Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1556: The **** dog and the old man: What a coincidence, are you also traveling?

Chapter 1556 The Big Black Dog and the Old Man: What a coincidence, are you here to travel too?

Due to the excessive amount of information sent, except for Lingyu who had fallen asleep early due to pregnancy, the others helped Bai Wuyou look through the ancient documents together all night. In the end, in the early morning of the next day, it was suspected that they found the ruins of Wusi Kingdom. The place.

A thousand and five hundred kilometers north of the Gobi Desert in Luopuchi, there is a grand canyon called Chur.

This canyon is divided into the border of the uninhabited area of ​​Western Xinjiang. Because it is deep into the Gobi hinterland and the climatic conditions are extremely harsh, it is inaccessible to people and there are no animals. In the depths of the canyon, there is a large rift valley with no pictures and photos. , There are only dozens of fuzzy satellite images taken with high-altitude satellites.

This rift valley is named Moving Underground Mountain.

No one has reached it yet, and can only be overlooked from a satellite. The reason why it is a moving underground mountain range is because this great rift valley is very strange. It moves, disappears, and reappears. There is no rule to follow.

But in other ancient Western countries sent by the Institute of Archaeology, Wuyou found a sentence in the documents referring to the low point of the Wusi Kingdom. After translation, it means: the residence of the gods of the famous priest, deep underground , Surrounded by cliffs and canyons, you need to find a small intestine trail leading to the crack at the bottom of the canyon. When it reaches deep underground, the crack will move.

This moving crack happened to coincide with the rift valley in the Kur Canyon.

In the morning, when Lingyu woke up and learned where he was going, when everyone was carrying their bags and planning to set off, a person who accidentally caught up with them appeared outside the door of the residence.

A cold man with a bag and a white cloth robe, he looked frustrated. When he saw Feng Xuanqing, he faintly shouted: "Grandpa." Immediately he hugged each other with Gong Siyu, "Si I..."

"I know you are coming together. Don't say anything when you come. It just so happens that we already have a clue and are ready to go."

Gong Siyu had never seen such a haggard and frustrated Feng Jinxuan, his eyes lost their luster and were extremely dark.

Father Feng Xuanqing held one hand behind him, but only sternly reminded Feng Jinxuan: "Energetic!"

After bidding farewell to the owner of the house, Lingyu and the group found a hidden place with no one, and immediately used Lingzhu to open up a transmission channel to the Kur Gorge, and the group entered.

The previous second was in the Xijiang Autonomous Prefecture, the next second, the scenery in front of him was completely changed, and the soles of his feet had already stepped on the barren Kor Canyon.

The magnificent grand canyon, the terrain is steep, the cliffs lined with the sky, like a diving dragon lying underground, the two walls are rugged and the canine teeth are intertwined, some have the tendency of being unstoppable, and some are turning back and forth and appearing in a village. Quiet, standing at the entrance of the canyon, there is a feeling that the sky is a thousand miles away from me.

Outside the main line of the Kur Grand Canyon, there are countless side valleys, which are like a maze, and the surrounding western frontier is vast and deserted with mountains and Gobi.

Looking around, all the strange gorges and the mountains are like a knife cut, reddish brown, because the desert Gobi blooms with very little vegetation and is almost invisible.

If there is no Mingzhu, if Linggu and the others want to come to the Kor Canyon, they must travel through the desert of Xijiang, across the entire Luopuchi Gobi Desert, and travel more than 2,000 kilometers. They may not be able to arrive here in half a month, because they will inevitably be halfway there. Encountered natural threats such as desert storms and quicksand in the desert.

They were all their own, and before entering the Kur Gorge, Ling Yu summoned the black lotus and made it feel the Earth Zangzhu.

Because Lingyu didn't hug Black Lotus to sleep, Black Lotus was having a temper with her.

"Can you sense it?"

"Huh! Talking is nothing!"

"..." Lingyu's face was cold in an instant, "I said, when this matter is over, if you don't cooperate, I will send you back to the imperial capital now, will you go play in the mud by yourself?"

Feeling that Lingyu was really angry, Black Lotus immediately persuaded, "I can't feel it! Too far!"

"Okay, then we'll go in from this entrance, Lianlian, you find the way."

With a stern face and an order, the black lotus seat obediently disappeared at the entrance of the canyon and went to explore the way.

When Lingyu and his group walked into the entrance of the canyon, Jiying suddenly stopped, with sharp eyes, as if she had discovered something, and left the team and walked towards a crimson boulder on the side of the canyon entrance with a craggy rock. Squat down to view.

It was a pile of feces that had been dried.

Jidie picked up, looked at it for a moment, and called Lingkui, "Quieer, shit."

"Huh? My Chou Chou doesn't urinate anywhere?" Linggui took the dog and walked over. Because of that **** dog, Linggui also named his **** dog Chou Chou. Because it was ugly, stood still, staring at the dry **** in the hands of the dead.

"This is not caused by our dog." Ling's mouth was squishy and she disliked her face, but the next second, she opened her beautiful eyes in a daze, "Kur Canyon is no man's land! Why are there dogs here?"

Seeing the shit, the sly Hellhound suddenly became extremely excited, barking non-stop, standing up, grabbing the sly calf with his paw, as if trying to tell her something.

Without waiting for the death to speak, a black lotus scream suddenly came from above the canyon above their heads——

"What the **** is this!"

Everyone looked up, looked up to the cliff at the top of the canyon, the black rosette flew into the arms of the spirit with a "swish", a **** dog's head came out from the edge of the cliff, and his tongue was sticking out. Seeing them as if seeing a ghost, turned around and ran away.

Gong Siyu and Ji Wang recognized the **** dog.

"Han Han?" said in unison.

Soon the two flew up in the same air, and one dashed to the cliff at the top of the canyon. After a while, they heard the wailing and screaming of a **** dog from the top of the cliff. There were a few spirits, worship without worry, and spirits. Together with the Hellhound, he also flew to the top of the canyon.

He took a closer look at the **** dog who was being held by Gong Siyu's hands and dragged up, struggling violently.

Isn't that the daunting one raised by Mr. Bao?

The **** dog was covered with dust-proof rags, a pair of dust-proof sunglasses for dogs on his head, and small leather boots on his four feet, and his body was dirty.

Not far from the **** dog in Gongsiyu’s arms, at the top of the cliff by the wind, wisps of white smoke emerged, and the soles of two feet were exposed. It may be that the screaming is too loud, awakening the owner of that sole. , Not far away soon came a grumpy sound of cursing--

"You stupid thing! Howling like a ghost in the morning, old man, I don't want to sleep well! Shut up and shut up..." The soles of the feet were retracted, and half of them were wrapped in a dust-proof mask and white hair was exposed. With a sparse head, the owner of that head "cao" said, and they were dumbfounded when they saw Lingyu.

Lingyu couldn't believe it when he saw the old man.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

Asked in unison.

"Master Bao" almost turned around and wanted to run, but running showed that there was a ghost. He could only take back his shocked expression, grinned, and forgot to wear dentures, covered it again, and put it back before continuing, "Oh! Okay! What a coincidence, are you also traveling to Western Xinjiang?"

The corners of Lingsui's mouth twitched, "Heh, heh, it's a coincidence, the old man is great, come to travel in no man's land?" Pretend, you go on pretending.

(End of this chapter)

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