Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1548: The truth that Jiang Ziwen concealed turned out to be...

Chapter 1548 The truth that Jiang Ziwen concealed turned out to be...

Bei Ming is a member of the Tiandao League and the current manager of the ghost market.

Because it is a mixture of fish and dragons in the ghost market, it is very concealed here. It is the safest and most secure place to meet at the residence of the ghost city in Beiming, because the place in the north will never be The risk of monitoring and surveillance.

Emperor Killing returned, Emperor Underworld died, and Emperor God was seriously injured. Now there are dangers everywhere, and no one can easily believe it. You must be extremely cautious when doing anything.

After Lingyu refuted Jiang Ziwen's words, he looked like "I have seen it through", and sat down on the sofa with a smile, and then said: "Oh, it turns out that it's just like I guessed. A Luo's betrayal is a fake, deep into the danger. Being an undercover agent is true. You are only trying to protect A Luo’s reputation and cover up for A Luo. Brother Jiang, shouldn’t you... Lao Qingwu’s death was the result of you uniting to deceive everyone?"

Bei Ming stood quietly behind Gong Si Yu, like a smiling tiger, swaying his ingot folding fan inlaid with golden copper plates, very safe, although he is the master of the ghost market, he is like Gong Si Yu. This predecessor emperor was his master, loyal and never two-hearted.

His residence goes deep into the ghost city, like a secret room box buried deep underground. Except for the emotional puppets acting as the servants, there is no irrelevant person.

Did not dare to ask, did not dare to say a word, just listened quietly to the restoration of his identity, the king of Qin Guang who regained power and the lady who restored the identity of the Protoss princess and returned to the **** of tricks were arguing.

"Master, it's surprising that Madam actually argued with Wang Jiang in front of you. In the past, Wang Jiang couldn't bear to do this to Madam."

Covering his mouth with a fan and lowering his voice, Bei Ming quietly leaned to Gongsiyu's ear and whispered.

"Say less, listen less, don't ask, don't tell stories!"

Gong Siyu stood coldly and handsomely by the wall, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, warning Bei Mingdao with words of pity and gold.

"Okay! Just follow the master's instructions and I will plug my ears!"

When the words were over, Bei Ming pulled a piece of paper towel from the coffee table, divided it into two, plugged his ears, all he could not hear, and he stood on the side of Gongsiyu peacefully.

"Guy! You guess that these are not all correct, just guess that A Luo is indeed not a betrayal. There is also a hidden story. I also doubt the death of Qingwu. A once resurrected **** is not killing the emperor. But it’s true. Qingwu’s real body has been destroyed. I appeared in front of Emperor Underworld Palace. Emperor Underworld left a word for me through secret letter. When I found something was wrong, when I arrived at Emperor Underworld Palace, Emperor Underworld’s Yuan The gods are gone, the real body is destroyed in my arms, and the star of Pluto has fallen. This was seen by the judge who happened to be rushed over. I don’t know what happened...."

Secret letter is a special communication method used by the Emperor Underworld to send a letter to the ten hades. Some things that are not visible and must be kept strictly confidential will be communicated through secret letter, and only the person who is communicated can hear it.

"In other words, when Emperor Killing appeared, you were not there. Did you say that afterwards?"


After reminiscing Jiang Ziwen's remarks, Linggui stroked his chin thoughtfully, and then asked: "What is the secret message that Lao Qingwu left for you?"

"If something happens alone, you must protect A Luo, maintain her reputation, trust her 100%, and be her only backing."

"You don't know what happened at that time, just based on this sentence, you can infer that Aluo's temporary defection was to be an undercover agent?"

"No, when I received the secret letter, I was very puzzled, and I also felt something went wrong in the Underworld Palace. I was the first to enter the Underworld Palace to see Qingwu. At that time, he had died and was covered in blood. The heart was pierced, and there were traces of Nether Red Lotus spiritual power left in the wound, and a spiritual power I had never seen before."

Jiang Ziwen is the only person who has seen Qingwu's corpse. Judging from the wounds, he knows that A Luo is one of the people who hurt the old Ming Emperor...

Soon, Qingwu's true body was wiped out and disappeared. It happened that the Judiciary appeared. Seeing Jiang Ziwen, he insisted that he was the real murderer.

"Suddenly, I can only remain silent and follow the instructions of Emperor Ming to protect A Luo. The best way to maintain her reputation is to make people think that she is just missing and captured... But now, everyone I know that the person who killed Lao Qingwu was Princess Youchang, whose reputation was destroyed, and I did not do what the Emperor Ming asked..."

Jiang Ziwen's cold eyes were sad, and his head lowered, as if he felt ashamed of his trust in Qingwu.

"Big Brother Chiang, you must protect A Luo and protect her reputation. The current situation shows that the two are contradictory. I think people at the level of Emperor Killing will never trust A Luo easily. He dares to kill. Wife and daughter, that is a frenzied person. If you want to truly ensure A Luo's safety, you must make her notorious, everyone swears, and spurned her as a white-eyed wolf who killed the old Emperor Ming. You will doubt A Luo’s motives. Why Qingwu has been dead for so long. The General Administration of the Three Realms, the Underworld, and the God Realm have not attacked A Luo. The more you protect her and commit her crimes, the more the Emperor Killing will doubt whether it is hidden. It's tricky."

Jiang Ziwen listened carefully to Linggui's analysis and couldn't deny that Linggui's words were extremely correct.

"After thinking about it in another position, you should understand that even I can think of something, how could Killing the Emperor unexpectedly?"

After speaking, Lingsui looked at Jiang Ziwen solemnly.

"Moreover, only a few of us know about this. When we get out of this door, we have to pretend to be heartbroken, angry at Aluo's betrayal, completely break with her, and condemn it. This is the real thing. Protect her..."

"What does she want to do?"

Feeling that Ling Yu said almost, Gong Siyu, who has been silent all the time, spoke a little bit.

"Aluo is a person who doesn't like to trouble others. I think she might want to use her own way to personally avenge her mother, but I have another bold guess..."


"A Luo never dared to act rashly alone, so bold, I am afraid that it was definitely not her attention alone. Since Qingwu secretly reminded Jiang Ziwen that he must protect A Luo before the incident, I feel that I am afraid to go deep into the enemy camp and pretend The series of actions of betraying and killing Emperor Ming were meticulously planned by A Luo and Lao Qingwu in order to deceive the Emperor?"

Although Lingyu herself felt that this guess was particularly bold, she felt inexplicably that Qingwu would never die so easily.

"You mean Qingwu cheated to die?" Jiang Ziwen was shocked.

"No, Qingwu is really dead, the real body is gone, and the star of Pluto has fallen. If the fake drama is not really done, how can we gain the temporary trust of the emperor? Death is real death, but Qingwu was originally resurrected. God, even Brother Jiang said that you only saw Qingwu’s destroyed body disappear, but you didn’t see the original spirit. I think there must be some ulterior secrets in it... and when you witnessed the death of Qingwu , There is another person present, I think he knows definitely more than us."


"Chi You."

(End of this chapter)

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