Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 184: I'm so beautiful, I can't stink! A Luo is a bear kid!

Chapter 184 I am so beautiful, I can't stink! A Luo is a bear kid!

The disgusting stench immediately filled the ladies' bathroom.

The shattered and damaged toilet is constantly leaking foreign objects.

The walls, the ceiling, and the ground are full of indescribable foul smells.

The people lying down all over, some had blue noses and swollen faces, some were unconscious, and some shouted for help. They were all covered with excrement.

The picture is too beautiful to look at.

The skirt is dirty and smelly.

A Luo was happy for a while, but Yuno and Rong Qian were silent.

Just stared at her with a frightening look.

Busy and well-behaved.

Secretly staring at them, they are extremely beautiful, but they are embarrassed and stinky, and Ji Yuno and Rong Qian are pale.


He lowered his head, his little mouth squirmed, and poked little fingers.

The baby stuffed the mini remote control back into his diagonally straddled pearl chain bag.

Picking up the dirty straw paper still sticking to the ground, walked towards Yuno and Rongqian.

With a guilty conscience: "A Nai, Sister Qian, A Luo wipe your faces?"

Yuno wiped her face with excrement.

The corners of the mouth were grinning stiffly, crying without tears: "Don't, ancestor, wipe it yourself."

Rong Qian touched his flowery face, standing up and going to the mirror to see how "horrible" he was.

But the high heels were too thin, the soles of the feet slipped, and they fell to the sky, still wailing—

"I'm so beautiful, I can't stink!" After a meal, he was angry, "A Luo, you bear kid! I want to smash your ass!"

Hearing this, Aluo grievedly covered her little **** and hid behind Yuno.

"Sister Qian said to cover A Luo, what did A Luo do wrong, you are going to beat someone?" After a meal, he acted like a baby at Ji Yuno, "A Nai, save A Luo..."

"..." I really don't want to save you this time.

After the explosion.

The quiet and strange in the ladies' bathroom.

The water pipe was burst and the water stopped.

I can't even wash my face.

Ji Yuno, Rong Qian, and A Luo could only squat in the corner, silent.

I want to go out.

But so smelly, where dare to go out?

Don't they want face?


Glass private room.

Gong Siyu, Feng Jinxuan, Li Sihan, and Tang Chuning were holding wine glasses and chatting about men's affairs.

From the Wall Street stock market to business, and then from business to my own women.

If it weren't for the glass room, it suddenly shook like an earthquake.

The four of you will definitely continue talking!

"What happened? There was an earthquake just now?"

Tang Chuning stood up quickly, greeted his subordinates, and saw an anxious stranger like an ant on a hot pot outside the private room.

"Who is the one outside? What does Chu Na do?"

"Master Tang, the one outside is Ms. Jiang Yan's friend. She said that Ms. Jiang Yan was splashed with alcohol and asked you to comment on it. But you have just spoken, and no one can come in to disturb you, and I dare not come in to report."

"Oh, what happened to the shock just now?"

When Tang Chuning heard this, his subordinates also looked at a loss.

"This... I ask."

He took out the walkie-talkie.

"Jiang Yan is used to being arrogant and domineering. Let me go there and want to kill the other party's arrogance and make me apologize. I'll be with my brother. Tell that side. I don't have time. Let her handle it.

Tang Chuning took a sip of the red wine and spoke.

Gong Siyu and Feng Jinxuan were close to each other. They looked sideways, looking downstairs to the crowded dance floor, looking for Ji Yuno and A Luo.

But, very strange, I didn't find it.

When I was suspicious...

They heard a noisy voice from the walkie-talkie in Tang Chuning's hands--

"There was an accident in the ladies' bathroom in District 03! ​​The sound of explosions came from the inside. The door was locked. We were about to break in. It was said that three women were blocked by Ms. Jiang and beaten up."

Gong Siyu and Feng Jinxuan heard "three women"!

Secretly shocked, he put down his glass and stood up suddenly.

