Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1617: Someone you can never fall in love with

Chapter 1617 The person you must never fall in love with

"But what if that guy is really fancy a ghost sentence?"

Liu Yun was chatting with Bai Feiran on his mobile phone, and he suddenly cut in while listening to Lingyu and their conversation.

"What I said is just in case, after all, there is no absolute thing in this world..."

Gong Siyu sat on the solo sofa holding the spirits and sneered coldly when he heard the words, "Things are gathered by kind, and people are divided by groups. What kind of person is the killing of the emperor? Killing wives and daughters, no evil, no humanity, then What can be better for the devil who has been with him? If you really like Ling Shiyin as you said, it will be a great misfortune for Ling Shiyin, because it is like A Luo's mother Princess Yulan ...Even if you give your true feelings, you will die tragically in the end, so it is wise to stay away from people like the demon."

What Gong Siyu said is not unreasonable, and Lingyu thinks so too.

And Ling Yu also knew in his heart that Jiang Ziwen would never sacrifice Ling Shiyin to get the whereabouts of Emperor Killing.

They must have other ways.

In the evening, Feng Jinxuan and Lingyuan He Lingyu made an appointment and sent someone to send Chi You's true body.

Since the suspicion has been cleared away, Chi You doesn't need to be detained back to the Three Realms General Administration, as long as he stays with Lingyu and the others, it doesn't matter.

The behemoth-like real body was carried into the courtyard of the ghostly Yin-Yang official mansion by ten ghosts.

After letting go, the ghosts will retreat and disappear.

Lingyu and Gongsiyu's ten fingers clasped and walked out of the house, and Jiwang was also supported by the misfortune, and came to the outside of the wing. Everyone gathered around Chi You's body, looking curiously, planning to watch and stop being foolish. The silly Ayou returned to his own body.

Chi You's primordial spirit floated out of the window, standing beside his true body vaguely, with a huge and burly figure.

After Jiyou knew that Hanhan's body was possessed by Chi You, Ayou didn't say a word to Jiyou, and began to pretend to be dumb again.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chi You's soul did not hesitate any more, turned into a white light, and in the blink of an eye he possessed and entered his own true body.

When the primordial spirit and the true body fit together, ten thousand black magic lights enveloped the sky above the mansion of Ling Yu, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Demon Emperor Chi You is a half-beast and half-human demon clan. Before the Demon Realm was bloodbathed and destroyed by the Emperor Killing, he was the eldest son of the Demon Emperor. He was called the "Chi You the Great" in the Demon Realm. Fierce and courageous, but even if the brain is not enough, but the strength is still quite terrible, otherwise, it will not be suppressed in the underwater prison for so long.

The dead arm rested on Hewan's shoulder, watching the burly figure lying on the ground clumsily sitting up, then shook his head. In the blink of an eye, Chi You's half-beast and half-human form gradually became A complete human form--

A man with ragged clothes, sloppy clothes, a messy, dirty beard and a strong body odor.

Hellhound Chou Chou and Chi You played well in the past. When Chi You saw that Chi You had become a complete person, he was dumbfounded and sobbed, as if he could not recognize him.

Like a vagrant man, he stood there stupidly, without talking or moving, just bowed his head and looked at his toes, a large autistic man.

Lingyu was really the first time I saw Chi You who was truly transformed into a human form.

It's just that he is now sloppy and dirty, and his face is full of beard and only the eyes can be seen, which is really... ashamed.

"Ananda, help me over."

Ji Sui's injury is not completely healed. Although he can barely get out of bed and walk, he still needs someone to support him and cannot stand for a long time.

When he came to Chi You, he almost vomited the smell of Chi You.

It was a scent of pigs, like it came out of a pigpen...

And it was still entangled with thick and heavy sweat.

"Made! Ayou, how long hasn't you taken a bath!" He was sick and cursed.

Chi You is more than two meters tall, it is really like a giant, even the nearly 1.9-meter tall figure of Jiuwang is slightly thin in front of him, but, in terms of momentum, Jiuwang's lifeless air is cold. The terrible air still surpassed Chi You's silly look.

Hearing that, Chi You stretched out his hand, scratched his head, dandruff fell off, and he wiped his body. Everyone disliked him, only Silence did not dislike him.

"I don't remember, I haven't washed my body since I left it. They seem to have stored my body in the pig farm, so... the smell is a bit big."

"Don't scratch anymore, your dandruff is almost catching up with the rice grains!" Eunandu said.

Because of curiosity, Linggui also came over.

Surprisingly, Lingsui's nose is probably "problem", greasy and fragrant things make me nauseous, but she loves the sour smelly, so when she stands beside Jiyou and gets close to Chiyou, She took a deep breath and whispered in a strange voice, "It smells so good..."

Lingyu's move suddenly made him so stupid that Chi You, a tall tall man, subconsciously wanted to hide behind Jishou, but still resisted it.

Ling's friendly eyes, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling, finally met Chi You's eyes looking down at her.

It’s really messy. A lot of beards are thick and messy. The hair seems to have not been combed for years. Lingyu vaguely remembers that when he died at home, he helped Ayou bathe and clean his hair every day, because Ayou is a demon. The structure of bodily functions is completely different from that of humans. Their hair grows extremely fast, and their body smells strong.

However, a pair of Shang Chi You's eyes was stunned and couldn't move away.

What a beautiful eye!

Deep and bright, like the most shining stars in the vast sky, the two rows of thick and jet-black eyelashes grow unbelievably and unbelievably charming. The most special thing is that the gaze of Chi You, the terrifying demon **** in the legend, gave Linggui a warm, straightforward, straightforward, and silly feeling.

"Don't look at me like that..."

Chi You's simple and deep voice is as loud as a leather drum.

"Why? Family, can't you watch?"


After being stared at by Ling Yu for a while, a big man who was tall and majestic, blushed with anger.

At this time, Ji Wang on the side looked at Ling Yu, "Do you have any water? This guy needs to be washed,"

"Naturally, I will let the ghost servant prepare."

When the bathing water was ready, Jiyou gave Chi You a look, "Go, wash yourself, shave your beard clean by the way, don't see people sloppyly."

Ayou glared complainingly at Jidie, and said straightforwardly: "I won't!"

"Then what to do?" Jiwang's gloomy, death-filled black pupils cast a little smile, showing a joke, as if asking this on purpose.

With a deep snorted, Chi You glanced at Silent, tall and mammoth, walking towards the bathing room like a giant, without speaking, when he entered the door, his temper came up, he opened the door with a "clam" and threw it at Ji died, "If you don't help me, I will tear this place down!"

(End of this chapter)

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