Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 144: I feel relieved when I think of you with me

Chapter 144, I feel very relieved when I think of having you with me

Fucked his eyebrows and stared at Yuno for a while.

Gong Siyu replied: "It should be there too."

"Oh, good..."

Starting the car, the caring Miyajiyu finally asked in a deep voice on the way.

"You ask Anxi where and what to do with his body."

He glanced sideways at Gong Siyu who looked gloomy.

Yuno is very clever, knowing that Miyajiyu is unhappy because she has something to hide.

Immediately confessed honestly.

"That's it. In the morning, Liuyun called me and said that someone put Anxi's blood-stained cell phone on my desk, I went to get it, and after taking it, it was handed over to the office last night to ask me. Talking agent, there is a picture of me on Anxi’s cell phone that I fainted with a **** head. At that time, Anxi thought I was dead, so... Do you know who she sent the picture to? ?"


"An Lan."

Hearing this, Gong Siyu slammed on the brakes, her phoenix eyes narrowed, her eyes cold.

After a short pause, the car stopped by the road.

"Dear, you keep talking."

"Anxi wanted my life, but was subsequently killed. That mobile phone was the last thing Anxi encountered before his death. Such an important and critical piece of evidence can be picked up. I think about it, and there is only the murderer. , But why did this murderer give me the phone that proved my innocence in the end?" After a pause, Ji Yuno continued.

"I want to see Anxi's body. I once read in a book that within seven days after death, there will still be some fragmentary memories related to life and the last scene seen before death. But as time goes by, the corpse decomposes. For more than seven days, these will not exist. It counts as days. Seven days have not passed."

Lu Xingze told her.

Anxi's soul is missing.

The only way to find clues in the fastest time is to use the method she reads from the book and try to get information from Anxi's brain.

And in the dark, Ji Yuno had a faint feeling.

An Xi and the High School Affiliated to China University of Science and Technology committed suicide bizarrely.

The deaths of seven students, including her and Bai Yiyi, are inextricably linked.

Today, only she is still alive, only Bai Yiyi's soul is still alive.

And the souls of other people disappeared strangely.

She can feel...

There is a terrible truth behind Anxi's death.

A truth about who actually killed her.

Miyajiyu's warm palms petted Fu Ji Yuno's smooth hair.

"Okay, you want to see Anxi's body, I'll help you."

After speaking, Gong Siyu took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

The person on the phone seems to have a very big background.

Soon he told Gong Siyu which forensic examination office Anxi's body was located.

"Her body was transported to the corpse freezer on the ground floor of the Metropolitan Police Department? I see, thanks."

After getting the answer, Gong Siyu hung up, frowning.

"Heart, the corpse is in the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. You are now the first suspect in this homicide case. There is surveillance there, and you will be suspicious as soon as you enter it. I use the relationship to make you sway in it. Reliable, I guess you have to use your weird methods to treat Anxi's body again. We must make sure to hide our eyes and ears from being seen."

Gong Siyu thought for a while.

I glanced at the million-dollar tourbillon watch on my wrist.

Then, Ji Yuno thought of a comprehensive solution for Ji Yuno.

"In this way, after 12 midnight tonight, I will accompany you to sneak into the Metropolitan Police Department."

While talking, Gong Siyu was doing his wishful thinking.

Feng Jinxuangang gave him a treasure that could help him see ghosts.

It's better to take this opportunity to try if it works.

When I heard that Gong Siyu had to go with me.

Not only did Ji Yuno refuse, he also looked happy.

"Really accompany me?"

Raised eyebrows indifferently: "Not willing?"

"No, I feel very relieved when I think of having you with me."

Hooking Miyajiyu's arm, and leaning affectionately, Yuno's lips curled up with a smile.

No matter how difficult the front is, there are people you love to cover.

This is not happiness, what is it?


When the bell rang at night, midnight.

Miyajiyu and Yuno who have been waiting in the bedroom.

Put on a black casual clothes.

Together they secretly opened the bedroom door.

Dive out quietly.

The appearance of two people sneaking around...

As if back to the night when we escaped from the mental hospital together.

Miyajiyu drove a very humble black Porsche Cayenne SUV.

Yuki Yuno wears the same couple black baseball caps.

There are two agents who are going to perform tasks.

The car stopped at a hidden corner two kilometers away from the Metropolitan Police Headquarters.

Miyajiyu threw a pair of black plastic gloves to Yuno. He also put on a pair. Then he carried his backpack with a black laptop on his body, and picked up a small toolbox, and got out of the car with Yuno. .

"Do you want me to help you get it?"

Miyajiyu just took Yuno's hand very manily.

"No, big men can't let their women lift heavy objects."

In the middle of the night, Gong Siyu deliberately chose a small street with no surveillance, very hidden, dim street lights, and sparsely populated.

"A place like the Imperial Police Department General Office must be heavily guarded. It is estimated that we can't even get in over the wall. How can we sneak in?"

Walking side by side with Gong Siyu in the dim streets and alleys.

Yuno was not afraid, but was excited.

"At night, I asked Bai Feiran to get the construction map and internal map of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters, as well as a cable route map. I found that there was an abandoned sewer at the end of the right turn ahead, connected to the bottom of the power switch room on the second floor of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. It’s just that the drainage well was welded to death and sealed with cement, which requires tools to get through."

Miyajiyu gestured to the toolbox in his hand.

Tell Yuno that this is why he brings so many tools.


At night, in the gloomy alley, Gong Siyu's voice was low and cold, and his eyes were sharp.

The hand holding Yuno was very tight.

Not long after I said this, I turned a corner and reached a dead end. As expected, there was a round manhole cover under the corner of the wall. This was the sewer entrance in the mouth of Gongsiyu.

Take out a wrench from the toolbox, Miyajiyu lifted up his sleeves and lifted the manhole cover hard.

The whole movement is proficient, how is it like the noble and noble man in the ordinary day?

Yuno who was watching was stunned.

Two people entered the sewer.

Miyajiyu carefully covered the well to ensure that it would not be discovered.

The flashlight prepared in advance was turned on.

Carrying a toolbox in one hand, and Yuno in the other.

Smell the stench of the sewer.

Listening to the chirping of mice everywhere, the ticking of water droplets.

Stop from time to time, take out the map entered in the GPS device and glance at it.

Mo was gone for about fifteen minutes.

With the rapid "didi" sound from the GPS.

Miyajiyu and Ki Yuno looked up at the drain well welded to the top and sealed with cement...

Gazed at each other tacitly.

They arrived.

Thanks: Mo Li, Sake, Social, Li Luo'an, Fairy, I am a Little, Lie, Lin Gui, Mo Li'er, Crown, Yuer, Woxihuanni, Linlin, Chong, Kindergarten, Xiliang, Erhua, Xie Tu Book coins presented by Nan, Liangsheng, Yuexia, Hey, Fan Wuqing, and Huahai!

Thank you for your love and support.

(End of this chapter)

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