also on it." Gong Siyu opened several documents in a row, one of them A picture of Francis appeared.

The laptop screen was too small, so Gong Siyu simply turned on the projector in the study and projected the screen image on the computer onto the screen for Jiang Ziwen and Lingyuan to see together.

"The latest list of the top ten cardinals..." Jiang Ziwen stared at the note in the document, thoughtfully.

"What is the cardinal archbishop?" Lingyuan looked at Jiang Ziwen suspiciously.

"It is the name of a sectarian class with a very high level. For example, I am the Underworld Emperor of the Underworld as the honor, the ten Hades as the main king, the ghosts and gods as the auxiliary, and the ghost as the pawn; then the position of the cardinal is equivalent to My Hades throne, the sixth empire should also be strictly divided into ranks, according to the religious authority class."

"The pope is the respect, and the cardinal is the main bishop. The cardinal is also called the cardinal archbishop. Then there should be archbishops, chief bishops, and other higher bishops. They exist to assist the pope in ruling the huge papal state and the church. And exist."

"This list is very important. It is a good opportunity for us to learn about the Sixth Reich. When Guier and I were in the West Hades, I heard the impostor Eun once said that the core members of the Sixth Reich are top-secret information. Accept any foreign believers."

Miyajiyu controls the notebook, and the enlarged projection screen also switches different personnel profile information.

The three men, plus a nightmare, began to scan carefully the list of cardinals in silence.

Let's start with Franciscans.

In the archives, Francis, as one of the top ten cardinals, was labeled "4".

This means that among the top ten cardinals, he ranks fourth-

Name: André Francis

Age: 30

Level: The fourth cardinal archbishop, in charge of desert bases and secret bases.

Degree of transformation: mutant race super A grade.

Symbol: power desire wealth

Special ability: (erased by black mark)

"The special abilities here are completely blacked out and have been treated top-secretly. I don't want people to know his abilities?" Lingyuan stroked his chin thoughtfully, "In this way, these so-called cardinals are also The mutant race, this Transcendent A Grade, refers to...very powerful?"

"There is something more powerful than Transcendent A Grade. You see, the top ten cardinals, all ranked 4-10 are Transcendent A Grade, but the top three are labeled EndofDestruction, that is, these three One is the most powerful."

In the study, on the huge projection screen, three personal information files were opened at the same time, and their photos were attached.

On the big screen, there are two men and one woman, one old, one young and one woman.

For a time, the eyes of Gong Siyu, Jiang Ziwen and Lingyuan were all fixed on those three photos.

How strong can an ultimate mutant race be destroyed?

These three people are the opponents they will meet next?

The first thing Miyajiyu noticed was the handsome and melancholic young man on the far left.

Black slightly curly hair, dark green emerald pupils, melancholy indifferent, world-weary and lonely.

The man ranked second in the cardinal.

Name: Mass Farrid

Age: 101 years old

Rank: The second cardinal archbishop, in charge of the Arctic A-level underground base, the Luowan Trench submarine base, and one of the deputy of the Central Pope.

Degree of transformation: the ultimate destruction

Symbol: lonely death

Special ability: (black mark erased)

"Send me a copy of this file and the blueprint for the building in a while."

Jiang Ziwen frowned, patted Gongsiyu on the shoulder abruptly, and said.


There are two others.

The number one cardinal, and the third one.

In the first place in the cardinal archbishop is a domineering foreign old man.

He is the oldest of the ten bishops. He wears a crown-shaped headdress. He has a scar on his right eye and another scar spreading from the corner of his mouth to his neck. He is tall and mighty, such as Emperor Caesar, with that terrifying aura, even if he is just looking at him. In the photos, you can also feel the suffocating breath,

Name: Arsulgaon

Age: 201 years old


The last one is the only woman among the ten cardinals.

A mysterious woman who gives a very powerful intuitive feeling.

Looking at the photo, she has brown skin, dark brown eyes, and short golden hair. She is extremely hot, with a high collar and half-hidden face. Her forehead and eye sockets are covered with weird tattoos. Her eyes are filled with murderous intent, revealing fierceness. Cruel, carrying a giant axe and a Roman short knife, like the world's top female boxer, strong body, full of firm muscles, if it is not the last name, don’t label it as female, Miyajiyu and the others Almost thought that this was a man.

Because this woman looks more fierce than a man.

At this moment, Jiang Ziwen, who had read the personnel information file, took the notebook of Gong Siyu and studied the blueprint for the construction of the underground base.

"The secret underground base...this base was built under the supervision of Francis, but at this time Francis suddenly appeared in the imperial capital. Is it possible...this underground base is the secret base of the Sixth Reich after infiltrating the East Three Realms?"

(End of this chapter)

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