Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1560: We dare not say, we dare not ask, but from the bottom of my heart, he is

Chapter 1560 I dare not say, I dare not ask, but in my heart he is

At the bottom of the narrow deep reddish-brown Gobi Canyon, at the leeward side of a giant red rock that twists and turns, the desert is hunting and blowing like ghosts crying, except for the sound of the wind and the crackling noise when the bonfire is burning. The atmosphere is quiet and strange.

Linggui looked at Old Man Bao and whispered "Blue Crow."

Everyone's gazes instantly turned to the horrible old man who looked plain and even sloppy.

The old man finished eating the canned beef he had snatched from Lingyu and Gongsiyu. After drinking the water, he leaned on his backpack comfortably and lay on the ground, arrogantly swaying Erlang's legs, swaying there, without his image. It vaguely gave Lingkui a sense of "I am not afraid of you at will".

Lingrui expected that Father Bao would not respond.

He neither vetoed nor admitted, he just pretended to close his eyes and meditate, completely shielding her voice.

Does silence mean acquiescence?

While thinking about the spirit, the **** dog who has been lying at Ji Death’s feet was naive. When he heard the name "Qingwu", he suddenly spit out the big jerky in the dog's mouth and barked at the spirited "Wow Wang" He heard two noises, and then leaned back on the side of Ji'an's legs, his bright eyes reflected the burning campfire, which was meaningful.

This is the second time that Linggui suspected that Mr. Bao was the "Qingwu" who had lost his soul and had disappeared, and was declared dead by Emperor Ming.

But this time, except for Lingyu himself, everyone around said it was impossible.

On the contrary, Gong Siyu has been silent, neither opposing nor agreeing, but just staring at Linggui. After all, he trusts what Linggui thinks and says.

"Sister, just an ordinary bad old man, maybe some lonely ghost invaded his body and coexisted with him, so he couldn't check the memory. Although he is still arrogant, he can be compared to the old Emperor Ming. One world, one ground, no comparison!"

Lingshang had just spoken, and Mr. Bao angrily grabbed the yellow sand on the ground and cast it at Lingshang, "You bear kid! Be careful when you speak!"

Lingshang was fascinated by the sand, screaming for pain, covering his eyes, if it weren't for respecting the old, he would have liked to be fat and beat up the old man.

"No matter what, this old man is still weird. He heard the Emperor Underworld, Qingwu, and saw us flying over the wall. He was not scared at all when using spells, nor did he show any suspicion. There is only one possibility. He and us are of the same kind. ..." Although Feng Jinxuan has been sluggish and depressed recently, his analytical ability is still there. The meaning of his words is obvious. For this old man, he must be guarded.

"I don't think there is any need to entangle him anymore. This stinky old man seems to know that we people will not hurt him. He is arrogant and sullen, so ignore him, take a rest while it is dark and wait. At dawn, we will continue to look for the ruins of the Wusi Kingdom. We don’t have much time. Who knows if Emperor Killing will come to grab the beads from us, and will send A Luo to fight against us..."

Lingyu mentioned A Luo on purpose, and when she mentioned A Luo, she deliberately glanced at the expression of the old man.

"A Luo betrayed us and almost killed my stinky father himself. Although I used to love my sisters, but if this continues, I can no longer be tolerant to her... If she does anything... like killing My grandfather, the murder of the **** emperor is freaking out, none of you can be merciless! Especially you, Feng Jinxuan!"

With every word and every sentence, Lingyu noticed the change of old man Bao's expression when he blurted out. The old man stopped shaking his legs, and stared at the sky above the canyon inexplicably serious and deep. He gave a nasty cold snort, turned his back, and ignored no one.

It was Feng Jinxuan, taking a sip of white wine for warming her body, and looking firmly at Ling Yu, "I believe A Luo is definitely not that kind of person. She has difficulties..."

"It's a fact to kill Lao Mingdi. No matter how hard you are, you kill your own grandfather. This kind of thing is really incomprehensible."

I don't know if it was Lingyu's illusion or she actually saw it.

She found the old man Bao, who was lying on the side of the Hongyan Gorge with her back, his back tense and trembling, as if he was keeping old tears silently? What to endure? In short, there is an unspeakable bitterness and distress.

At that moment, the possibility that the old man Bao was Qingwu increased by another point in the heart of Ling Yu.

But he neither wanted to admit it, nor did she stop persecuting.

In the depths of the desert in the hinterland of the uninhabited Gobi in West Xinjiang, a strong wind blew all night.

Everyone sat around the fire, covering their mouths and noses with masks and closing their eyes all night.

The next day, when the sky above the gorge broke through the dark red gap, the first one woke up with his arms around Gongsiyu, who had been sleeping for a night, and then everyone opened their eyes one after another. Father Bao is Gongsi. After Siyu opened his eyes, the second one woke up.

Everyone quickly packed up their luggage, put away the waste products, packed their bags, and flew to the top of the canyon.

The hunting and hunting wind that was blown by the top of the cliff suddenly made me sleepless, and everyone woke up.

On the horizon of Lopuchi Gobi Kul Canyon, the sun gradually rises into the sky, surrounded by tens of thousands of golden awns. At the moment when the top of the sun arc is exposed, the boundless sand sea and red-brown barren mountains and rivers seem to be covered with a golden layer. , Desolate and spectacular.

Elder Bao squinted his eyes, carried the wind on his back, and lit the old cigarette stick. Before he took a puff, he was confiscated by Linggui, "Lead the way! How to go!"

The waking black lotus dangling around the spirits, as long as it didn't sense the existence of the Earth Store Pearl, it means that there is still some distance.

The map is incomplete, only Mr. Bao knows how to go, his mouth can't be opened, and the memory fails to read, so he can only count on him to lead the way.


At around 7 o'clock in the morning, Mr. Bao personally took them through the vast and magnificent Kur Gorge. At noon in Moyo, the surrounding reddish-brown rocks gradually turned into dark brown, without animals and plants. There are only bumpy hills and the top and bottom of the canyon with a drop of less than 100 meters.

Father Bao suddenly stopped, looked around with the binoculars, determined the location, and immediately pointed with the trekking stick to the narrow and cracked canyon bottom under the cliff top of the canyon they were standing on, and said deeply and meanly: "Little boys, here it is. That's it."

The scorching sun caused people’s skin to crack and their lips to dry. Gong Siyu and Feng Jinxuan took a look at the bottom of the canyon below the old man Bao pointed out. They were still filled with yellow sand and rocky narrow valley bottom trails. , It's just that the bottom of the valley below them is a "crescent-shaped" crack, and the large-scale crack seen from the satellite image is completely missing.

The old man seemed to know what they wanted to ask. Before asking the question, he replied first: "Since you are looking for a witch priest, you should also do some investigations? The entrance is here, it's only for thousands of years. Since then, the people who have actually been here have long since died. There is a huge crack in the ground below. Only at night will there be a certain chance of appearing. Irregularities can be found, only waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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