Chapter 1714 Explosion 34

Blame her, blame her...

Lingyu herself is a mother who is about to become a mother. How could she not realize the despair and sorrow that Dragon Mother might have lost another child. Dragon Mother can't do anything, and she can't even manage from the hands of Emperor Killing. Grab the egg back.

Because no matter how fast it is, it’s not as good as Emperor Killing to smash the dragon egg with one palm...

Anything they do rashly will kill the dragon baby who is still in its shell and has not yet emerged.

The spirit flickered, and there was a trace of pain and self-blame in the unbearable beautiful eyes.

She slowly lowered her eyes, and secretly clenched her pink fist.

The veins on the back of the hand are exposed, and the veins between the neck are clearly visible.

Ling Yu seemed to be patient, as if to suppress her anger. When she opened her bright beautiful eyes again, they were no longer bright. They were replaced by the gloomy, scorching coldness. She stared at the Emperor Killing, and stopped. All the sadness and intolerance in his eyes, only cold and poisonous.

"Dignantly threatening the existence of the entire Three Realms, creating countless disasters, and even almost defeating the ancestors of Wutian, now they have fallen to the point where they need to rely on a dragon egg to threaten their opponents, killing the emperor, I despise you, your godhead What about your pride? Ha ha, are you afraid? In fact, you are afraid, you are afraid of the helper I have found."

Ink hair flying, and her extremely wicked face was as cold as frost. She stood on top of San Qingniao, standing with Queen Mother West, looking down at Emperor Killing.

What's the use of being afraid? What's the use of sadness? What's the use of being anxious? What's the use of self-blame?

These emotions are all factors that cause chaos. Only when you forget about it and calm down completely can you think of a way to make the final remedy.

After Lingyu quickly calmed down in a short period of time, he was horribly sensible, and the inattentive cold voice echoed in the air.

"Spiritual! I know you are clever-toothed, do you think I will follow your way? When I was your age, you didn't know where it was!"

Linghui backhand summoned her own black lotus, and at the same time, she took out two spirit beads from her arms, one earth-zang beads and one super-virtuous beads, and the ten thousand Buddha beads were taken away by Emperor Kill No, not in her place.

Ling Suily placed the two spirit beads in the center of the lotus heart of the extinct black lotus, and let the black lotus float and spin in front of her, covering the lotus heart with a layer of misty purple aura.

Immediately he said loudly: "A smart person who does smart things, you just want these two spirit orbs, make a deal, give you the two spirit orbs, and return the dragon egg to me!"

"Cuier! Think about it!"

On the ground not far away, when Jiang Ziwen heard that Ling Yu was about to hand over the last two Ling Zhu all to the Emperor, his cold eyes shrank.

"If the Dragon King and Dragon Mother did not follow me to leave Dragon Valley, their children would not be taken away by Emperor Killer, this pot, I will carry it!" After a pause, the sly and beautiful eyes swept towards Emperor Killer coldly, "This You won’t lose in trading. I have sealed the light of Taixu Zhu and Ji Zang Zhu. You can pinch it directly, two spirit beads and one dragon egg."

Mother Long hugged her son tightly, tears flashing in her eyes, looking at Ling's sly and unconscious appearance, as if she had seen hope.

As for Gong Siyu, he teamed up with the two ancestors, Chisongzi and Zhenyuanzi, to reluctantly stop the Dragon King who had not rushed to fight the Emperor.

Everyone is holding their breath...

The sky was dim, and the giant wings of the three blue birds were still waving, flapping, and opening their huge beaks, swallowing the blood-sucking monsters.

The Western Queen and the Eastern Prince didn't say a word, but their eyes were always staring sharply at Killing the Emperor.

The weird and depressing atmosphere...

Suddenly, King Slaughter suddenly opened up a bloodthirsty smile, "It is possible that you can deceive me with fake spirit orbs, right?"

"The egg is not mine, it belongs to the dragon clan, I might risk taking the fake spirit orbs to fool you and play with you with the life of the unborn little princess of the dragon clan?" There was no wave in Lingyu's eyes, and she sneered calmly. He said, "I think you should understand? The current situation is not good for you. We are so many, even if we can't turn the tide, we are absolutely capable of fighting you to the end, taking away the spirit orb, returning the dragon egg, and retreating. Or fight us desperately, if you die or I will die, you will have a sense of measure!"

Sacrifice an innocent dragon egg?

Then immediately fight to the end with Killing Emperor?

Lingki looked around, she saw her bruised companions, she saw the exhausted war dragons, she saw the giant dragon corpses everywhere outside Dragon Valley... If it is now a desperate fight to determine fate.

There will inevitably be more life and death.

There will be more casualties.

And they did not have any support.

Emperor Slaughter did not give any response, but Lingyu was patiently waiting for a reply.

This kind of thing, can’t be anxious, the more anxious and anxious, the easier it is for the other party to see through his intentions...

For example, she saved the dragon egg!

"Big brother! The situation may not be beneficial to us now. The Western Queen and Eastern Prince are all here, and the ancestor of the Earth Immortal is even more terrifying. One-on-one, they may not be your opponents, but so many people together, I am worried..."

Zhang Yue recognized the current situation and cautiously whispered in the ear of Emperor Killing.

"Now is not the time to do it! Take away those two beads, after we go back and plan carefully, we are not afraid that we can't deal with them. In the void, it is definitely not only the Shura tribe. The void has existed to this day, countless demons exiled, or There are countless monsters who have escaped from this uncontrolled. When we have more people, we can kill them back!"

Emperor Slaughter seemed to have heard what Zhanyue said, and immediately looked at Lingyu, "I promise to make a deal with you, give me two spirit orbs and give you the dragon egg."

"Deal!" Linggui was also extremely refreshed, "In order to show my sincerity, I will only let Black Lotus pass, one hand for the egg, the other hand for the spirit orb, and give each other at the same time."

In this way, under the order of the spirit, the extinct black lotus became the size of a black rosette. In the center of the stamen stood two spiritual beads, one shining with dark green light, and the other with dazzling white light. He flew quickly towards the Emperor Killing, and when he stopped in front of the Emperor Killing, the two black lotus petals on the black lotus stand suddenly stretched out towards the Emperor Killing, and handed out two spirit beads.

The black lotus seat was shining with black and purple mist, and said coldly and childishly toward the emperor: "The egg is for the lotus, and the spirit is yours! Don't be disturbed!"


Emperor Killing sneered, with the palm of his left hand facing up, and suddenly grabbed the two spirit orbs in the air.

The black lotus is not stupid. At the moment when the emperor killed the spirit orb, he wrapped the dragon egg with petals and flew away...

Lingyu's eyes were not warm, she secretly clenched her fists, her finger bones were white, her hands trembled faintly, her eyes fixed on the dragon egg held by the black lotus, she knew that things were definitely not that simple.

Yes, it is impossible for Emperor Killing to give the egg to Lianlian like this!

as predicted!

When the black lotus seat was holding the huge dragon egg and turning back, the emperor suddenly flew up from behind, spinning around and kicking the black lotus holding the dragon egg, and laughed frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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