Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1424: In my hands, death is better than death

Chapter 1424 falls into my hands, either death or life is better than death

Cardinal Ivanova, the third-ranked cardinal of the Sixth Reich, said that it was true that the source of all this was Francis.

If it weren't for the peerless appearance of his greedy goddess, perhaps Lingyu had no chance to catch them so quickly.

After being yelled at, Francis was in anger, but he was speechless. He couldn't explain it. He gritted his teeth and glanced at the beautiful woman who was sitting intently looking at the spirit and wickedness. The flames of anger and fear swept across his heart. He hates everything!

He knew the spirits, knew Gong Siyu, and had contact with them.

At the banquet that night, what ex-husband’s daughter, what stepmother...

It's all a lie!

He was fascinated, lost his complete rational and calm ability to distinguish, which led to such a big mistake, but Francis couldn't deny that perhaps any man could not resist the charm of that woman?

Francis and Farreid had heard the conversation between Fang Cai Lingyu and a teenager who looked exactly like her.

The content of the dialogue involved the gods, the underworld, the underworld... these ordinary people would only hear words in myths and legends.

For the time being, regardless of how Francis felt.

After Farreid heard Ling's words, the dark green eyes under his melancholy deep did not show a shocked look, but suddenly realized and relieved.

The Sixth Reich has known since ancient times that the underworld and the gods really exist. The ghosts and gods in these areas are extremely powerful and incomparable. They live in harmony with the sky, they can overwhelm the sea and destroy everything... Ordinary people want to resist it. Basically, it was a manipulative arm, and it was irresponsible. Only then was the Sixth Empire's mutation transformation plan and many rebels brought in.

It turned out that the girl who could easily defeat him did not come from the underworld. To be precise, she was a protoss.

Farreid has always been brooding about losing to a woman.

But after knowing that Lingyu was a Protoss, his heart was balanced.

Although it was a glorious defeat, because it was not of a magnitude at all, Farreid knew himself.

Lingsui leaned on Gongsiyu, lazily resting his cheeks, watching the three strands of soul standing in the middle begin to fight and argue.

After observing for a while, she stood up suddenly, with her hands behind her, with a graceful and slender figure. The lotus steps towards Farid, Francis and Ivan, smiling, seemingly friendly and approachable, but in reality Dark and cold in the depths of the beautiful eyes.

"Escape, it is impossible to escape. Since it falls into my hands, you will either die, or you will die, or... depending on my mood, I think the people sitting in front of you three are your Sixth Empire. A part of the public enemy number one, there are underworld, there are gods, ghosts, gods, and of course there are also people."

"I think even if the Sixth Reich has the ability to pass the sky, it is impossible to enter the gods and go to the underworld, so you only dare to pick soft persimmons and bully those little characters who seem to us to have no power , Come on, where is the true headquarters of the Sixth Reich."

The secret base is just a small branch. Even if it is destroyed, it cannot really cause a devastating blow to the Sixth Empire. Only by finding the nest and solving this hidden danger from the root can all problems be solved.

"Aren't you great? What do you want to know, peek into our memory, can't you get it?"

Ivanova's rough voice made her scalp numb, disgusting to stare at the spirits, and disdainful.

"No, it's not the same, it's different in nature. If you tell it by yourself, I can consider whether to be merciful and give you a dog's life. If you let me dig out the answer I want, then the three of you In the end, just like Dr. Alpha, I will take away your memories, destroy your souls, and not even have the qualifications to re-behave, because the doctor is of no value to me, but the three of you are still useful. Isn't it?"

This is for a long-term plan. Linggui intends to instigate one or two of them and ask them to go back to the Sixth Reich to make internal responses. She wants to take over the entire Sixth Reich directly, find the biggest envoy behind the scenes, and return the world to peace. , To give everyone a peace, so that everyone will have no worries in the future, she can also live a carefree and peaceful life with Disi and their big family.

However, Linghui also knew that it was not so easy to instigate rebellion.

Of these three, only Far Reid is the most likely to be instigated.

Francis and the man-in-law... are difficult.

Farid was silent, Francis avoided answering, and Ivanova began to explode in Russian.

The spirit looked at Farrid and Francis indifferently.

"Who knows what's in that warhead? Except for the Black Death virus?"

That warhead is currently the biggest hidden danger, which makes people feel uneasy, so Lingxiu must first find a way to deal with that thing.

"Do you think I would know?" Francis sneered and looked at Lingyu, without answering the question. When the words fell, he inadvertently caught Qing Yaoji's gaze, and Francis felt humiliated, his dignity frustrated, and heartbroken. The feeling made him hate, he looked away, closed his eyes forbearance.

"Don't look at me, I certainly don't know. The very special laboratory managed by Sulgaon created the warhead. It is top secret. I am only responsible for shipping.

"Sulegan?" Lingwei was startled slightly, the name was strange.

But Lingyu saw a flash of awe in the eyes of Francis, Farreid, and the man-in-law.

The three of them are very afraid of this Sulgaon?

"who is it?"

Before Farid could speak, Gong Siyu, who was sitting there not far behind Lingyu, stood up proudly, walked to Lingyu's side in an evil manner, grabbed her waist, and solved her confusion.

"Arsulgaon, the first cardinal."

"You know?" When facing Gongsiyu, Lingyu was like a happy girl immersed in love, and the tone of her speech no longer sounded so cold and indifferent.

"The data terminal you asked Adai to bring back contains information."

Lingki nodded, and then listened to Francis coldly asking: "The bishop's information is one of the top secrets, and it is never revealed to the outside world. How do you know?"

"Of course it was stolen from your computer." Lingyu grinned at Francis. "Have you forgotten the cat you kept in the iron cage? Huh?"

"..." Francis almost lost his breath.

"Okay, since you don't know, then the three of you are here and give you half a day to think about it. By twelve o'clock in the evening, tell me where the headquarters of the Sixth Reich is. Don't try to lie to me."

When the words were over, Lingyu gave Lingyuan, Gong Siyu and Jiang Ziwen three eyes. A few of them walked up to the conference hall on the second floor where doctors from the Western Medicine Department of the Prodigal Medical Bureau gathered. Because of the handcuffs, Jiang Ziwen still carried the spirit. Together with Shang, Qing Yaoji also quietly followed, clinging to the spirit and holding her hands.

Not far away, a group of doctors from the Underworld Miracle Medical Bureau were trying to take out the silver metallic liquid self-detonator from the four bodies, but Lingyu looked at Lingyuan and asked: "How to deal with the warhead, is there a plan?"

(End of this chapter)

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