Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1566: Abnormal spiritual fluctuations

Chapter 1566 Spiritual power fluctuates abnormally

Bai Wuyou is a well-known expert in archaeology at home and abroad. He himself has lived in the world long enough, so he has a thorough understanding of the history and culture of the ancient Western Regions.

In addition to being the director of the General Administration Bureau and the son of Feng’s family, Feng Jinxuan loves to fight back, so he knows the Qimen Dunjia, the Five Elements Art and the Institution Art very well. There are these two people here, the secrets of the ancient city and underground city of the Wusi Kingdom. Soon after the content on the mural was cracked, it was revealed.

According to Bai Wuyou, who has already surveyed the surrounding area, the palace they just entered should be a palace where the witchcraft country receives foreign nations and neighboring countries. Because the high priest of the witchcraft country is the king of witchcraft, the temple is The royal court is the royal palace.

The Wusi Kingdom is very special. It is divided into two parts. One is the huge ancient city on the ground that Gongsiyu and the others only saw, and the other is the underground city hidden deep underground.

The royal families of the Wusi Kingdom live in palaces built deep underground.

At this moment, the place for all of them to take a rest is the entrance to the dungeon.

The painted reliefs on the rock walls outside the entrance of this dungeon all show the splendor and mystery of this witchcraft country.

According to the content of the mural, this ancient city was worshipped by the countries of the ancient Western Regions almost three thousand years ago. It is infinitely longing for the existence of gods who want to come here to receive the blessing of the king of witchcraft. The country of witchcraft is extremely rich, even the entrance to the underground city is huge. The stone gates are inlaid with gems, agates and gold jade that have not lost their color after thousands of years.

With the cooperation of Bai Wuyou and Feng Jinxuan, the priceless underground city Shimen was opened.

A large amount of air poured in, causing a clamor, choking the nose,

Immediately afterwards, Youbai Wuyou and Feng Jinxuan took the lead, while Jiwang and Lingshang led the Han Han and Chou Chou behind.

Gong Siyu took the sly hand and walked in the middle with Feng Xuanqing and Bao old man, each holding a torch in his hand, and entered the spacious underground city passage.

Every time they walked, they would light the oil lamp on the wall to reflect the road in the passage and see the content of the mural clearly.

Just as Bai Wuyou said, given that the ancient city on the surface of the Wusi country is only a place where civilians live, the royal city of the Wusi country is underground.

The materials on the walls on both sides of the passage are made of Western Region rammed earth bricks, and the walls are full of weird brightly colored murals.

The one that appears most in the mural is the "gnomish king" holding a scepter.

Because they often see this "dwarf statue" as tall as a five or six-year-old child, all of them call it a "dwarf."

According to what Wuyou said, there may be a lot of information related to Ksitigarbha beads hidden in the murals, so all of them slowed down and watched the murals.

From the murals, they finally learned that the witchcraft country originated three thousand four hundred years ago.

The predecessor of the Wusi Kingdom was a nomadic people in Western Xinjiang. The ethnic group is unknown. They migrated all the way to the hinterland of the present-day Luopuchi Gobi. Three thousand years ago, Luopuchi was an inland river that irrigated Western Xinjiang and nurtured countless ethnic groups. There are lush vegetation and oasis everywhere.

The leader of the foreign nomads led the entire tribe over the mountains. When they were stationed in the Kur Gorge, because the tribe was infected with malignant diseases and the number of patients was increasing, the leader took people to find herbs.

Inadvertently entered a cave, deep in the crevice at the end of the cave, it shines brightly, hiding a gem glowing with green light.

The leader ordered someone to chisel open the rock wall and take out the gem.

The colorful paintings on the rock wall show that after the green bead was obtained by the leader, all his people from the sick people healed overnight and became strong and sturdy, magical.

The next fresco depicts the nomadic leader of the witching state and founding the nation as a treasure. He enshrines the bead and takes all the tribesmen to kneel in front of the bead, begging them to have enough food and clothing, and the tribe will become stronger and stronger. Not deceived by foreign enemies.

Three thousand years ago, the Kur Gorge was still green mountains and green waters, and the scenery was superb. The leader established a tribe here, built an outer wall, and became king.

The ancient city of Wusi Kingdom was originally not underground, but on the ground. The murals show that Wusi Kingdom was originally an unknown and weak country, while the branches around Luopuchi River are all very famous city-states in the Western Regions, such as Dawan and Dayue. Clan, Loulan, Xu Yu, etc...

"Look, after the bead was discovered by the people of the witchcraft country, they made a shrine and put the bead in it..." Bai Wuyou carefully watched the exquisite murals, looking for clues little by little, "and really let The witchcraft country became famous and prestigious because the surrounding big countries discovered the existence of this small country and jointly sent troops to crusade to destroy this small country, but..."

Bai Wuyou hesitated to speak, everyone's eyes were gathered on the last mural at the end of the spacious corridor in the underground city.

The murals are very delicate and easy to interpret.

There are mountains and rivers painted on it, and countless foreign soldiers and horses have gathered in the Kur Mountains, planning to attack the small country of Wusi Country, a small country whose subjects add up to less than a thousand.

But on the mural, the shrine with the green beads suddenly shined and enveloped the entire Kur Mountain Range!

The army that looked to attack the Wusi Nation all died in an instant, with corpses all over the field.

The corridor was suddenly quiet and strange.

Lingsui looked at the original sphere in the shrine on the mural, tilted his head, breaking the silence, "Dizang beads?"

Because on the mural, the bead was painted green.

Isn’t the Jizo beads green?

Ling Suily summoned the black lotus, and asked: "Do you feel the existence of the Earth Store Pearl?"

Lianlian knew that Linggui had been injured not long ago and was pregnant. It was not naughty or arrogant anymore. She cleverly sensed for a while and honestly said: "I found out that the space in this dungeon is extremely large. The area is about the size of three human emperor tombs. In the deepest part of this dungeon, there are abnormal spiritual power fluctuations, and there is still a little distance, so I am not sure yet. If I get closer, I might be able to feel it. Jizo beads..."

They had just reached the end of the first passage in the dungeon.

In other words, there is still more space below, and entering the Wusi dungeon is just the beginning.

"Take us to the place where spiritual power fluctuates abnormally, and lead the way!"

In order to save time and avoid detours, Lingyu ordered towards the black lotus.

The black lotus seat was ordered, and immediately flew up and down, surrounded by black and purple aura, like a faint light illuminating the darkness, inexplicably reassuring.

Under the guidance of the black lotus, they walked for a long time.

After breaking through the stone gates of the dungeons, I saw many corpses who died in various weird positions, as well as countless treasures and gold and silver bricks.

(End of this chapter)

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