Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1881: The younger brother is the younger brother after all, and must not be abandoned

Chapter 1881 The younger brother is the younger brother after all, and must not be abandoned

Mengmeng was held up by four men who jumped from the helicopter, but he broke free backhand to run, but one of the men took out an injection gun from the waist pocket of Kevlar’s ​​protective suit, and made a bang. The dark blue mysterious liquid was injected into the cute neck arteries.

When Mengmeng was about to run, she suddenly felt that she could not move her legs. After falling to the ground, she watched her body gradually freeze from her legs, and she lost consciousness when she rolled her eyes.

"Reporter, grab one and inject 10ml of high-concentration condensate."

"Go on! Bring it all back!"


"Mengmeng was arrested, Gong Li! What are you special about! Your daughter-in-law was arrested, and if you don't wake up, do you want all of us to accompany you here!"

No matter how you fist and fight, you will die, but Susu knows that the younger brother is the younger brother after all and must not be abandoned.

She pressed her brother's hands hard, her knees against the joints of his hind legs, "Mengmeng is a dragon, we are in America! America! She is taken away and taken to do experiments, do you want her to die!" You forget the dragons who died in the dragon tomb, do you want Mengmeng to be the same as them!"

Gong Li: "..."

Gong Su's anxious voice filled his ears, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, instantly dispelling a trace of blood mist from his eyes.

"Mengmeng..." The focal length of his pupils was restored a little bit, "My wife..."

At this moment, Gong Su slapped Gong Li again and reminded again: "Your baby daughter-in-law was taken away! Mengmeng is going to die!"

At that moment, Gong Li's pupils regained focus, suddenly tightened, took a sharp breath, arched up, the illusion nerves returned to the normal range, the devil-like voice in the brain also disappeared, and he was completely awake. Come here, breathing heavily, all over the body hurts.

Gong Li recognized the girl with a blue nose and a swollen face in front of her, who was embarrassed and funny, "Sister?...Sister! Who did you just say is going to die?"


"Swish-swish!" Two beeps.

At the moment Su Sugang said his cute name, behind them, two high-concentration condensants protruding from the shooting gun pierced the center of Su Su's back neck, piercing Gong Li's heart.

The siblings faced each other and looked back faintly, watching a small group of people walking towards them quickly, holding shooting guns in their hands.

And the two of them are like animals that have been successfully hunted...

"Sister...I can't move, what is this?" Gong Li only felt that his limbs could not move, and he was gradually being sealed by the extreme cold.

"..." Susu glanced at his brother sadly, what he wanted to say is, if you didn't go crazy, could we be caught like this?

it's good now! All planted.

and many more! There seems to be another one...

Because one second before Susu was finally frozen, someone said--

"Three successful arrests, one missing, the carpet is a search, a bald head, look for it! I have to find it by digging three feet!"

Xumi clasped Susu's Mingzhu alone, hiding in the depths of the thorny jungle, burying himself in the soil as a disguise.

He didn't dare to get out of the air and listened to all directions. He didn't know how long it had passed. There was always the sound of searching outside, but he was too tired and confused. He fell asleep, and when he opened his eyes, the mottled forest There was a faint sunlight in the shadow room.

When I sat up from the soil, I looked up through the gaps in the woods, and the sky was already bright...

Xumi didn't dare to stand up, because he saw through the gaps in the jungle that the surrounding cemetery was destroyed and collapsed, all foreign media reporters.

A blue isolation belt has been pulled up around, and Sumi vaguely heard the voices broadcast by the reporters by relying on his decent English.

"Last night, a century-old cemetery on the outskirts of San Francisco suddenly suffered a serious subsidence. There was a huge pit with a diameter of 50 meters and a depth of 30 meters. Experts believe that it was caused by the fluctuation of the San Andreas fault. , There were no casualties..."

Xumi's eyes flickered, and his eyes were panicked and helpless. For fear of being seen, he hurriedly continued dog-climbing in the opposite direction, his body was as dirty as a beggar...

Susu, Li'er, and Mengmeng were taken away by people from the East 19th District.

What should he do?

Go home for help? However, his cell phone was lost.

Do you use Susu Pearl? However, only the owner can use something like Mingzhu.

Sumi lay down on the ground in frustration, always berating himself why he hadn’t been captured with Susu and the others, but he thought and thought, if he was also arrested, he would not be able to call for help. He was the last hope, he Go for help, find someone to help them!

Thinking about it, Sumi crawled out of the grass, shrank into an inch, and instantly disappeared in place.

He thought, first go back to the apartment where Xiaoli lives, wash it, and use the phone at home to ask for help?

In the apartment where Miyari and Sumi lived.

Farreid stayed up all night. He sat on the sofa with his face buried in his palms. One night, blue scum grew on his chin and upper lip. He was wearing a long dressing gown and boots. Silent and gloomy.

Susu and Mengmeng never returned after they left suddenly on the way to Notting Bridge Cave last night...

The phone couldn't get through, and it was turned off in the end.

In the early morning, Farreid tried to use the computer to locate where Susu's cell phone signal finally appeared, but failed.

He was surprised to find that Susu's mobile phone disappeared and the signal disappeared for unknown reasons, and all the signal sending locations after stepping into this land were all artificially eliminated.

He knew that something went wrong.

On the side, Hyde of the Sun Society, a muscular tall man with a big sword on his back, has been in contact with his organization, trying to help find someone together. He is enthusiastic, but Farreid never trusts anyone easily. , Even Lingyu and Gong Siyu were completely trusted after years of accumulation.

He concealed something from Hyde, and still did not confess that Susu and Mengmeng did not go to dinner last night, but had other plans.

"Brother, your fiancee and the girl who appeared later really went to find food last night?"

Hyde finished the phone call and walked in from the balcony. His amber pupils stared sharply at Farreid on the sofa without a glance, for the sake of the Sun Society’s growth and better development, and his ability to keep in the club. At a higher position, Hyde didn't want to offend this person who seemed to him to be extremely powerful, with a very strange and powerful background.

But the other party refused to say anything, how could he help him find someone?

Farreid: "..."

"Well, brother, I know you don’t trust me and don’t want to say it, so please turn on the TV and watch today’s morning news. My people told me that there was a strong energy fluctuation in a cemetery outside San Francisco last night. , It is rumored that people from the Eastern 19th District went there and went to the news."

Babies who want to watch short sweet articles, click on my news "He must coax if he is sick".

There are many red envelope activities!

(End of this chapter)

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