Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1411: Am I just calling you to come and go?

Chapter 1411, am I just calling you to come and go?

Gong Siyu's face became more and more ugly.

If the soul possessed in Qing Yaoji's body is Francis...

The person who did this must be his mother-in-law himself...

In other words, at this moment, Qing Yaoji's soul should be possessed in Francis' body!

His wife and his mother-in-law did exactly the same thing! Steal a change?

The result was just half an hour ago...

The more Gong Siyu thought about it, the more chilled his back became.

Just half an hour ago, he sacrificed the sun-killing divine bow, and instantly destroyed the helicopter that took the "Francis" and the living creatures within one kilometer...

There should be nothing wrong, right?


The outskirts of the imperial capital, burning mountains, because of the remote location, the fire rescue team arrived a long time ago, and the rescue team arrived with the Franciscans, lurking throughout the imperial capital, as well as the neighboring cities of the Sixth Empire mutant race team. .

Because one second before the helicopter crashed, the pilot sent a distress signal to the base.

These mutant races include exotic races with profound facial features and Asian faces. They look like ordinary people on the surface. They came to negotiate with the rescue team under the disguise of Franciscans.

And when everyone rushed to the flaming manor on the top of the mountain, they saw a handsome "man" with dirty clothes and extremely embarrassed, sitting gracefully on a stone pier with muddy suits. And blood stains, the silver shirt was ragged and tattered.

Qing Yaoji, who was in the body of Francis, temporarily sealed her spiritual power before the rescue team and support team arrived, in order to prevent exposure, because she was injured by the terrifying spiritual power of her son-in-law, Francis' body was covered There were many injuries, but in silence, the wounds healed by themselves.

Qing Yaoji understood that this should be due to the special nature of the body of Francis, who was also a race that was transformed by mutation.

Qing Yaoji covered the completely healed wound on Francis's body as much as possible to ensure that it would not be noticed by the rescue team.

After seeing her, a group of people swarmed up, and more medical staff came over with a stretcher.

"My Lord Baron, are you okay?"

Several men in black suits approached and asked respectfully. Several people even forcibly blocked the ambulance personnel from approaching, for fear of what might happen.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I don't need a doctor..."

Qing Yaoji, who was attached to Francis's body, recalled Francis' usual gestures and tone of speech. After the words fell, she cleared her throat, and her voice dropped an octave.

Indifferent and said: "I have my own personal doctor, and I don't need irrelevant people. The fire here is too big. Just take care of putting out the fire, and my person will be responsible for my safety. Thank you."

After speaking, Qing Yaoji, who was in the body of Francis, was lifted up by a nearby man in black.

As for herself, she began to wander away.

She had already peeped into Francis’ memory completely, knowing that the spirit was really taken away, and the person who took her precious daughter was a man named Farreid, who was also a bishop. , The level is higher than Francis, and the two have agreed that they will meet at the base tomorrow.

The thoughtful pupils of the heterochromatic color were half drooping, supported by someone, and moved toward the safety zone.

The abrupt, Qing Yaoji possessed Francis’s body, learning Francis’s usual tone, noble and indifferent: “The imperial capital is already insecure, and Archbishop Farrid is also under attack. Go back to the base!”

"Yes, Baron, I will contact the plane."


Xiangzhou Autonomous Region.

Without the hustle and bustle of a prosperous city, under the night, there are endless ups and downs. Hidden in the darkness, Xiangzhou City, built by mountains and rivers, is a well-known tourist city. April is approaching May, although the temperature is picking up. However, Xiangzhou is still cold and cold, and the tourist season is off-season, so the city is not lively and a little deserted.

On the airport apron of Xiangzhou City, a small passenger plane slowly stopped and the door opened. After a while, a melancholy figure wearing a black suit with messy black curly hair appeared at the door of the cabin, holding his left hand. The cat, with a suitcase in his right hand, slowly walked down the gangway.

And the stewardess behind him, staring blankly, as if cursed, stood there without responding.

At the crash site, the ghost possessing Farreid’s body destroyed the black box on the private jet and was rescued by the rescue team. Then he made a transcript in a neighboring city, explaining the accident, and then presented his identity certificate With the entry permit, we packaged a small passenger plane and flew to the final destination, Xiangzhou City.

Some small accidents happened midway.

The biochemical box was not allowed to be carried on the plane at all, and was designated by airport personnel as an unknown dangerous item to be confiscated. There was also the cat with Farreid's soul hidden, because it did not have an immunization permit, so it was not brought.

The spirit is weird, how can Farreid carry the box? Bring the cat? Why can't she?

As a result, she could only apply spiritual power slightly, hypnotizing those who hindered her from walking, and then brought things over.

Leaving the airport, I just found a clean four-star hotel to stay.

In the small suite, possessed the spirit of Farreid's body, put down the biochemical box, threw the sleepy puppet cat in his arms on the sofa, and forcibly took the soul of Farred out of the cat's body.

He opened his mouth and asked: "So why can you take the cat on the plane? I can't? There is also the biochemical box. The people at the airport will know that there is a problem at first glance. How did you do it?"

Falreid yawned very sadly, humped, and floated melancholy in front of Linggui, with a look of "It's boring to be alive, it's better to die," and Linggui wanted to hit someone.

"In the country of China I arrived this morning, this box never got off the plane. Naturally, it would not be found. Moreover, in foreign countries, many powerful and powerful people are fanatical followers of the empire. Sometimes, With just one phone call and one sentence, they can accomplish things that ordinary people simply cannot achieve, such as ignoring this box and taking it outside the country."

Lingki nodded, "That's it."

After Lingyu understood the actual situation, he planned to put Farrid back into the cat's body without saying a word.

But in the middle of the journey, he was interrupted by Farreid's murmur.

"Am I just calling you to come and go?"

"You have no human rights, shut up!"

"I have never been to the Secret Realm Laboratory. That place is a Franciscan site. You don't know anything about it. You only know one coordinate. You want to find the base in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains? Do you know? It is a huge abandoned coal mine, like a maze, if no one takes you in, you will get lost."

"and so?"

"Don't you think it's weird? Charter your own flight and come to Xiangzhou by yourself, but no one will pick you up. At my level, it's impossible to have no one to pick you up."

"Give you a chance to continue."

"040-67588222, did you get this set of numbers in my memory."


"Fight over, that's my person. Francis and I are rivals. I came to China and arranged for my cronies. He will come to meet you."

"Do you think I'm stupid? If this call is a secret code that hints that you are in an accident, a crisis, and the situation has changed, wouldn't I throw a rock on myself?

(End of this chapter)

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