Chapter 1868 Hand to me

In the underground parking lot.

Farreid’s Passat’s left door was hit by the white sports car from the left and hit the front of the car, causing it to deform and the door could not be opened.

Seeing Susu being driven into flight by the crazy woman who rushed out from nowhere, Farred's faint green eyes suddenly showed a dark killing intent.

"Boom"! He broke the windshield of the car window with his bare hands, jumped out of the car, stood in the front of the crashed car, and then jumped to the roof of the white sports car.

In the next second, he lifted the convertible top of the white sports car with his bare hands, grabbed the woman in the driver's seat inside, and threw it towards the concrete wall on one side. The shot was fast and murderous.

The woman who drove against Susu was thrown by Farreid, her body embedded in the wall, the gravel dust fell, and the entire underground parking lot was shaken.

There are no shortage of vehicles coming in and out, and men and women entering or leaving the underground parking lot.

After being surprised that there was a fight in the parking lot, they evaded one after another, even calling the police, screaming or watching people constantly appear.

Susu's arm was knocked and dislocated. She gritted her teeth and heard the bone "click", resetting it again, looking at the surrounding complex situation, she immediately took out the Three Realm mobile phone and contacted the people of the Human Realm Division.

"Baby, she is not an ordinary person." Falreid suddenly appeared in front of Susu, and was knocked into the air by someone inexplicably seeking revenge. It could be seen that their girl was in a violent mood. Su put his arms in his arms and protected him.

"I know she is not an ordinary person." After Susu contacted the people of the Human Realm Division, he took out the latest amnestic mini-aircraft developed by the Three Realms Administration from the bag he carried. After adjusting the settings, he quickly cleared the scene. The memories of the people watching, leaving, behind the monitor, and people within 50 meters of the building within five minutes were modified.

She was very quick and calm, the blood dripping wound on her forehead quickly healed on its own, and then she looked at the "crazy woman" who rushed towards her again.

He was dressed in black, black cloth on his arms, and mourning clothes.

Still full of hatred and killing intent.

She thought, she knew who it was.

Today, when the Magic Academy was performing a task assigned by the General Administration of the Three Realms, was the student's mother who was possessed by an invisible mutant and died?

"Gong Su, you killed my son! I don't care who your parents are! I want you to pay for my life!"

The mad woman who rushed aggressively was blocked by Farreid, but the sharp nails of the woman's teeth and claws still accidentally left blood marks on Su Su's face.

With a "chat", the stinging spread, Susu wrinkled her brows, gave up fighting back, covered her face, and buried her in Farrid's arms.

"It was a mutant who killed your son, and it has nothing to do with us."

Falried's pupils invisibly turned into a deep vortex, and the palm of his palm gave birth to the power of chaos and darkness. With a palm, he knocked the reluctant woman into the air, and then set it in place with a spell.

Farid is the son of the devil. This is an open secret in Lingyu and Gong Siyu's family. What he uses is not spiritual power, not grievance power, nor magical power of the West Three Realms, but extremely special chaotic power.

When he and Linggui fought for the first time, Linggui realized the specialness of Farreid and had a bright future, so he directly instigated him.

Because from the perspective of Linggui, the power of Chaos of Farid is like the unique special ability of the Three Realms of Gongsiyu. They are extremely peculiar powers and there is no way to crack them. If she had not left Farid behind, I am afraid that it will be an enemy in the future, an enemy who cannot be killed and has no countermeasures.

For the past two decades, Farid has followed Miyajiyu to learn how to better control his power and use his power to the extreme.

During this period, Gong Siyu secretly let Ji Ruchen, Liuyun, and even Lingyuan and Jiang Ziwen go against Farrid.

Except for Jiang Ziwen's inability to defeat, Liu Yun, Ji Ruchen, and Ling Yuan are not even Farrid's opponents.

But it was only secretly.

Because Farid's predecessor was the Sixth Empire, the General Administration of the Three Realms still restricted him.

Farrid’s pupils returned to dark green and dark, and when he turned around, Susu’s small face was held up. As he expected, the faint blood on his cheeks had disappeared, leaving only a blood streak, and gently wipe Susu off with his fingers. The blood on his face felt the abnormal spiritual power fluctuations in the air in the huge parking lot, and the surrounding crowd of unknown people seemed to be frozen, frozen in place, like wooden people.

Farreid knew that it was the Human Realm Division.

The chief dispatched by the Human Realm Branch was no one else, but Shangui, the former deputy chief of the Special Case Investigation Division.

Shan Gui and Lu Xingze have now left the Investigation Division. After Shan Gui left, Lu Xingze hired him to become the Chief Detection Inspector of the Human Realm Sub-bureau and the commander in charge of all abnormal conditions in the Human Realm.

Beside the mountain ghost, he followed his giant pet white ape, but the white ape has now learned to shrink his body, and it looks like an ordinary macaque.

"Uncle Mountain Ghost..."

Susu was guarded by Farreid, looked sideways and called out politely.

The mountain ghost wears a brown leather trench coat, a coffee-colored cowboy hat, and boots on his feet. His rough scar face has gone through years of wind and frost, covered with blue scum, like a slaughterhouse wicked uncle.

The mountain ghost nodded towards Susu, his face was stern and stern, and with a wave of his hand, the staff of the Human Realm Bureau behind him swarmed around, stunned and stunned the crazy woman subdued by Farreid, and another wave of people Begin to clean up the site to ensure that the abnormal situation in the parking lot will not be reported by the media, and amnesticized.

"The pain of losing her child made her go crazy. Susu, don't go out frequently recently. Although the student who died was not caused by you, most of the people under the administration of the Three Realms Security Administration didn't know what was developed by the former Sixth Empire. Mutants are so powerful, most of them think that you killed people. In special times, you still stay at home. The family of the students who died is not small in the human world, and they are related to several hundred-year-old psychic families. At present, the General Administration has ruled that you are not guilty, so they are not convinced. Today is this woman, who knows if someone else will come to seek revenge tomorrow."

While talking, the mountain ghost took out a cigarette, struck a match to light it, took a mouth, and warned.

The scene was taken over by the Human World Branch.

Farreid immediately contacted his assistant to deal with the crashed car, then called for a rental car, and left with Susu.

On the taxi, Su Su said nothing, her face low and her hair blank.

When Farreid stared at her sideways, he didn't notice and didn't respond.

Suddenly, Farreid stretched out his hand towards Susu, spread it out, his voice sinking slightly, "Hands."

Su Su was taken aback, pursing his mouth, and put his hand in Farreid's palm very obediently, clasped her fingers, and then leaned against his shoulder and pressed against his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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