Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1681: Dragon King pushed his son away from his daughter-in-law

Chapter 1681 Dragon King pushes his son away from his daughter-in-law

God's punishment is also called God's punishment.

Gong Siyu had changed his fate for her, so he made a thunder strike.

This is inevitable, even in the void.

But Tianpu Lingyu didn't pay attention to it.

The first difficult problem she faces now is that the dragon body is 100 meters long. The strength of this spell is related to whether the dragon body can be successfully replaced. The effect of the spell is too strong, and the dead dragon body is likely to bear. Destroy without ceasing, rebirth failure when weak.

Taking out a crumpled piece of paper, and a small wooden stick under the charcoal as a pen, Linggui carefully observed the preservation of the surrounding dragon skeletons, made detailed records, and carefully wrote down this rebirth. The steps of the method of recasting the magic and dragon bones.

While recording, while listening to Ling Shiyin not far away, like a curious baby, he kept pulling the heavenly demon in awe.

"This golden dragon is so mighty! The devil, the pattern on your body is also very similar! It just seems a little smaller..."

It was only as long as an adult dragon, and there was a scary wound at seven inches of the golden dragon.

"It's a semi-adult dragon that has just grown from the young dragon stage to the sub-dragon stage, and it's not the Yinglong clan, it's..." The Tianma observed for a long while and was surprised, "Is it a true dragon? That is to say, this dragon is..." The devil looked back at the Dragon King, his expression extremely solemn.

"It's your little brother, think about it... Ranked 18th, he is the little 18..." The Dragon King walked to the side of the demon, his cold face was suddenly enveloped in sadness, "This is your 18th brother."

In other words, this little golden dragon is the younger brother of Tianma...

Linggui stopped the recorded action and walked over. She didn't expect that Dragon King's own child was still buried here.

Hearing that this little golden dragon is one of the sons of the Dragon King, and even the younger brother of the Tianma, Ling Shiyin hurriedly shut up. No wonder this golden dragon has a powerful and noble aura. It turned out to be a true dragon, that is, among the dragons. The royal family is the child of the death of the Dragon King.

Ling Shiyin definitely wouldn't choose the son of the Dragon King as his dragon body.

This is disrespectful and unruly, he understands.

"How... passed away?"

The heavenly demon secretly clenched his fists, and a hostile atmosphere appeared in his eyes. Seeing soon, Ling Shiyin hugged the heavenly demon's arm and comforted him silently.

The brother who had never met before, the first time he saw his brother's corpse, the Dragon Clan values ​​love and justice, so it's no wonder that the demon can be angry and sad.

"At a young age, I learned a skill from Yinxiu. Eighteen is very powerful. Before Xiao Leng was born, the eighteen was the most promising among your brothers. That year... he followed this king out of Dragon Valley to the Xiuluo clan. Chaotic war, threatened to give this king a birthday gift for the leader of the vampire. I went... but never came back..."

The Shen Yin of the Dragon King echoed in the Dragon Sleep Hall with an unusually heavy tone.

"When the king took the Yinglong clan into the hinterland of the Shura clan, your brother’s dragon tendons had been shattered by those things and was dying... Bring it back to Longgu and send it to the dragon pond for healing. It was too late. No, eighteen won’t survive...

While talking, the Dragon King still trembling his hands, stroking the small golden dragon's skeleton for a while.

"Because eighteen is gone, your mother almost left this king with anger..."

Dragons are invincible and powerful in legends, but in fact, a dragon does have a life that is as long as the sky, but if the dragon does not have the dragon tendons, it is equivalent to death.

The Heavenly Demon was wounded by Emperor Killing at the beginning, and suffered extremely serious internal injuries but he could heal in the Dragon Pond. However, if the Heavenly Demon’s dragon tendons were also stripped at that time, then he might not be able to truly be with Ling Shiyin now.

"However, it's all over. After that, the king and your mother took the whole family to destroy the territory of the Shura tribe. They thought they had destroyed the nine tribes, but they did not know that they actually lay eggs underground. The little blood-sucking monsters began to grow wildly in the coming year. It’s really annoying that you can’t kill you."

Ling Shiyin silently mourned for a moment, and didn't intend to waste time, "Then I... continue to check."

I saw several dragon skeletons, but they were rejected by the Dragon King and the Heavenly Demon. Linggui also said: “It’s best to choose the remains that are fairly well-preserved. It won’t be so difficult to repair by then. The male dragon is better than the female dragon. To be bigger and stronger, it is not recommended to first choose female dragons."

Ling Shiyin seems to have mastered the characteristics of each racial faction in the dragon clan, and can tell at a glance which type of dragon the dragon skeleton belongs to. He has already planned in his heart to choose the most powerful Yinglong clan.

Because of the dragon clan, except for the true dragon clan, Yinglong is the largest and most powerful race.

If you can find a dragon skeleton of the Yinglong clan, then learning the skills of the dragon clan will not be so difficult.

Because Ying Long has unique external conditions, he is a good player in fighting and fighting.

Ling Shiyin walked a long circle in the Dragon Sleep Hall alone. During this period, he stopped in front of the five dragon skeletons of Yinglong. One was a fierce-faced red golden dragon, the other was a pure black dragon with a domineering and cold face, and The three are gray, red-brown and bright yellow dragons.

But in the end, when the Tianma and the Dragon King were looking for Ling Shiyin's figure among the dragon skeletons entrenched on the dragon pillar at the same time, they suddenly discovered that the servant was standing 100 meters away from them. The beautiful sky surrounded by small white flowers in full bloom, the blue should be in front of the dragon skeletal.

Lingyu was the first to appear behind Lingshi's invisibility under the trail of Hellhound.

Looking up in amazement, he looked at the beautifully blue sky-blue dragon entrenched on the black dragon pillar full of white unknown flowers.

"Does the ghost judge like this one?"

Lingyu was amazing, because the dragon was so beautiful. The last beautiful dragon that surprised her was the pearly white scales of the dragon mother, but this dragon skeleton was like a clear blue sky, spotless, that Double Dragon Eyes are extremely rare light blue, as clear and pure as a spring.

"Well, this one is so beautiful..."

When Lingyu was watching the dragon skeleton in a circle, the demon and the dragon king walked over. She ignored it, but felt inexplicably that when the dragon died, she should have been injured very badly. Although not, it can be preserved. It's not very good. If you want to use this one, it will be very difficult to resurrect.

The demon looked at Ling Shiyin with a joyful expression, as if he was in love with this pale blue and white dragon skeleton. He suddenly looked complicated and wanted to say something, but was pushed aside by the Dragon King, as if he was not his son. .

The dragon king approached Ling Shiyin, stood with his hand in his hand, and asked meaningfully: "Does my daughter-in-law like this dragon?"

At such a close distance, Ling Shiyin heard the Dragon King call him "Daughter-in-law" and suddenly his ears were red to his neck, he hesitated very embarrassedly, and nodded, "I like..."

"But no one forced you to choose this one."

The Dragon King grinned, showing his white teeth, looking very crippled.

Ling Shiyin was stunned for a while, confused, "I saw it myself..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Dragon King suddenly began to laugh.

"That pretty beauty daughter-in-law chose this one?"

(End of this chapter)

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