Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1444: Kill the pope

Chapter 1444 Killing the Pope

When the two groups of Lingyi and Qing Yaoji arrived in front of the gothic black church that is said to be the headquarters of the Sixth Reich, all the alarms of the entire island sounded, and the sky above the galaxy was shining, and the huge enchantment seemed to expand. The stretched curtain blocked the entire sky above the island, as if covered by a huge semi-circular glass cover.

Twenty-five people led by Gongsiyu, Liuyun, and Feng Jinxuan formed a circle, enclosing the island in four directions, and the formation made people surging and violent, like a battle.

All the laser cannons hidden on this island slowly rise under remote control, aiming at those floating in the sky.

The magnificent black cathedral stood majestic in front of them, mysterious and weird, and the cathedral was extremely empty.

Just as weapons such as laser cannons were launched into the air to resist foreign enemies.

The huge relief black door of the closed black church slowly opened.

Hundreds of mutants formed a defensive response to the emergency team assembled, holding silver metal liquid weapons, and walking out neatly.

On the empty ground outside the church door, doors leading to the ground opened.

Heavy equipment such as modified tanks, armed military aircraft, and armored vehicles were transported out of the ground one after another. Everyone was fully armed, and the war was about to start.

The leader of the team rushing out of the church was stunned when he saw Farreid and Francis.

The leader of the team was a black man with five big and three thick, wearing a helmet, holding a silver gun, and constantly yelling: "Fast! Fast!"

After stopping in front of Farreid and Francis, he bowed in fear, "Bishop! Why are you here? It's not just that I left this morning."

Before Farid could speak, Francis calmly fluffed up his hair and said in Italian: "I want to come to inform the headquarters of our exposure, but obviously, we are late and Farrid and I are going to take The Pope retreats, you respond quickly."

Hearing this, the leader of the team hesitated for a few seconds, and suddenly looked up and down Francis and Farreid suspiciously, "Baron Francis, you and Bishop Farreid have always been at odds with each other, why are you going to..."

Before the words were finished, a beam of light condensed from the sky fell from the sky, and flew the leader who questioned Francis.

The cat's spirit suddenly glanced towards the sky, and it happened to meet with Gong Siyu who had summoned the Divine Extinguishing Bow, and was opening the killing ring, with a tacit heart, and smiled at each other.

"Take advantage of the mess, let's go! Hurry up."

Fallid embraced the ghost that turned into a cat and strode into the church in a stride, followed by Francis and others behind him.

Because a large number of mutant human defense teams used train tracks and elevators to gush out from the underground headquarters, the entrance to the underground was not closed, so Farrid and Francis were given the opportunity to enter directly.

When the elevator kept descending, it turned into a cat's spirit and carefully glanced at the electronic time in the elevator.

It just so happens that this year is February, the 24th.

In other words, they succeeded.

With Francis and Farreid, there is no need for a map at all, because these two people are just living maps.

Take the elevator and go deep underground, but take the rail train to go deep.

In the end, they arrived at the true headquarters of the Sixth Reich.

A magnificent, labyrinth-like building built in the underground world, more magnificent than the French palace.

Farid and Francis walked side by side in the quiet and wide corridor, followed by Qing Yaoji and others in disguise.

Rows of white marble columns, carved with exquisite reliefs, are like walking into a magnificent building that is more mysterious and artistic than the Louvre.

There are mutated race guards rushing to the ground, fully armed, everywhere.

Constantly pushing open the magnificent giant door, passing through an independent church, or prayer room, or temple, and down the spiral ornate staircase, unimpeded.

Farid and Francis moved extremely fast.

In the end, in front of a closed black temple door, the two looked at each other, and at the same time, they pulled the door open with force.

There were voices communicating in Italian.

The dull opening sound of the hall door, accompanied by dozens of indifferent eyes cast from the hall, the air seemed to freeze, and the atmosphere was strange.

The huge "Sixth Reich" totem badge hangs high on the wall, and the huge space in front of it is an unprecedentedly spacious underground secret meeting hall.

In the main seat at the front end of the long conference table, sitting an old man wearing a red pope hat and a white robe.

That old man is currently the biggest leader of the Sixth Empire, Pope Vatican.

"Francis, Farreid?"

Pope Vatican looked at the two men standing at the door in surprise.

And sitting at the conference table with the Pope, there are more than a dozen men and women wearing black robes or black suits.

Falreid held the "cat" and entered silently with Francis. Behind him, several people disguised as entourage also walked in, then closed the door and locked it.

Feng Wuhen and Adai consciously guarded the only exit of this secret meeting room.

"Pope, the headquarters is under attack. I think you should move to safety immediately."

While speaking in fluent Italian, Francis walked quickly to the side of the Vatican Pope.

At the same time, turning into a cat’s sly, agile from Farrid’s arms, he jumped onto the dark red long conference table, gracefully raised his tail, took small steps, and stopped at Vatican. In front of the pope, the innocent and innocent cat eyes widened and flung his tail.

Just as the whole underground conference hall was silent and the atmosphere was strange...

Francis silently walked around behind the Vatican Pope. A dagger slipped out of his sleeve and was held tightly in his palm.

The Pope has been using Italian, not knowing what he was "muttering" to Farid and Francis.

At this time, Francis, behind the Archbishop of Vatican, struck out with lightning, and with a "chao", the sharp blade of the dagger slashed through the archbishop's throat from behind.

Suddenly, the Vatican Pope whose aorta was cut, blood flowed like a burst of blood, and the splashed blood stained the cat's psyche. In the blink of an eye, the psyche changed from the cat back to its original appearance and flew towards The Vatican bishop who covered his neck, spurted blood from the wound, and stained his robe.

The bishop's chair fell backward, and the Vatican pope's neck was squeezed in a spirit. With a "click" twist, the neck was broken and the pope died.

"Don't worry about his resurrection, because the genetic research of the mutant race is not perfect, and the risk is high. The Pope has never modified himself. He is just an ordinary person." Farrid walked slowly until he was covered in blood. "The people in this conference hall are the financial chain behind the scenes of the Sixth Reich, that is, the supporters, and the conference hall is fully enclosed, there is no monitoring and eavesdropping equipment, because the conference talks The content is highly confidential, so all signals here are blocked."

(End of this chapter)

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