Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1773: Horror twins 5

Chapter 1773 The Terror Twins 5

The only daughter of Dragon King and Dragon Mother, and the youngest of all the children of Dragon King, came out of her shell today.

This is something exciting to look forward to.

However, the youngest son, who was immersed in the fragments of Emperor Killing Primordial Spirit, suddenly ran out of the barrier set by the Wutian ancestors, causing a great chaos, and directly smashed the egg that was about to crack...

For a time, the dragons and other people on the shore of the dragon pond eagerly awaited the birth of the dragon princess, but they did not dare to look directly at it or burned with anger.

As the eldest son of the Dragon King, Tianma has not grown up in the Dragon Clan since he was a child. He was originally strange to the members of the Dragon Clan, but now, taking advantage of the crisis of Emperor Killing, he gets along well with his gang of younger brothers, especially looking forward to his youngest sister. At the birth, because as his elder brother, he has missed the childhood of many younger brothers, and he does not want to miss the growth of his younger sister.

As a result, seeing the "sick" stinky boy of the Gong Siyu twins sat on his baby sister's eggshell and crushed the fragile baby dragon in the eggshell. I don't know if it was crushed. When he was injured, the demon became angry, and even roared at Miyajiyu——

"You can't control your son?"

The Dragon King also had a cold face, and the Dragon Mother was buried in the Dragon King's arms, too scared to look at it, "Is there anything going on with the child?"

Lingsui looked at Wutian Ancestor and they stayed quietly in the dragon pond, sitting close to her precious son who had broken the dragon egg, not only worried, but feared that his son would be hurt.

Because she didn't understand what happened from beginning to end.

The Dragon Pond is not big, it can be about dozens of square meters, and there is a white, but clear-looking pool floating in it, and it faintly exudes an indescribable fragrance, and in the center of this empty dragon pond, The beautiful shattered dragon egg, the shattered egg shell floated, but Xiaolong, Lingyu and Gong Siyu’s precious son were not seen.

The original appearance of the beautiful little dragon egg that was still clear.

It is a white dragon egg glowing with pearly luster, as if it will shine, it is very dazzling, and it is extremely beautiful. The dragon egg also has beautiful silver-pink patterns on it, and it exudes a strange fragrance. The dragon egg very beautiful.

but now……

"Disi! What are you doing in a daze! Go and rescue the baby and Dragon King's daughter. Master and the others don't know what they want to do. I'm afraid they will hurt the child. Go..."

Lingyu's eyes were sharp. She saw that Gong Siyu had something to hide from her. When she saw that the youngest son of her twins was so distressing and frightening, she had guessed it 80% of the time.

Ling sly pushed Gong Siyu a bit. Hearing that Gong Siyu said nothing, he nodded, jumped into the water, and swam quickly towards the place where the two children disappeared...

When he looked at Shang Ling slyly, he was inexplicably guilty...

Because of his son's affairs, he concealed it from Lingyu for a long time.


The twins have no names yet, so the siblings, Gong Siyu and Lingyu are usually called Dabao and Erbao.

Erbao knew that he was in trouble.

He collapsed on his **** and a very beautiful big egg.

What kind of egg it was? Hearing from those adults he didn't like, it seemed to be called a dragon egg, but he still didn't know what a dragon was.

After the egg shell broke, a strange fragrance wafted out, spreading in the water.

After smelling the strange faint scent, the pain of his body caused by illness and fever was inexplicably relieved, so he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He felt that he was sitting on a very soft and small object, and only when he and the little guy about his size fell into the pale white water of Longchi together did he see the true face of the little guy he had crushed.

At the same time, the little guy crushed by him also looked at him curiously and aggrieved with pure obsidian eyes.

In front of him, was a newborn, extremely beautiful, and destined to be favored by the dragon clan with pearly silver and pink princesses.

In the pale white dragon pond, a drop of blood oozes out of Erbao's little hand, because when the dragon egg was sitting down just now, the broken shell of the dragon egg cut his little hand.

They are about the same age, one is a little baby boy with a half-faced skull and half-faced face, and the other is a pretty image of a baby dragon.

Longchi underwater, eyes facing each other...

Er Bao stared at the newborn baby dragon in front of him, her chubby little body, she was all pearly white, and she also had a strange silver-pink pattern. It was so beautiful, with four small paws together, still spitting bubbles. , Saw the red blood bead heading towards her, and opened his mouth bit by bite to eat the water mixed with his blood bead.

Those eyes, like stars, shone brightly, ah, after eating the Dragon Pond water mixed with two precious blood beads, they also spit out small bubbles cutely, looking beautiful and cute, innocent and innocent.

But in the next second, after feeling that there are adults around, Erbao's eyes suddenly changed from dullness to coldness, and he looked around carefully, and a small white and pink female dragon about the same size as himself. He caught it in his arms and rushed out of the water.

When Gong Siyu, Wutian ancestor, and Hongjun ancestor all swarmed to catch the younger brother of the twins, the little guy was so fast that he ran away for him as soon as the smoke slipped. By the way, he took the Dragon King. He and Long Mother’s youngest daughter “caught” them and brought them out of Longchi.

"Mom, brother is great."

The big baby who was slyly hugged by Lingsui clings his arms around her neck obediently, with a small face close to Lingsui's cheeks, hummed softly and said coldly.

"Yeah, awesome." Linggui watched anxiously as his son was holding the baby daughter of Long Mu's family performing "Floating on the Water" on the water of Longchi, behind him were five people catching him.

"The younger brother is sick, and my mother is going to hurt him."

After kissing his dear daughter, Lingyu really couldn't understand what his son was running, as if he hated his ancestors and them, so he looked sideways at Jiang Ziwen and held his precious daughter in his arms. Immediately he clapped his hands, opened his arms, and shouted at the son who was holding Xiaolong not far away:

"Hey, come to mom!"

As soon as Erbao heard Lingyu's shouting, he immediately looked at it sideways. In an instant, tears filled his eyes, and a black and red evil light passed by the surface of the pool. In the blink of an eye, Erbao was holding the baby dragon and appeared in Lingyu. In the arms.

The younger brother of the twins is quieter and less talkative than the older sister who likes to talk and behaves aggressively.

It’s been a long time since I was hugged by Linggui for the first time. Erbao was aggrievedly buried in Linggui’s arms, still holding his arms tightly without saying anything, the little dragon with a dull face, aggrieved and angry. , Murmured painfully and helplessly, and shouted: "Mom..."

Lingkui doesn't care whether her son is ugly or strange or evil, but Lingkui only knows that this is her precious son.

Seeing the people around him swarming up, Linggui's face instantly became cold...

Said my sister who abandoned the pit, you are very skinny?

(End of this chapter)

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