Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1480: Princess Youlan is really one of the founders of the Sixth Empire?

Chapter 1480 Princess Youlan is really one of the founders of the Sixth Empire?

There was a sour plum in Ling's mouth, and he glanced back, a man and an old man, the man is very murderous, his body is stained with human blood and the smell of corpse, and the smell is very strong, and his eyes are fierce and his facial features are wild. , Like a reckless thug; the old man is gentle and gloomy, with too heavy yin and insufficient yang, which makes it easy to attract ghosts, so he wears a lot of bodhisattva beads and jade statues to ward off evil spirits.

Seeing these two people, Lingyu immediately jumped into his mind.

I have done too many things to damage the yin virtue. When I enter the underworld after death, I will all go to **** to reform!

And A Luo uttered a wild word, and instantly caused the man and the old man behind him to be stunned in place, looking at each other, daring to be angry but not speaking, isn't this a joke? mother? Is anyone called a mother?

A Luo didn't look back, and didn't care about people, just holding a sly arm, the little bird was buried in her arms, she didn't want to deal with the people behind him at all, and didn't know why.

Ling curiously helpless, his face was cold, and his eyes sharply looked at the two people standing with their hands out.

"You have something?"

The fierce-looking man and the dark-eyed old man seemed to be taken aback by the intimidating cold eyes, but this old man should have seen a lot of big scenes, but he only hesitated for a moment, then he was calm and polite, and smiled politely. "I just came to ask, why did Miss A Luo not come out with Young Master Feng this time and started the jade business? However, there are many jade mines in Nushan, but they are generally deep in the rock. It is extremely difficult to find. It’s impossible to find professional equipment. It’s not like looking for a jade mine if you keep everything simple and travel light.”

The old man's shrewd eyes looked at Lingshang for a while, but felt strange because he did not smell the smell of soil.

"However, this girl does not look like our expert, dare to ask the girl's origin?"

"You don't need to know, it's fate to meet here, but it's better not to interfere with each other, so why bother to ask so much."


The old man was speechless for a while when the spirit couldn't answer the words.

"Moreover, don't worry, there will be no interest issues between us, it's not here to fight, rest assured."

Having said that, the old man knew that he couldn't ask any more, he gave a look at his side, his hands behind his back, and he walked away quietly.

Only when he returned to the inn, the old man gave A Luo and Linggui a weird look.

"Fifth Master, what's the matter? Is it possible that you see something?"

The old man named Wu Ye, whose full name is Ren Wu, is a decisive figure in the Dadou world. He is highly respected and has many apprentices. At his age, he has to go to the sea to dig his grave personally. It is only because the prodigal son has lost all his fortune, and now he even has the coffin. Gone.

Ren Wuye's eyebrows were deep, and he looked back frequently to observe Lingyu and A Luo, and finally spoke: "That girl is indeed the girl who has always been with the young master Feng. I still can't remember that she let hundreds of elders in the tomb of King Xiang The sight of the zongzi kowtow to her, this girl is extremely powerful, and the one next to her that looks slightly larger is probably not a simple character."

"Why see?"

"The look in her eyes makes me, an old man who has seen more than a thousand years of ancient corpse, is cold behind his back, and the girl of Aluo, who is savage and willful, extremely arrogant, but can stay by that girl so well. , Isn’t it obvious?” Ren Wuye analyzed a little bit, “and the people who came with them tonight, they all look very busy, even the dog, I have never seen it.”

"Fifth Lord, is it possible that they are here to grab business with us?" the fierce man who supported him doubted.

"No, except for A Luo, there is no smell of dirt on those people. They are laymen, but I want to let the girl from A Luo join us. After all, this is dangerous. We didn't even find the location of the tomb, but With an ancient map, it is extremely difficult to locate. If she was there, we would have been halfway stable on this trip. Compared with the other team, the chances of finding the tomb first are greater, but I am afraid that it will not be as I wish. , Aluo has a weird temper. He only listened to Master Feng."

"They must have a purpose when they come to Nushan. I don't believe that they really came to look for the jade mine. The mountains and forests that follow are inaccessible, and the deeper they get, the more desolate they are. Is it possible for them to dig the tomb for a vacation? We send a team of people to stare at them? Anyway, tomorrow we will just go out to find the way, so we will get to the bottom of it first."



Gong Siyu accompanied Feng Jinxuan for one day at the General Administration of the Three Realms.

It was not until receiving a call from Lingyu that he was ready to leave the imperial capital, packed up, and set off for the Nushan Mountains to meet Lingyu.

Throughout the day, Feng Jinxuan would call A Luo’s cell phone almost every ten minutes, but A Luo’s Three Realms cell phone was always turned off. When he found that Gong Siyu was talking with Lingyu, Feng Jinxuan knew that A Luo and Lingyu was together. When he grabbed Miyajiyu's mobile phone and wanted to call it again, unfortunately, Miyajiyu said, "Kuier's mobile phone is out of power."

At the same time, Lingyuan brought a sacred mirror from the God Realm, and in front of Feng Jinxuan and Gong Siyu, introduced: "This is the magic weapon of the ancestor Hongjun. You can be seen in the mirror. Anything I want to know, but the old ancestor said that this thing is too old and sometimes fails. I cried and asked my ancestor to borrow it. There is no information related to the code name Youlan in the single room of the gods, nor is it similar to Youming. A symbol like a flower, and no **** race has such a mark as the Nether Flower, but I found a clue from the mirror."

Gong Siyu, who was just about to leave, withdrew his steps and sat silently on the sofa in Feng Jinxuan's office, looking at Lingyuan without a word.

But Feng Jinxuan seemed not in the mood to bother about it at this moment.

Looking at Lingyuan unwillingly, "A Luo ignored me."

Lingyuan patted Feng Jinxuan on the shoulder, "It's okay, it's okay to coax, everything is the overall situation, let's take a look at the clues in the mirror? It won't be a waste of your hard work. ?"

"..." Feng Jinxuan sat in the position of the director, holding his forehead, ignoring him, he saw Lingyuan opened the mirror.

In front of Feng Jinxuan and Gong Siyu, Lingyuan shouted into the golden mirror: "Youlan."

In an instant, a graceful black figure appeared in the returning mirror.

She is a woman with a netherworld flower in her hand. She has a noble temperament, as cold as orchids, a pair of narrow and upturned Danfeng eyes that are cold and sharp, smudged with black smoky eyeshadow, and her lips are black, giving people a vicious and mysterious feeling.

She wore a black gauze skirt that symbolized death, with a nether flower embroidered on the skirt.

Ling Yuan suddenly magnified the image in the mirror on the hem of the woman's skirt.

"Have you seen? The Nether Flower on her skirt is exactly the same as the totem mark code-named Youlan in the Sixth Empire's materials."

(End of this chapter)

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