Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1862: Susu killed someone for the first time

Chapter 1862 Susu makes his first shot to death

Susu’s blood, when she stepped into the house and looked at her parents, the murderous intent and coldness in her eyes had not even disappeared, as if she had just experienced a desperate fight, her body was tight and her hands stained red with blood , Even trembling slightly.

Lingyu disregarded the howling of the younger son, gave his son to Gong Siyu and got up suddenly, Shi Shiran quickly walked towards his daughter, regardless of Susu's blood, he hurriedly reached out and hugged her, caressed her head lovingly, then He glanced at Feng Jinxuan and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Farreid almost got up and walked towards Susu at the same time as Lingyu. He took off his white suit, twisted his eyebrows, and put a word on Susu's body. The deep green pupils were full of Worry and distressed.

At the other end, when A Luo, who was dozing off, saw her husband coming back, she immediately loosened the dog leash in her hand and let her babbling baby daughter Feng Luluo crawl towards Feng Jinxuan in a dog-like manner.

When Feng Jinxuan saw the baby girl crawling towards him, he smiled gently, bent over to pick up the child, looked at Linggui and replied: "The barrier between the South China Sea border and the West Three Realms is abnormal today, and the School of Magic and Magic is just getting ready. After checking the students’ abilities, they organized ten teams to patrol the border to find out the cause of the abnormality. Susu was the captain of the first team. She immediately discovered that there were mutants who were good at stealth and possessed intruding, but when she found out, she mutated. The person was already possessed by the students of other teams. She killed the mutant on the spot, and the student did not survive..."

Lingsui remained calm after hearing this, and subconsciously hugged her daughter tightly, squinting her eyes coldly, and only asked, "Did the student died when he was possessed, or was he able to live but was killed by my daughter and the mutant."

This question is critical, because if the student died while possessing, Susu would not be bothered.

But if he knew that the possessed student still had hope of survival, but was killed by Susu, then... according to the previous rules of the Three Realms General Administration, I am afraid Susu would be very troublesome.

"That's the problem. Your daughter didn't even save her bones. Now there is a pile of ashes left. The General Administration cannot verify..."

While talking, Feng Jinxuan quickly held his daughter's hand because the little girl wanted to touch the sticky blood on Susu's body.

"But it is undeniable that other students were frightened at the time and the scene was chaotic. Without your daughter, I am afraid that the mutant would run away in the chaos, and the consequences would be disastrous. The battlefield is most avoiding indecision. Her decisive character is Okay." Feng Jinxuan added, "The problem now is that the parents of the dead students are asking the General Administration for an explanation, meaning that Susu killed their son, but don't worry, Lingyuan is solving it."

Farrid’s attention was all on Susu’s body, but after hearing Feng Jinxuan and Ling’s sly words, there were mutants with invisibility and possessing abilities, after possessing innocent people, Whether he can survive the question, he glanced at Feng Jinxuan suddenly, and replied: "Close the game, I think, for the problem that your General Administration cannot verify, I am the best answerer, after all..." He used to be from the Sixth Empire. One of the ten cardinals, isn't it?

"What do you mean?" Feng Jinxuan hugged his one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and looked at Farreid coldly.

"Mutant people with invisibility and possessing abilities will kill the opponent once they find the possessed object. They rely on this to seize control of the body. In other words, once possessed, the possessed person will die. In other words, Susu’s approach is correct. If she does not do this, more innocent people will be possessed, which will lead to death. Of course, those who will die must not be strong, because those who are capable are being Before being possessed, he will be aware of his existence."

Before Feng Jinxuan could speak, Farid added another sentence.

"Of course, you can't find me to testify about this matter. Although I was a member of the Sixth Reich, Susu grew up when I was a child. As everyone knows, I spoil her. I have no ability to convince. I think you can. Go to Master Tianma, he is now the Director of the Judgment Division of the Underworld, and he knows more about mutants than I do."

"I'll accompany my daughter back to the room, and you guys are talking." Lingki took Susu's little hand, it didn't matter that it was all blood. After walking a few steps, he remembered what turned his head and looked at Farreid. Don't forget to go to dinner with your blind date at six o'clock, and no pigeons are allowed!"

"..." Hearing the words, Farid looked at Susu subconsciously.

Susu did not show a look of surprise, her face full of blood had no expression, as if she had known that he would go on a blind date, she slowly looked back and glanced at Farreid, she didn't say anything, but her eyes were a little bit Divergence sadly.

She then gently shook off Lingyu's hand, disappeared alone in the corner of the spacious corridor, and returned to her room.


In the spacious bathroom, the mist was rising, and the warm yellow light of the Yuba lamp made the girl soaked in the water, her skin as flawless as gelling.

The pale red bath water was changed from one tank to another. With the help of Lingyu, Susu took two hours to wash away all the blood on his body.

Susuru Waterfall's long hair was wrapped in a towel by Lingyu, and then continued to soak because it still smelled of blood.

Linggui kept using the fragrance shower gel for her daughter, humming a little song, and seemed to be in a good mood.

As a mother, she even asked her daughter, "My dear, how did it feel to kill a bad person for the first time?"

"..." Su Subai glanced at his mother, speechless, is there such a mother? The person she killed looked like her classmate. Although she knew she was a bad person, she still felt struggling and painful when she started. She no longer wanted to recall the scene at that time. It was not fear, but a sense of guilt...

"Scared?" Lingyu stared at his daughter with a smile.

Susu gave Ling Ling a dissatisfied look and snorted coldly: "If I'm afraid, how can I act decisively and solve him."

"That is?"

"From childhood to adulthood, no matter how I get into trouble, fight with people, or hurt people with my hands, I have never killed anyone. The person I killed today, I usually play with him quite well, he is gentle and rigorous. , Sunshine and optimistic person, is a good person. Mom, do you know? When he died in my hands, the students around were terrified. They looked at me with monster eyes, which is why I can’t Accepted, I obviously saved them, I just...when I was in danger, I was not influenced by feelings, I didn't hesitate, did I do something wrong?"

The smile on Lingyu's face gradually subsided, and she looked at her daughter with seriousness and approval, "You are not wrong, on the contrary, you are doing the right thing. If you are influenced by feelings on the battlefield, you hesitate a little, you will die. ."

(End of this chapter)

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