Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1506: Yun Danfeng lightly told him that his mother was dead

Chapter 1506 Yun Danfeng lightly told him that his mother was dead

Inside the Palace of Emperor Underworld, the quiet and weird gloomy.

Under the order of Emperor Qingwu, the ghost generals and personal ghost servants in the entire palace retreated.

Thousands of blue flame candles flickering like a ghost fire are scattered all over the palace of the Emperor Underworld.

On the spotless black spar ground, the shadows of Lingyu and A Luo were reflected.

Lingyu led A Luo through the gloomy palace gates like ghosts.

Finally, came to a cold blue crystal palace.

Before coming in, Lingyu had told A Luo what he should pay attention to when meeting Emperor Ming.

Can't look directly at the bad old man Qingwu, the old man doesn't like being looked at directly.

Must give a big gift.

In the faint blue ice crystal palace, the emperor above the highest order in the front was empty.

But in the empty palace, after Ling Yu and A Luo appeared, an old Senhan voice suddenly sounded——

"Lingyou, you let Guhao wait!"

The implication was that Lingyu's task of finding Princess Youlan had been delayed for too long, and Qingwu was already impatient.

"It would be great if I could find it for you. Do you know that this is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack?" Lingyu pretended to kneel on the ground and rolled his eyes. It looked like he was not afraid of Emperor Ming. Bad old man, don't feel bad for a while."

But A Luo, holding the **** wooden box in her arms, obediently knelt on the ground, and after lightly handling the wooden box, according to the spirit, he kowtowed towards the no one's seat of the Emperor Underworld, quietly. Said: "See Emperor Ming."

As if Qingwu had lost his voice, the palace of Ming Emperor suddenly became quiet and strange.

Aluo Luoluo generously moved towards the cold ground, knocked his head, straightened his back, knelt on the ground, watching his nose and heart.

At this moment, the black shadow flickered, Lingyu and Aluo's sights were covered by a black mysterious robe that suddenly appeared, the light dimmed, and a suffocating sense of oppression came upon his face like Mount Tai.

At that moment, A Luo seemed to have forgotten the instructions of the spirits before coming, and must not look at Ming Emperor Qingwu, suddenly raised her head, raised her eyes, the dark and introverted willow leaf eyes met a pair of cold eyes. No warmth, vast vicissitudes of life, looking down on the elder eyes of sentient beings.

The dark emperor's dark blue jade crown tied with hair, an emperor's dragon robe, is extremely noble, looking down at the common people, low eyes looking down at the girl kneeling in front of him, the depths of the old eyes are shaken.

The moment he saw A Luo's little face, the vicissitudes of life and distant eyes flashed with inexplicable excitement, but after looking at it, he returned to ruthless Senhan.

"This child is still young. Although she looks very similar to Lan'er, she is not an lonely daughter. Spiritual! What's the matter?"

As soon as Linggui wanted to explain, he was interrupted by the Qingwu old man before he said the words.

"Is it because Youlan doesn't want to see Gu!" Her tone began to become hostile, inexplicably angry, "Gu has taken a step back, let you find her, let her return to the underworld! Gudu has decided to let her go home and will This huge underworld manages her, is she still reluctant to see the father of Gu!" After a pause, the more angry he said, she flicked her sleeves and turned back, "Who is this little girl!"

"Youlan's daughter, your granddaughter."

Lingyu was too lazy to kneel, feeling that her legs were sore and her body was tired. Ever since she learned that she was pregnant, she would always have sore limbs and stood up directly.

"Did you get up?"

"I'm pregnant, I'm tired on my knees." Linghui said, still not forgetting to pull A Luo up from the ground, "Somehow it is your granddaughter, and she can't let her kneel all the time. There is no one else here. Why should the old man be so disciplined."

At the moment when I heard that the girl in front of me was my little granddaughter, I wonder if it was Lingyu's mistake, or it was true.

In the depths of the old and cold eyes of the green black, there was a hint of tenderness that was not easily detectable, which seemed relieved.

However, he just likes to put on the appearance of a mean old man, with his hands behind his back, Li Se asked A Luo, "Does your mother have no face to see Gu, or does he not want to come to see Gu in person and ask you to fool you?"

A Luo likes red. She wears a long vermilion archaic dress. Her slightly curly hair is braided into a fishtail braid, which hangs on the side of her chest. A pair of semi-contained autumn water, high and cold like orchids, the inner hook is warped outside. Liuye’s eyes are sharp and indifferent, revealing a sense of unkindness, mixed with a dark and vicious atmosphere after a long stay in the extremely gloomy place like Wuliang Mountain, and his thin lips look thin and rosy. His skin was extremely pale, like the bloodless appearances of the ghosts and gods of the underworld, hiding all emotions restrained.

Hearing the words, he just smiled lightly, and shook his head generously, "No, I brought my mother back to see you, you see, she is in that box."

A Luo looked at the black box resting on the ground beside her side, then fell down, squatted down, opened the box gently, and took out the dress that Princess Youlan once wore, the hair crown and headdress that she wore, together with Holding the red lotus that hid Princess Youlan's lifelong spiritual power, he handed it to Qingwu.

Qingwu was silent, staring at A Luo holding the crown and red lotus in his hands in a daze.


"Mother said, she wants to go home, she misses you too, she regrets it, she doesn't want to see you,"

The clouds were light and the wind was light, with a smile that didn't show a smile to explain a very sad thing, but A Luo could have said it as light as water, there were no tears in her eyes.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Qingwu did not take the dress and Nether Red Lotus from A Luo's hand, and the black and purple lips trembled lightly, as if he realized something, but couldn't accept it, couldn't believe it, "Then let your mother come to see the lonely by herself! No! Do you want to go home! Don’t you dislike the realm of God! I can satisfy her alone! The realm of underworld is her home!


A Luo was straightforward, and smiled, spit out two words.

Lingyu was just watching from the side, and she paid close attention to every expression on A Luo's face.

Although she was laughing, the ridiculousness didn't reach the bottom of her eyes, and she was crying. In fact, Lingyu knew that A Luo's heart was crying. She was just used to being strong and too stubborn.

Ming Emperor Qingwu's old and deep eyes were filled with anger, "Girl! Do you know what you are talking about? Your mother is my Qingwu daughter! Before I became Mingwu Emperor, the God Realm can be alongside the second ancestor. Primitive god, she has the blood of the gods in her bones. She is immortal, and your mother cannot die."

"It's gone." Lingyu echoed, "She was severely injured by Emperor Killing. In order to save her dead daughter, she lost her life and regarded herself as a sacrifice. She was set up around Wuliang Mountain. Under the blood moon enchantment, her soul scattered and died, leaving you only her daughter, old man, mourning."

Killing Emperor, also known as Slaughter Emperor, is A Luo's father, Princess Youlan's favorite man, a legend among the gods of the dark sect, a man who made her master Wutian ancestors helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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