Tang Chuning immediately stepped forward to appease:

"Lao Feng, Siyu, what's the urgency? Maybe it's not the three of them? Let my people go in and have a look. There will be no trouble with you two!"

Feng Jinxuan didn't listen to Tang Chuning and insisted on going out.

Looking back coldly, he said:

"Chuning, you don't understand. With A Luo's usual behavior style, it will not be her who has the trouble, it will only be your friend named Jiang Yan. I have to stop it quickly and don't let her ruin your place. "

The shock just now, I am afraid she is the cause of it!

Miyajiyu is concerned about Yuuna's safety, even if she knows that Yuuna is not a general, but she is not happy to think that she knocks and follows.

Tang Chuning was stunned.

He heard the inconvenience of his legs and feet, and Li Sihan in a wheelchair said.

"Tang Chuning, also push me to take a look."

Li Sihan's eyes were stern, as if he knew that Rong Qian would poke a big basket for him, and his complexion was not pretty.


Outside the ladies' bathroom, many onlookers avoided far away because of the stench.

Only a dozen security guards suddenly gathered in the King Bar, surrounded the door, knocking on the door, "We will kick in if we don't open the door!"

Yuno, who was squatting in the corner, heard that people outside must force in!

Busily stood up, rushed behind the door, pressed it against the door, and yelled--

"Don't! Don't hit the door! If you have something to say, what door should you hit?"

"Miss? What happened inside?"

As soon as there was a sound coming out of it, the security guard entered without breaking the door.

"It's nothing, some people have diarrhea that smells so bad. The girl goes to the bathroom. You guys go to the bathroom. It's fine inside!"

When Yu Nao was drinking, it happened that Gong Siyu and Feng Jinxuan came to the door of the ladies' bathroom first.

The stench bursts into his nose, Gong Siyu clutching his nose.

Hearing Yuno's voice, his cold and frightening eyes glanced at a few security guards and asked them to avoid, before he walked forward and knocked on the door.

"Dear? Are you in there?"

Very familiar, gentle male voice! This is not Gong Siyu who is it?

Ji Yuno was silent for a while, thinking, to finish.

Will Gong Siyu think that he is too stinky and don't want himself?

"Dearheart?" Gong Siyu called out again in an uneasy voice, "What's the matter? You opened the door, did someone trouble you? It's okay, you come out, I'll help you with something, don't be afraid."


The matter has been resolved long ago, and the problem now is that she smells bad.

"If you don't speak, I will kick the door!"

"do not!"

"What's the matter, open the door, why is it so smelly?"

"Gong Siyu, are there many people outside? You let all the people outside... I will open the door. The situation inside is more complicated. I... Sister Qian and A Luo... don't want to be seen!"

Ji Yuno fell back and glanced back.

It was shocked that Rong Qian and Aluo, who were squatting in the corner, had quietly walked behind her.

Like a ghost.

Gong Siyu twisted his eyebrows when he heard the words.

Coincidentally, Tang Chuning also came pushing Li Sihan's wheelchair.

"Chuning, let the security guard scatter all the onlookers, don't let anyone approach."

Gong Siyu looked cold and exhorted.

Tang Chuning did not ask why, and directly ordered his subordinates to do so.

Soon, the onlookers nearby were rushed away, leaving only a group of heavily guarded security guards with the four of them.

"Dear, everyone is gone, you open the door."

Miyajiyu's Wenrun magnetic voice hummed softly, and Yuno finally opened the door.

It's just a "tragic scene" that you can't directly look at in the ladies' bathroom...

Here are a few announcements to broadcast-

1. Search the whole area for 【source to a new beginning】, 【ruxue】

The top ten book coins on the weekly active list, both of you, look for Yunhe.

2. ID: Jingzhe, the dreaming fish, the chapter review lottery book coins did not get!

3. Secretly asked: Is there a ticket to smash the milk today? Hit the chest! Thank you! bow!

4. Reader group ID: 115605002.

5. In this chapter, 3 babies are drawn to give 300 book coins, and the chapter review is over 400.

(I'm not poor yet, I can still give it away)

(End of this chapter)

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