Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1451: The operation was as fierce as a tiger, it turned out to be two hundred and five

Chapter 1451, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, it turned out to be two hundred and five

"Is there such an evil way? I protect my body with spiritual strength, and no attack can hurt me. Unless someone more powerful than me appears, can he be better than me?"

Lingyu turned horizontally, avoiding the bullets shot from the dense pear blossoms of the torrential rain, and was enveloped by the protective light formed by spiritual power. Hearing the sound, he was extremely disdainful and did not believe what Hei Lian said.

"Little Guier, I said, his ability is very special, not spiritual power, but a special force of death. The black crystals formed can corrode everything in the range... everything, do you understand? He is A corrosive machine can corrupt everything and people."

"Didn't you say that you want a petal to hang him? Persuaded?" Ling Yu sneered, contemptuously.

"...Then, that's just because I relied on the little trick, you are"

"Okay, shut up!"

The spiritual figure flashed and appeared behind Su Legang in an instant. At the same time, the bullets of the machine gun in Su Legang's hand were also exhausted. The domineering old man turned coldly, staring at the girl wrapped in black and purple aura. , The eyes are murderous.

Arsulegan is the first cardinal of the legendary Sixth Empire.

In front of him, he is very burly and sturdy, looks like an old man from the outside, with white hair, short beard, crown-like headdress on top of his head, a huge skull compass around his waist, and he is dressed in a black and white mink coat. Very emperor style.

His eyes were arrogant and arrogant, and he looked at Lingyu's eyes as if he was looking at an ant, which was exactly the same as Lingyu's contemptuous and disdainful eyes.

Both look down on each other.

Hei Lian merged with Ling Yu again, and suddenly, the black light diffused, and the black lotus suddenly grew under Ling Yu's feet.

Su Legon saw that, his hands and feet suddenly grew out of thin air with a large area of ​​mysterious black crystals, which meandered towards the spirit, like a sensitive snake, wherever he went, the ground, walls, corpses, eyes The visible things are all corroded, unstoppable, and aggressive!

And the spirit is sly, do not go, do not avoid, the black lotus is gathering more and more, densely blocking the black crystal material from the attack, a large number of black lotus quickly decayed and withered after being touched by the black crystal, turning into ashes. But at the same time, more black lotus will be born to resist.

In the blink of an eye, the black crystalline substance spread to the ground, and the black lotus unfolded and formed a strange sea of ​​flowers, which was constantly corroded and bloomed again.

And Lingyu just stood still in the center of the black lotus, and the complicated and mysterious forbidden curse was chanted from her mouth, like an ancient and mysterious cover chanting, with black misty purple spells constantly appearing, lingering around Lingyu, chanting The sound of the curse is getting louder and louder, and the marks of the spell are getting more and more.

At the same time, the domineering old man Suregon narrowed his eyes and saw that he could not hurt the girl in the black lotus center not far away.

In order to quickly resolve the battle, he had to resort to a more terrifying force of corruption.

I saw him as a whole, suddenly transformed from an old and burly old man into a tall and strong giant skeleton man, not only able to freely control the surrounding body, but also control the rate of corruption of surrounding objects!

It's like a walking skeleton.

Step by step, Suregon moved heavy towards the spirit in the center of the black lotus.

Any place you walked through will become barren.

The bottom wall of the laboratory base was corroded and dissolved, the ceiling disappeared, and the black crystal material corroded everything in the space.

After Sulegan exhaled a sigh in the direction of the spirit, the gas quickly corroded everything.

The black crystal-like substance, like the devil's claws of death, extends in all directions, not only begins to dissolve and corrode the sliding door of the P4 laboratory, but also begins to accelerate the corrosion of the concrete and steel structure on the ground.

Seeing Suregon's violent and unmoving spirit approached closer and closer.

Seeing that the large area of ​​the ceiling exposed a huge hole, the walls and ground of the upper floor began to be gradually dissolved by Sulegan's corrosive force.

The dense black lotus was swallowed up, and the black lotus that bloomed again was not as fast as Sulegan's corrosion rate.

Just when I was about to touch the sly toes standing in the center of the black lotus...

Lingyu suddenly opened his sharp and cold eyes, staring at Sulegan coldly, as if laughing.

It's like a certain mysterious ancient forbidden technique has been completely cast and it starts to work...

Lingkui slowly raised his slender jade hand, quietly flipped his wrist, and quickly drove a group of knots with mysterious spells into Sulegang's eyebrows.

At the same time, the weird black corrosive force under her feet has slowly wrapped her ankle and calf...

But what was shocking was that it didn't corrode any inch of skin or bones, but began to turn, retreat, and quickly attacked in the direction of Sulegan.

Backlash spell, a spell that is backlashed by one's own power.

It is one of the forbidden techniques and has long been sealed and no one can study it.

Because this technique is extremely vicious, it enables the caster to use the opponent's ability to kill the opponent himself.

When Farreid, Adai, and Shennong, who was holding the shrinking pill furnace, broke through and rushed out of the core area of ​​the P4 laboratory, they saw a dead end in front of them. There was no ground, only a huge and deep hole, not far apart. Between Ling Yu and them, he stopped abruptly, dumbfounded.

This is no longer the ground floor of the laboratory when I came.

Unrecognizable, black crystal-like corrosive material in the eye, it is difficult to move.

Not far away, Sulegan was kneeling in front of Ling Yu, muttering in pain, seeing his flesh and blood quickly swallowed by his own corrosive power, and then turned into dust, disappeared, and a last word Did not stay.

In the next second, the spirit and the black lotus at his feet disappeared completely, and flew to Falreid's side, smiling charmingly, full of arrogance, and did not forget to vomit: "The operation is as fierce as a tiger, it turns out to be a two hundred and five. Curse him, happy, how about you? Have you done what you did?"

The old farmer shook the pill furnace in his arms, "The Nine Dragon God Fire Cover and Pill Furnace gifted by ancestor Hongjun are burned with the highest temperature using the samādhi real fire. There is no **** left, and a drop of the weird liquid inside is left. ."

"Okay, I can rest assured that you are always doing things, and just walk!"

Ling Yi said, using the Mingzhu to open a transmission channel back to the ground, allowing Farrid and the others to go one step ahead.

"how about you?"

Falried looked back, and saw that the spirit did not move.

"Should you not clean up before you go? After I get the pad, you go up first."

After ensuring that the other three people went up, Lingyu stood alone on the last floor of the shaky base. Sulegang’s ability should not be underestimated, even after the old man’s death, the black crystal-like corrosive force, It still didn't disappear, forming a transparent black sphere like bubbles, floating in the air.

After thinking carefully, Lingki didn't intend to leave the corrosive force in this place, and summoned the black lotus, pointed at the cloud of black air, and ordered: "Lotus, eat it, let's take it back, or swallow it privately. , Or leave it to my mother and them."

(End of this chapter)

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