Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1526: Something happened in the underworld?

Chapter 1526 What happened to the underworld?

Feng Jinxuan looked directly at the gloomy and terrifying Wutian ancestor, slender and fair palms held A Luo, and put them in his arms. He covered A Luo's eyes by the way, and smiled slightly, a modest gentleman, and she was as refined as the dust. Banxian.

Wutian ancestor heard the words, staring at Feng Jinxuan meaningfully, and groaned: "Then the old man will discipline these two imperfect things for you for the Three Realms General Administration? As for Chiyou's body, you take it away! Find the soul , You are responsible! Guier is inconvenience now, so he will no longer participate in this matter, and you will not bother too much!"

Preliminary estimate is that Chi You's soul disappeared in the underworld, so this matter must be related to the underworld.

Wutian ancestors resolutely arranged things properly, let Lingyuan and Feng Jinxuan send people to carry away the demon **** Chi You, who has no soul and body, always lonely wants to stop, and he doesn’t have the guts. If he dares to stop, I’m afraid Can be kicked to death by the Wutian ancestor.

It was agreed to stay for dinner, and it was soaked.

Ling moved her fetal qi, and fell asleep, A Luo had to return to the underworld with Fan Wujiu.

Feng Jinxuan and Ling Yuansu sent people from the General Administration of the Three Realms to lift Chi You's body. Before A Luo left, he was quick-eyed and blocked her way.

Before looking at Feng Jinxuan, A Luo twisted his eyes away, covered with a light veil, and the ends of his eyes were hooked.

"Promise me, be careful." Feng Jinxuan forcibly forced A Luo to look at herself, holding her small face, "Chi You's soul was dropped in the underworld, I am afraid you are in danger."

A Luo dodged his gaze, did not dare to look directly at Feng Jinxuan's clear and handsome eyes, gave a vague "um", and agreed perfunctorily, but thought with a twist in his heart, this has not been reconciled yet, but a pair They are very intimate...

"A Luo, have nothing to say to me?" Feng Jinxuan immersed himself in staring at A Luo's half-hidden face, revealing a sense of mystery, the country's beauty, and the faintly visible small face.

"Say what?" A Luo was blank.

"Think about it." Reluctant to let go, because I'm separated this time and I don't know when I will see each other.

A Luo raised her slender willow eyebrows, as if thinking of something, he looked at Feng Jinxuan hesitantly, "I are used to seeing me in the past, do you think my current appearance is strange? Very mature, too It's mean, not cute at all, don't only like cute girls?"

Feng Jinxuan's eyes gradually returned to clearness and scorching transparency. He reluctantly dropped a kiss on A Luo's forehead, smiling softly: "Nonsense, I love it because of you..." In the end, he loosened. Opened Aluo, "Go back, I'm going to be busy."

Just drove her away? Sure enough, work is more important than her!

Seeing A Luo's unwilling look, Feng Jinxuan suddenly pulled A Luo back into his arms, "Don't want to leave? Then don't go, investigate the disappearance of Chi You Yuanshen and go to the underworld. Although I am the chief, I am a mortal in the human world. , Only the soul can escape into the underworld. It is more convenient to go to Lingyuan. This matter can be left to him. It's still early. Let's see Grandpa? Or where do you want to go, I will accompany you?"

Coincidentally, Lingyuan came over and saw Feng Jinxuan and Aluo hugged together. He was very eye-catching to see. He patted Feng Jinxuan on the shoulder, "Feng brother, leave it to me here. Just go, body As the director, you don’t need to do everything yourself, you should also give your subordinates a chance to perform."

At the same time, Fan Wujiu, who had been waiting by the side, also spoke: "Princess Youfeng and Emperor Ming said that they will return after dark. It is still early, so you can play at will. Just don’t forget to go back on time. I have important business. The Secretary took care of him and said goodbye."


People from the General Administration of the Three Realms took Chi You's body and left the ghost cunning house.

Feng Jinxuan also took A Luo to the old mansion of the imperial capital Feng Xuanqing, temporarily leaving work, only to accompany A Luo, wanting to get back together as soon as possible.

When night fell, Lingtian came back from the God's Court and heard that Ling had a fetal gas, and hurried over.

The Wutian ancestors set up a tight forbidden foot barrier around the courtyard where E'an and Jiwang lived, and forbid the two to leave the courtyard.

In the courtyard, Jiwang and Eunan kneeled before Wutian ancestors like children who did wrong.

"The matter of the demon **** Chiyou Yuanshen leaving the body really has nothing to do with you two?"

No one was there, only three of them were left. The Wutian ancestor stood with his hands in his hand, standing in the dark courtyard and questioning deeply.

"Ananda dare not lie to the ancestors!" Enan could not kneel and said honestly.

"There is absolutely no deception." Jiwang also responded coldly.

"Chi You escaped with you two. The old man scolded you two severely in front of everyone today. Even in front of the two directors of the Three Realms General Administration, he took action against you, but you two can Understand the old man's good intentions?"

Wutian ancestor turned quietly, his eyes were like torches, deep and cold.

"Understood!" Jiwang and Eunan said in unison, knocking their heads towards Wutian Ancestor.

"The ancestors have always protected me and other dark gods. Although they prefer more spirits and crooks, they never treat any of us badly. The ancestors know in their hearts that people from the General Administration of the Three Realms will retreat us because of this. As an excuse to return to the Undersea Prison, it seems to be harshly scolding and punishing us, but it is actually saving me and Ananda. Compared with the Undersea Prison, being placed under house arrest here is the best result. Xie Pao for your protection!"

Wutian ancestor shook his sleeves and snorted coldly: "It's good for you two to understand! I have stayed in this courtyard recently, and the old man will make the Disi delicious and delicious to serve you, but Chi You is not allowed to worry about it!"

"Ancestor! Please listen to me, Ayou will never lie to me, I believe it..." Jiwang fought hard for reasons, and even grabbed Wutian Ancestor's robe.

"Why do you believe it?"


"I see you are really dizzy!" Wutian ancestor waved his sleeves, cut out the silent death, and instantly disappeared into the darkness.

After the Wutian ancestor left, the square courtyard was covered with golden enchantments, and those who were under house arrest would be bounced off if they approached the enchantment by one step.

Eunan felt resentful, "Brother Jiye, we really were killed by Ayou! He was so good to him, he even put us together and dare to deceive us!"

"Ananda, I said, I believe it has difficulties, whether it's silly, or it's so stupid that it suddenly recovers, it definitely did not deliberately deceive us."

"You still speak for him?"

"After the Demon Realm was annihilated, the Demon Race only had one tribe, that is, the tribe of Ayou's father. His father was killed by the emperor and had a deep hatred with the Protoss. The reason why he was imprisoned in the underwater prison was also because of his relationship with the Protoss. I vaguely remember that Ayou and I were locked in an underwater prison together thousands of years ago. When he was still awake, he told me that the demons were getting thinner and thinner, and he might be exterminated. If he could go out one day , I just want to fulfill a wish..."


"Vengeance, he will not let go of the Protoss related to Emperor Killing."



In the middle of the night, the imperial capital suddenly flashed and thundered, and it rained heavily.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, awakening the sleeping spirit.

She was sweating profusely, her face was pale, she sat up abruptly, and was shocked to see that her "dark pearl" glowed with a strange and dazzling cold light, and the Three Realms mobile phone kept ringing...

It was like something extremely serious happened.

(End of this chapter)

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