Chapter 1701 Explosion 21

At this moment, there are only the Dragon King and Dragon Mother in the Dragon King Cave. Those loyal battle dragons who are inseparable from the Dragon King every day and entrenched on the columns of the Dragon King Cave are all going to join in the fun, and guide Jiang Ziwen with the Yinglong faction battle dragons who are responsible for guiding Gongsiyu and them. , Gong Siyu them.

What makes Lingling curious is that after the scene where everyone worked together yesterday to merge Ling Shiyin and the dragon skeleton into one, the Dragon King has a certain change in A Luo, and today he even ordered A Luo to follow Feng Jinxuan and the others. Group together to study the fighting skills of the dragon clan.

Ling Guiben was still wondering what caused the dragon king's attitude to A Luo to suddenly change.

When sitting around with the Dragon King and Dragon Mother at the small stone table on the side of the Dragon King Cave, drinking tea and chatting, the spirits suddenly realized.

"That little girl is the daughter of Emperor Killing. This king had a whim, let his daughter learn the skills of our dragon clan, and turn around to kill her own father by herself. Didn’t she want to kill her family righteously? This king gave her this opportunity to use Our Dragon Clan’s ability to defeat Emperor Killing!"

Lingyu was bored too, so he continued to chat with Dragon King and Dragon Mother.

Knowing the ancient origins of many dragons, when the Dragon King was talking about Xingtou, Lingyu suddenly thought of a very important and serious matter, and hurriedly said: "Dragon King, do you remember what happened during the rebirth technique yesterday? The Lightning Tribulation of Heavenly Scourge caused the Dragon Valley barrier to be damaged, and the Shura Clan appeared to take advantage of it to enter this situation."

When the dragon king heard this, he raised his sharp sword eyebrows and looked at Lingyu, "Well, naturally remember, why? Do you have an idea?"

"The Demon and I are worried about the same thing."

"Let's talk about it." The Dragon King said coldly when he offered a cup of crude tea to the Dragon Mother.

"Since that day, I took the Dragon Mother and fled back to Dragon Valley. After being followed all the way to Dragon Valley by the Asura Emperor, the location of Dragon Valley was completely exposed. After the Asura people knew the location of Dragon Valley, every day They have sent scout monsters to lurch around Dragon Valley. The number is staggering. It is not difficult to conclude that the Dragon Clan has been spotted, and for the past month, the Shura Clan has repeatedly committed crimes, every time it is not big or small. The harassment, but more and more frequently, don’t you find it strange?"

"It's a bit weird. The king wondered if those things were full and nothing to do, and if they couldn't beat my dragons, they had to be as annoying as flies and mosquitoes."

"Have the Dragon King ever thought that the Shura blood-sucking monsters are low-level creatures that have degenerated to the most primitive form. They don't have much ability to think about themselves, and it is absolutely impossible to monitor Dragon Valley day and night."

"Kui'er means that someone is pointing behind them? Is it killing emperor?"

Mother Dragon looked calmly at Ling Yu, who was more delicate than Dragon King's bold and rough.

"Isn't it obvious?" Lingki asked rhetorically without answering.

"Then what's their purpose?" Dragon Mother curled her eyebrows, seeming to think this was strange.

"Originally, I didn't understand the ultimate purpose of those things, but yesterday, the thunder tribulation caused by the Heavenly Scourge continued to destroy the barriers around Dragon Valley, and the scene of the Asura tribe's aggressive invasion made me suddenly realize. I guess, I'm afraid. It was Emperor Killing who wanted to unite with the Shura Clan to deal with us, but because of the barriers around Dragon Valley, it was impossible to destroy it with the power of Emperor Killing alone. He has been sending the Shura Scouting monsters every time outside the Dragon Valley barrier. Watching us every minute and every second, and yesterday, the scourge caused by going against the sky successfully destroyed the Dragon Valley barrier. I am afraid that Emperor Killing has found a way to break through the Dragon Valley barrier, and his next step should be It is to assemble his own war team, and he will come soon..."

Lingyu's words of analysis caused the Dragon King and Dragon Mother to look at each other and fell silent.

"The Shura people like to use the sea of ​​people tactics, because they are large in number and small in size. The number has reached millions, tens of millions. They like to **** blood and tear flesh. If the Emperor Killing really brings his two companions to the moon Cooperating with Mai Di and the whole Shura clan to break through the dragon enchantment, the dragon clan will have no advantage. There are also old, weak and young in the dragon clan. The baby dragon babies who have just emerged from their shells, and the female dragons who have just given birth to the weak body At that time, it will be the target of the Shura clan, and I am worried...the situation will be severe and it will reach the point of outrageous casualties."

The dragon mother subconsciously hugged the dragon king’s arm, with a worried expression on her face, “husband, what should I do? You’re right, it’s really possible. Not only are our dragon eggs hatching in the dragon pool, there are many more, sleeping Mian, they are still young, you forgot that the eighteenth died?"

Eighteenth is the son of the dead Dragon King that Lingyu saw in the Dragon Tomb.

"This king hasn't forgotten!" The Dragon King's expression was inexplicably dignified. It seemed that he had listened to the sly words. He paused, and then said again, "But you two have to understand a truth, and there is no point in worrying, **** it. Those who deserve to live can’t live, they can’t die, they live and die, and the weak eat the strong."

Linggui was speechless when he heard Dragon King's remarks, yes, it made sense! But do you just do nothing?

The dragon king stared at the spirits domineeringly, that momentum oppresses people's hearts.

"If the strength is too weak to turn the tide, it's no use worrying about it anymore, so just let it go. Soldiers will come to cover the water and earth. This is what the king has learned from you, and I will give it to you now."

Lingyu understood what was plain but not domineering, and he also inadvertently respected the Dragon King.

Yes, what Dragon King said is right. If she, if Di Si, Jiang Ziwen and all of them don't have the ability to quell this battle of life and death, then no matter how worried they are, then there will only be death.

Their current strength, they want to fight the **** of killing, the **** of sin, Biaoyue, the **** of lies, and the tens of millions of blood-sucking monsters of the Shura clan that cannot be killed. It is estimated that they still owe a little bit of heat. When death is imminent, I am afraid that the best result is to be buried in one's own companions. There are countless deaths and injuries, and they all die.

Rather than panic, it is better to work hard to improve your own strength, and when you are truly strong to a certain level and you can face the Emperor Killer, you can truly fight for the lives of your companions and the peace of the Three Realms.

After Lingyu understood this, the worry that had accumulated in his heart was completely revealed.

If you want to win, you must be stronger!

But after that, he kept throwing the spirits of the soul to ask questions at the Dragon King, and thought of a crucial question.

"That's not bad for you, but the Dragon King, if the Emperor Killing conducts a surprise attack, we are not ready, and the Dragon Clan is also caught off guard. For example, in the middle of the night, how should we deal with it? I know that the Dragon Clan is powerful, but currently I and the Emperor It is indeed a hindrance, the Shura clan is not as good as the dragon clan..."

(End of this chapter)

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