Chapter 1694 Explosion 13

In the dragon's body, Ling Shiyin even heard the heartbreaking cry of the heavenly demon.

The roar made him feel distressed, because the voice of the demon was filled with fear and despair.

Did something happen?

He didn't know.

He was trapped in the body of this dragon. The three souls and seven souls seemed to be stuck in this body, unable to leave, but also unable to control this body. The body was like being restrained by an invisible force. live.

He can see the organs in the dragon's body.

This female dragon’s tendons, heart, dense blood vessels, muscle tissue... bones.

Ling Shiyin clearly remembered that when he first entered this dragon body, everything around it was black with a breath of death and corruption. Many blood vessels and muscle tissues were black, and even the heart was atrophic black.

But now, it's completely different.

The heart is blood red now, but it has no heartbeat.

Just like the host of a computer has been trying to connect to the computer’s display screen, but I don’t know where it has not been activated and cannot connect to each other.

Gradually, the consciousness of Lingshiyin's soul entered the brain of this dragon body.

He understood why he couldn't control the dragon's body anymore. The dragon's brain was gradually recovering from a completely black death state to a fresh state, but it was still recovering, and it was not completely recovered.

However, Ling Shiyin could see many gray memory fragments in the brain memory layer of this dragon body intermittently.

They are all very incomplete memories, and I can't see them clearly.

Ling Shiyin always keeps Yinxiu's wish in mind. He knows that the original owner of this dragon body is Yinxiu's sister Yinlan. Yinxiu wants to see this dragon body finally through the resurrection. There are memory fragments in the brain.

He thought, no matter what, he must fulfill his wish for Yinxiu and fulfill his wish.

Ling Shiyin waited patiently, waiting for the dragon's brain to be activated little by little, from completely dead black to a living brain...

He didn't know how long he had been waiting.

He only knew that, suddenly, his entire soul was connected to the brain of the dragon body!

It was as if the crashed computer was reactivated again and he could move! He can control this dragon body.

At the same time, outside.

She didn’t know what was changing inside the dragon’s body, constantly urging the six Feng Jinxuan and the others, and the three of Gong Siyu to increase the intensity and intensity of the spiritual power. At the same time, she still felt that it was not enough. Too slow, or too slow, regardless of whether he was still pregnant, joined the ranks of Gong Siyu and the others, and together they madly injected spiritual power toward the center of the eyebrows of the dragon body.

The Earth Zangzhu hanging on her top felt a large loss of spiritual power, and began to continuously recover for her.

The dragon's body is like a large "blowing pump" or "vampire", sucking in their spiritual power, but there is no sign of awakening at all.

"Black and white! Gourmet candle dragon! Xiao Xian! Come and help!"

With a roar, the five fierce beasts entered the magic circle from outside, injecting spiritual power into the dragon's body.

At the same time, the spiritual power transformed by the magic circle from absorbing the power of excessive Heavenly Scourge and Thunder Tribulation is also continuously instilled into the dragon.

In this way, the four parties joined forces, and the spiritual power was poured in quickly.

In an instant! The entire magic circle was suddenly lifted off by a soaring energy wave erupting from the dragon's body!

All of them Lingyu were overwhelmed by that energy.

Seeing Lingyu leaning back from the edge of the stone platform and about to fall down, Gong Siyu quickly flew over with his eyes and hands, and put the whole person on Lingyu's back to ensure that his wife would not fall miserably.

"Have you fallen? Let me see!"

The transmission of spiritual power was interrupted, but Gong Siyu couldn't take care of it anymore, so he raised the Lingkui and looked up and down, very nervous.

"Does the stomach hurt? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Lingyu took a mouthful of mud, and after a few "poohs", he leaned in Gongsiyu's arms dizzy, and his belly was also against Gongsiyu, "It's not uncomfortable, just ugly saliva is good. Stink, I want to vomit..."

"It's okay, spit on the ground." Gong Siyu carefully patted Lingsui's back, with two ancestors in his stomach. He didn't want Lingsui to be a little bit tricky, nothing would work.

Lingshang was very unlucky. He was lifted off by the power just now, and his forehead slammed into a huge stone without any partiality. He immediately broke his head and covered his forehead. The blood flowed through the fingers, not at all. When the wound healed, the blood gurgled out, which was scary.

Immediately, Jiang Ziwen lifted Lingshang from the ground in a brutal hand, strangling his delicate cheeks with a big palm, twisting his eyebrows, and quickly used his sleeves to wipe the blood flowing down Lingshang's cheeks.

"If you are a mortal, you will die with this fall."

While rubbing, he coldly scared Lingshang.

"Did you talk like that! I'm hurt!"

"If you can't die, you will be cured in a while."


Jiang Ziwen successfully killed the sky.

At this time, A Luo pointed to the female dragon who had reopened the pale blue dragon eyes on the stone platform in disbelief, and was silently watching all of them, shouting: "Look at them! Live! Live! Not dead!"

The one hundred-meter-long sky blue and beautiful female dragon is opening the pair of pale blue and clear dragon eyes, looking at everyone in front of him softly and curiously through the pair of dragon eyes, it fiercely The ground snorted, it didn't scare Lingyu and the others, but it scared her herself.

The whole dragon was struggling in place like a startled.

She can't control the dragon's tail, can't fly, and can only use the dragon's claws to walk swayingly on the spot. She is like a newborn cub, completely unfamiliar with the dragon's habits!

The celestial demon stood on the spot ecstatically, unable to move with excitement. He stared at the reborn dragon in the dragon skeletal... mother dragon, it succeeded! He is alive!

Yin Xiu looked at the female dragon who opened her eyes again in disbelief, could move, breathe, and had a heartbeat.

"Dragon King... It's done, is it successful?"

"Yeah! It's done!" The Dragon King calmly looked at what was happening before him, and suddenly he completely changed Lingyu and his party, admiring him quite a bit.

And Ling Shiyin, who was completely integrated with the dragon's corpse of the mother dragon, glanced helplessly at the celestial queen standing there, looking up at the sky, learning from those giant dragons flying in the sky with dragon wings, suddenly Spread out the snow dragon wings on his body.

The moment the snow-colored dragon wings spread out, they are as wide as tens of meters! After trying to instigate a few times, Ling Shiyin took off and flew into the air with an unstable center of gravity. Every time the dragon wing is waved, the speed will increase. Without controlling the flight speed and the shrinkage of the dragon wing, the eyes are in harmony. , Everyone laughed at the beautiful blue sky that was flying halfway but crashing into the cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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