Chapter 1499 The Truth

The body seemed to have lost its weight, it was light, and the depths of his mind were chaotic, scattered and messy memories crazily overlapping, A Luo tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids were heavy.

In the extreme anxiety, scenes like movie-like scenes began to appear in her mind, like vortexes formed by colors, psychedelic, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion, her thoughts were extremely confused, and she was in chaos. In Qing’s pain, all the memories began to be rearranged according to their original chronological order, causing A Luo to dimly recall some of the past that should have been forgotten by her...

When she opened her eyes again, she saw no spirits, no Di Si, no Aunt Qing Yao, no one...

She was alone in the dark and gloomy Wuliangshan wilderness...

At the foot of the front, a little baby wrapped in a black robe learning to crawl, with dark, large round eyes full of innocence, grabbed the mud and stuffed it into his mouth, and babbling and giggling there.

In the middle of the night, in the gloomy and horrible mountains, surrounded by onlookers of ghost tomb owners, everyone is cheering on the baby who is learning to crawl and walk...

A Luo stared at everything in front of him blankly.

She knew that this was her memory, her dream, she was not awake, she was in her own dream.

Her memory is back...

She began to keep recalling the past.

The scenes in the dream are constantly switching, from babbling to self-learning to walk, and it changes instantly into recording one's own age in the tomb. A year is one year old... The tomb wall in the ancient tomb of Jiang Ya is full of her strokes. The horizontal and vertical imprint.

The tomb owner in the entire Wuliang Mountain is a witness and companion who has witnessed her constant growth over the long years. They are friends and relatives...

No, not only the ghost of the tomb owner accompanied her in her childhood, but also a person, a woman.

The long and crazily overlapping memories gradually outlined the complete face of the woman in Aluo's brain.

A palace hidden under the black pool of poisonous lotus miasma, a palace built by the woman herself.

How did she discover that palace?

Because when she was a child, she stumbled and fell into the stinking black pool that was as black as mud. Her body kept sinking and sinking... She couldn't breathe, and at one time she thought she was dead, and began to cry and cry. When thick black water poured into her mouth and nose, she was saved by herself.

That woman is particularly beautiful, but her beauty, such as the flower of the high mountain, is cold and arrogant, and mysteriously dark, containing the breath of death, as if it can be the deepest and most primitive fear in people's hearts.

But the woman loved her extremely.

In the cold palace, white veil curtains are flying.

As a child, she was all dirty, and she was held in her arms by a woman, using the gurgling spring water of the underground river to carefully wash the dirt on her body.

She just learned to talk, staring blankly at the mysterious and stunning woman wearing a black gorgeous dress and a black veil mask. She stubbornly stretched out her veil and stretched out her little hand boldly to touch the woman's cheek. , And asked childishly: "Grandpa Jiang said, Wuliangshan has only A Luo a big living person, he is deceiving, besides A Luo, there is a big living person hidden under the black pool!"

The woman gently wiped her dirty little feet with clean water, and smiled slightly, "Yes, you found it, but the baby must keep it secret. God knows and you know, you know and I know, the baby cannot let a third party know my existence."

"Well, I'm good, but... Old Jiang said that I am a child no one wants, are you too? You were also thrown away by your parents, hiding here, living alone?"

The woman simply pulled off the veil and threw it aside, her stunningly beautiful eyes flashed sadness and longing regret, "No, I am not the same as my baby. My father and I had a conflict, a big conflict, and we broke off. After the father-daughter relationship, the mud feet are sinking...I have become a heinous sinner, but I regret it. I want to go home, but I can’t go back. I can only hide here, alone...waiting for death to come, guarding The one to guard."

"A Luo wants a mother, okay A Luo recognizes you as a mother? From now on, we will depend on each other in Wuliang Mountain... The idiom of relying on each other is still taught to me by Grandpa Jiang... He takes me to all kinds of tombs every day. I stopped by to find the bamboo slips accompanied by the owner of the tomb and taught me how to read. Grandpa Jiang said I was smart. He knew all the words when I was less than three years old. He would also fight with the king of the corpse, well, but I didn’t beat it just now. Wang punched Blackpool down, a bit embarrassing..."

Aluo stared at herself in the dream, who was under three years old, and talked endlessly, while the woman holding her just listened quietly, carefully wiping her face, hands, and changing clothes. His eyes are soft like a loving mother...

"Are you a mother?"

"When you want, I will be."

"Then A Luo is no longer a wild child no one wants, and has a mother, right?"


Since then, during the daytime, I went to fight with the tomb owner's corpse king in the mountains and fields, learned the spell Jiang Ya taught her, and at night quietly went to find the "mother" hidden in the depths of the black pool.

A Luo remembered.

Women possess boundless spiritual power, which is terrifying spiritual power countless times stronger than Jiang Ya.

She also teaches her and is extremely strict, but when she is not studying the law, women will personally make all kinds of toys for her.

They slept together, played in the underground river together, talked about the world together.

It was a short time that A Luo abandoned and forgotten, but it was A Luo's happiest short time.

In the woman’s underground palace, there is a very gorgeous red lotus flower. The lotus flower seems to be running a mysterious and complicated formation. From the dreamland, A Luo clearly sees that women spend a lot of time every day. Use your own blood to perfect and strengthen the formation.

The woman never let her approach the red lotus.

And with her own blood to feed her eyes, the woman is getting more and more haggard and weaker day by day. She clearly has boundless spiritual power, but her life is passing irreversibly.

"Baby, no, you can play with anything in this palace, except for Honglian and Jinyan, you must not touch, you know?" The woman warned her extremely harshly and coldly.

"A Luo knows, A Luo, my mother, can you tell me what this formation is?"

"It's a kind of enchantment, a kind of enchantment that can hide the baby and the mother, and will never be discovered by anyone, anyone finds it."

"Why do you want to set up such an enchantment..."

"Because my mother doesn't want to continue with the bad guys, she also needs to protect the baby, hoping that the baby can grow up happily and become as powerful as her mother, able to protect himself, protect the loved one, and become a lawless little devil."

The woman held A Luo in her arms and kissed her little cheek indulgently.

"Well, A Luo is very happy, because there are you, Grandpa Jiang Ya, Brother Xiahou and Sister Hongxiu, and there are thousands of good tomb owners in Wuliang Mountain. A Luo is very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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